Moteasah's First Grow Ever! - Outdoors!


Active Member
I've made a few threads but this will be the last at least for this grow. This is my first grow ever and I'll mainly be doing it outdoors. I got 6 clones from the dispensory Sunday and have kept them under 18/6 under 2 small curly CFL's. They were transplanted into Dixie cups with 100% Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil and I've watered every other day. Tomorrow I will get some pics up and I would love some advice on what to do next. I was thinking of keeping them indoors for at least 2 weeks but the weather outside this entire week has been AWESOME. I'm in NorCal. The clones I have are 2x Chem Dawgs, 2x Headband, 1x Lemon OG Kush and 1x G13.

Lights are off now and my ladies are sleeping or growing I think. Anyways, stay tuned and hopefully I can be happy come harvest time. I'm hoping to yield enough to last me throughout the year and up until next years harvest (I think everyone aims for this?) I'm hoping I'm not too late to do this :) I've already got help from so many people so hopefully I don't miss anything.


Active Member
10+ gallon. I'm going to home depot/lowes tomorrow to start shopping. Will also look into rubbermaid containers as they are a lot cheaper and will be easy for me to carry in the house at night.

I'm going to be using 75% ish Fox Farms Ocean Forest and 25% ish perlite. I also need to start looking at nutes for vegging and flowering.


Active Member
I've been reading non-stop for a week now and the general consensus is, 5 gallon is too small for outdoors over the life of the grow. At first they are fine but these things get massive and if you invest a little more on bigger containers/medium to fill them, your return will be well worth it.

I'm doing 6 plants. I know yield is impossible to determine but if I ended up with 2lbs, I'd be extremely happy and I'm told that should be very doable with how much time I can invest in these.


Well-Known Member
Why stay indoors when the sun is stronger than your lights indoors? You are actually losing your veg time indoors. The solstice will be here soon. Good Luck dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
I was recommended this to make my clones a bit stronger before introducing them outside.
The clones should have been strong when you purchased them. In the month of May I put out clones straight from the dispensary. They are all over two feet now. Trust me throw them outside in the shade. The plants will thank you in a week. Go and look at my plants for reference. Good Luck dirrtyd


Active Member
You rock man. After reading more, I'm going to take your advice. Going shopping in a little bit for stuff and things. Anything I need to get this started BESIDES:

Pots (10-15 gal)
Ph down (my outside hose water is always around 7)
Fox Farms Grow Big (used after about 3 weeks as FFOF already has nutes)

I'm not going to worry about mites/pests yet. Just want to get them going.


Active Member
Alrighty! Got my stuff. Too late tonight to set everything up but I'll be up at 5am rocking!

I do have a question though which I'm sure will lead to more. When I put these out tomorrow, should I bring them back indoors under the 2 small cfls I have? I don't want them to flower early or anything but also don't want to effect their growth.


Active Member
All done. Wow that was a lot more work tgen I thought!

All plants transplanted to 10 gallon pots. Using 75 FFOF and 25 perlite. They got all the morning sun and its slightly cloudy now so nothing too harsh. Watered them each with 2 gallons of water. My question is, should I be bringing them indoors at night under cfl or just leave them be?


Well-Known Member
I'd start acclimating them to the sun right away, take em out in the mornings for an hour or so and increase the time over a week. If you throw them under full sunlight from cfl's..especially with highs in the 90's they'll burn to a crisp. My clones took off like a bullet when I took them out


Well-Known Member
edit: didnt see your last post. Keep them in the shade or partly indoors under diffused sunlight. Or all your work will be for naught


Active Member
I'd start acclimating them to the sun right away, take em out in the mornings for an hour or so and increase the time over a week. If you throw them under full sunlight from cfl's..especially with highs in the 90's they'll burn to a crisp. My clones took off like a bullet when I took them out
Understood. But at night can I take them indoors in darkness and put them back out before sun is visible? Will that hurt them? I want to keep them safe from rippers, sudden humidity changes or things wanting to eat them! :)