I bet you weren't calling Tea Partiers stupid when they were protesting HC reform, were you? I bet you called them patriots!Now they can go back up to the capital and cost the state millions again. Got to love stupidity.
the difference isn't in general philosophy, but in what it is that is being demanded. the former are looking to regain the most basic of rights. they are asking to not be trod upon by the waste of expansive government. to trash the arena would be counter-productive, a further waste of what it is they hope to save. the latter are looking to hold on to entitlements. they are a part of that waste and see the necessity of cleaning up after them as included in those entitlements.Aren't Tea Partiers supposed to be right wing extremists? Don't right wing extremist have a care less attitude about garbage, littering and pollution?
Weren't the Protesters in Wisconsin mostly made up of left leaning folks? Aren't left leaning folks the ones in charge of things like the Sierra Group, Greenpeace, save the whales, keep America Beautiful, Arbor Day foundation and all that?
I feel I am entitled to my rights, does that make me a left leaning right wing extremist all rolled into one?
Yep, you are entitled to your rights as long as you arent a Wisconsin resident and union member, then you have no rights.I feel I am entitled to my rights, does that make me a left leaning right wing extremist all rolled into one?
the difference isn't in general philosophy, but in what it is that is being demanded. the former are looking to regain the most basic of rights. they are asking to not be trod upon by the waste of expansive government. to trash the arena would be counter-productive, a further waste of what it is they hope to save. the latter are looking to hold on to entitlements. they are a part of that waste and see the necessity of cleaning up after them as included in those entitlements.
the difference isn't in general philosophy, but in what it is that is being demanded. the former are looking to regain the most basic of rights. they are asking to not be trod upon by the waste of expansive government. to trash the arena would be counter-productive, a further waste of what it is they hope to save. the latter are looking to hold on to entitlements. they are a part of that waste and see the necessity of cleaning up after them as included in those entitlements.
I don't know of Any instances where a known Tea Party member has actually made that statement. Have any links?So what does a teabagger mean when they say "keep your government hands off my medicade" ?????
I don't think we need to go that far, how many people do you think believe it is the US Constitution that givers people those rights to begin with? Id say 70% of the USA Believes that, IMO.are we going to have to have a discussion over the difference between natural rights and government sponsored entitlements? i really don't feel up to that sort of thing this morning.
I dunno, I don't see COLLECTIVE bargaining as a inherent INDIVIDUAL Right. Personally I feel it is a Right to speak for onesself, not have someone else do it for you.Yep, you are entitled to your rights as long as you arent a Wisconsin resident and union member, then you have no rights.
I see your signs saying "Don't take away my Medicare", but still don't see any links for signs saying "Don't take away my medicaid", they are different government programs you know? Or perhaps you don't know, that may be why im so confused by your statement. Perhaps just a typo, the "D" key is awful close to that "R" key, but then again you aren't known for your good spelling , I just assumed you didn't know Aid was spelled with a "I" and not ADE.So what does a teabagger mean when they say "keep your government hands off my medicade" ?????
what does any fool mean when they state a logical fallacy? the vast majority of protesters are ignorant of the details of their cause. that doesn't mean that the cause itself is not worthwhile. no matter how many times those of you insipid enough to parrot the appellation "teabagger" may bring up the individual idiocies that are bound to creep into any movement, you will always fail to undermine the cause itself.So what does a teabagger mean when they say "keep your government hands off my medicade" ?????
judging by the constant barrage of statist rhetoric seen on these boards, i'd say your estimation may be just a bit high. i'd like to think that there are at least enough people of wit and conscience in this country to make its continuation worthwhile.I don't think we need to go that far, how many people do you think believe it is the US Constitution that givers people those rights to begin with? Id say 70% of the USA Believes that, IMO.
I see your signs saying "Don't take away my Medicare", but still don't see any links for signs saying "Don't take away my medicaid", they are different government programs you know? Or perhaps you don't know, that may be why im so confused by your statement. Perhaps just a typo, the "D" key is awful close to that "R" key, but then again you aren't known for your good spelling , I just assumed you didn't know Aid was spelled with a "I" and not ADE.
I'm sure we can put this misunderstanding behind us with further clarification.
Then right after he said that he went on to bust the Air Traffic Controller union for collectively striking. They were all "Terminated"."Collective bargaining in the years since has played a major role in America’s economic miracle. Unions represent some of the freest institutions in this land. There are few finer examples of participatory democracy to be found anywhere. Too often, discussion about the labor movement concentrates on disputes, corruption, and strikes. But while these things are headlines, there are thousands of good agreements reached and put into practice every year without a hitch"
Ronald Reagan