That's a little harsh. I doubt most patients have any clue how the program works. The just know they go to point A to get their meds. When the place isn't there anymore, they are lost without a little help.yee haa another ILLEGAL over priced selling point closed. sucks for the people who ran it, guess they should have not done it.
and as for patients being out of meds, well it is not hard to find a good grower, if theri out of meds, then they must not have a good reliable grower, or theri just stupid.
purple why dont you shut the hell up. 98% of your posts are absolutely worthless. why don't you become a grower and supply some people with meds?? lots of people have different situations. i think you are the one that is stupid and ignorant and a free loader. i bet you spend your time on the freeway exits with some bullshit sign about being a vet or need some beer or some crap like that.yee haa another ILLEGAL over priced selling point closed. sucks for the people who ran it, guess they should have not done it.
and as for patients being out of meds, well it is not hard to find a good grower, if theri out of meds, then they must not have a good reliable grower, or theri just stupid.
i think he would do well to grow free weed for a whole bunch of patients instead of acting like thousands of dollars of meds every year are his right as an ommp patient.purple why dont you shut the hell up. 98% of your posts are absolutely worthless. why don't you become a grower and supply some people with meds?? lots of people have different situations. i think you are the one that is stupid and ignorant and a free loader. i bet you spend your time on the freeway exits with some bullshit sign about being a vet or need some beer or some crap like that.
Hey, lets not pull the truly desperate vets into this. A lot got fucked over by the system and they didn't choose to have to hold a sign because they didn't get what they earned.... some bullshit sign about being a vet
That sucks that it happend, but just take solice in know you helped someone that probably really did need some helplook anyone that needs real help i will always go out of my way. like this guy who wanted some clones from me. told me he was a disabled vet and that his buddy had both of his legs blown off. he had no way of getting clones and was paying 500 an ounce. so i told him i would drive one hour in a freaking thunderstorm to help him out. took me almost 2 hours to get there. didnt charge him gas. he said he just wanted to "talk" and that the clones i brought to him he had no reimbusement for me. i was like wow. he promised that he would pay me if i could help him out. i said f*** it. here is a guy that put his life on the line for us. even though i disagreed with going to iraq and afghanistan. anyways he ended up f****** me. i would have just given him the clones and even some meds but he chose to f*** me instead. i went out of my way for him and broke my own rules just because i wanted to help him. won't be helping vets anymore. its too bad because everytime something like this happens makes me just want to step back and not go out of my way for anyone. seems that the less you do for people the more appreciative they are. the more you do the less appreciative they are.
as is your birthright. everyone should be given pounds of free weed every year because, fuck. it just grows itself, man.i dont need a donation fee. i get all mine for free