How To Remove Weed Smell, Immediately After Toking?

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
In college we took toilet paper tubes, put in a few sheets of dryer clothing freshener sheets and exhale through that.
Sitting next to an open window while doing it to cover the raw smell of the joint/bowl.


Well-Known Member
Unless your a hippy or doing a pagan ritual, incense sticks are a dead give away. I've done the Bounce stuffed inside a paper towel roll before and that works pretty good. I also used a round HEPA vacuum cleaner filter before with good success. Its the same concept and size as the paper towel roll, but works a little better because of the HEPA filter.

Another option is to buy a smoke buddy (link:
So I'm a hippy for using incense? What's your logic behind that retarded comment?

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
So I'm a hippy for using incense? What's your logic behind that retarded comment?
I agree. What about us with Glade plugins or potpourri burners, we hippies also?
I am in the Midwest where all the flooding is taking place. For those with a place to return to, there is a lot of incense, Glade sprays, and Free breeze being used to cover the smell of the mold and mildew.
Not exactly a hippy home.


Active Member
Ozium spray works badass to get the smell out of the room. I smoke gravity bongs one hit all in the lungs then blow it out the window or the fabric softener groove tube works ok. a cigarette for your clothes. I lived in apartments for years and didnt want to stink up the hallway but had a puff of smoke comin out my window once an hour on the hour.

O ya and burning incense = weed smoker no doubt!


Well-Known Member
just take another shirt out with you kause the wonderful essence sticks to the fabric in you clothing and if your in an house use incents or bluntflower air refreshener its 100% concentrated and made more or less just for smokeing


Well-Known Member
Lol, I used to wait till my folks were in bed, lol, it was so long ago, thanks for the memory.


Active Member
Oust. For the Air in the room. That works good. I blaze before I go to work and I rub a dryer sheet over myself before I get there. I rub it in my hair on my face everywhere.


Well-Known Member
On the very swiftest of days you can smoke your doob away from your body, lift your head up when you toke on the J, don`t let the smoke brush your face, body, clothes or flow through your hair. Have a certain jacket or fleece you always put on w.e your wearing and it would be better if you zipped it up to the neck too. Then proceed to putting in eyedrops and washing hands&face.

You could take this shit to the next level and smoke in a ski mask & jacket lol


New Member
This is a really old thread but I have found a site that has air purifiers that freaking work great. Put one of those in a room and after you're done you won't smell a thing. When you walk out you can tell a big difference in air quality, too.


Well-Known Member
Shit I'm in my mid 30s got two kids, go to school have a job for 13 yrs , and my mom still says " Mijo it smells like weed !" Or if she smells weed she immediately looks at me. I don't hide it tho but it's funny how she still trips on it "Are you on pot ?"

Haha one time at Xmas she gets out of the car and me and my cousin in law were burning it down. She couldn't see us but she says "OMG it smells like weeeeed! Mijo is that you !" Hahha, I said "ya it's me and grandma !"

I've offered to smoke with her but she is scared that she might like it. Also , tell your mum would she rather you smell like weed or cocaine. However cocaine doesn't smeel I tried smelling it once. Funny day that was