Haha, just sat trying to work out what the middle centence aimed at me means
And yes, i've always been very much a person of tough love when it comes to illness

lucozade, soup and warmth and i'm nearly always good

You won't ever catch me going to a doctor, evil people, last 2 occasions i've seen one, first time i was asked with my mother sat next to me if i was abused by my parents at home, we walked straight out, the other time he thought, hmmm, let me have a look at that cut now, and proceeded to rip a semi healed gash wide open, so i stick to my remedies and try not to demolish my imune system with antibiotics and such
What's the matter with the laptop? It getting halfway through the install then giving you an error message possibly saying something along the lines of check media? I recently had a computer in which was doing my head in, every operating system i tried it would fail to install on, turned out to be dodgy RAM,. removed the bad stick and it was just dandy. Best way to work out if it's american is because you've fuck all idea where the @ symbol is located