Club 600


Well-Known Member
In Pais I found it very hard to buy food that came with a reasonable amount of vegetables...everything is meat in Paris. SO yeh, bring the worm crisps if you ever visit the Louvre.


Well-Known Member
I used to live in Alberta, the Texas of Canada, nothing but oil, grass and world renowned beef. I don't live there anymore and I don't eat much beef anymore either. In fact lately, I don't eat as much of anything as I used to. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What a sight to be met by coming home from work :) although all that veggie stuff up top, you can keep that :p I never cook anything alongside steak other than the sauce. Cooking anything else simply means you can't eat as much steak :)

Only been to the states twice, but i have to admit the only time i and the family were ever aware of larger portions was at mcdonalds, just want a regular drink, not a bucket! Small portions work for me though, i work on the lines of one meal a day be it a pizza or a sandwich, never found a reason to eat lots, i have no need of additional chemical energy, water keeps me going just fine. I have been known to go a bit mad though :)


Well-Known Member
Morning, duchie!
I haven't recorded my bass line yet. Had a few stoner moments last night trying to figure things out, but I did finally get some good practice time in. Will record it and mix it together with your vocals & Randall's guitar right after I drop off the wife. (*is that two L's in Randall, or one L? Want to get it right when I add the credits to the final versions.)
Here is what little tweaking I did to the original audio (though if you have the original .WAV audio file, I could make this sound a lot better).
I'm 90% comfortable with my bass line for it, so it might take me a few takes, but I'll nail it and will make a new youtube vid and post the link just as soon as it's done.
Probably have about 5 hours of practice on it so far (been years since I tried to play it), but it sounding good to my ears except for a couple of minor mistakes when my fingers trip out. ;-)



Active Member
Ill have a listen to that later, videos wont play properly today, thats what i get for switching providers.

also had a thought, i watched a program on the history of electricity or some crap like that ( this is pretty much the only type of program i watch when im baked) and there is some guy sat ready to switch extra power stations on when needed etc. I mean i always knew that happened but it was funny figuring out why he had to add power stations. they counted down to the hour and BAM soooo much power was used in the city and he had to run a whole extra power station for a few hours. The reason was all the old women going to make a cup of tea after their soap had finished.

no real point to this story, their was... but i cant remember it now. just got me thinking about how shit loads of people get baked around this time of day, and how ill be digging through the fridge in about half an hour looking or anthing that i didnt eat last time i was high. I wonder how many other people will be doin gthe same thing and how much extra power will be needed because of it..

F.Y.I. Im really really medicated right now.
got alittle too high last night while playing cards to help me focus. in the end i wished it would stop because it felt as if the air i was breathing was hurting my nose and back of my mouth, it felt as if it was bleeding and bits falling off.. baaaad feeling. but hell ive forgot all about that so now its time to hit a bowl up. peace.


Well-Known Member
Doobie, this is really cool man! Love the 'empty hall' tweak you gave it, suits it real well. Then you got me just as I finished a sampler of Jack Hammer and hypnotize me with my own pic! Way to go brother, can't wait till you fill it with your part now, I'm real curious to see what you've come up with. And yes, I'm pretty certain it's two L's.

I'll be poppin in throughout the day, have a good one 600! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Referring back to my last post, the word hypnotize always makes me think of this song played by a local Blues picker who back in the 70.s 80,s, his hay day's, would pack clubs with lineups every time. He was a real wild party show to see and by reputation did a lot of coke while doing it. Not that I condone that but he put out a lot of real great party songs and is a great entertainer. I want to play a couple but I'm having a hard time picking which ones.

Hope you enjoy.


Well-Known Member
My dad was (is) never without his Tony Chachere's seasonings (and tobasco).
Gumbo, jambalaya, et tu fe of all kinds, crawdad bisque, etc., etc., etc.: the spicier, the better for him.
I have a lil problem with spices too.
I spice everything up.
Habanero peppers are not even hot to me anymore, so I am growing peppers that will put them to shame (hopefully)


Well-Known Member
Scotch bonnets are one of the hottest peppers I know of, have you tried them bassman?

Nice tune again there, production master Doob.


Well-Known Member
Scotch bonnets are one of the hottest peppers I know of, have you tried them bassman?

Nice tune again there, production master Doob.
you need to get some ghost pepper seeds bhut jolokia :)
I have both of those growing currently;)
This is gonna be my 1st go with them.
Not to mention Fatalli, Naga Morich,Trinidad Scorpion, Red Savina (habanero), and Devils Tongue.
the Ghost chili (bhut Jolokia) has the world record, but the Naga Morich has been reported to be hotter, but is awaiting a new yr to get into Guinness as the hottest.
Here is a link to peppers scovill heat ratings to give an example of how hot these are:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Still trying to keep an eye on my male pla ts, never intentionally polinated before so it's a day by day peek into the spare room to see if all hells broken lose or not :p still playing the waiting game though :) just transplanted a seedling from soil mix to hydro so if it happens to be a female i should have an alternative variety of cannabis in 3 months time :D

Infiniti chilli has been recorded as having a higher scoville rating than the ghost.


Well-Known Member
Still trying to keep an eye on my male pla ts, never intentionally polinated before so it's a day by day peek into the spare room to see if all hells broken lose or not :p still playing the waiting game though :) just transplanted a seedling from soil mix to hydro so if it happens to be a female i should have an alternative variety of cannabis in 3 months time :D

Infiniti chilli has been recorded as having a higher scoville rating than the ghost.
I like the "never intentionally" part!! Good luck!
I saw that about the Infiniti...where to find that pepper though?!?


Well-Known Member
I have both of those growing currently;)
This is gonna be my 1st go with them.
Not to mention Fatalli, Naga Morich,Trinidad Scorpion, Red Savina (habanero), and Devils Tongue.
the Ghost chili (bhut Jolokia) has the world record, but the Naga Morich has been reported to be hotter, but is awaiting a new yr to get into Guinness as the hottest.
Here is a link to peppers scovill heat ratings to give an example of how hot these are:
Supposely they had a trinidad scorpion that broke the record at like 1.4 mil scoville, but its not official.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Don't think it's available for sale, was just a cross created (i think with the ghost and something else) by some random RAF geezer in the UK.

Last time things god a bit seedy was a result of dodgy bagseed :D thought i was on top of the males and the hermieing when bam, pollen everywhere, first glance i thought all the leaves had gone into overdrive on THC production, it was not to be haha.


Well-Known Member
Someone needs to splice some chili plant onto an MJ plant... or maybe splice a bud onto a chili plant.

you know you want to try some SPICY SMOKE!