The "Keta" Effect, Terrain Not Explored.

150 mg ... tempted to chase YOU down the hole ...
But it's "Fact' Tuesdays ... and I am conversing with Bong ... as he is in the 'lock up' and has limited TIME in which to communicate.
Have fun ... I am glad you did a bump ... instead of making punctures.

Sadly, I didn't get close to a hole. I wasn't fucking joking about my tolerance. And I can see this is some crystal K. Time for IM, and a combo ;)

One of my friends has access to K, but I have no idea how pure it is. He gets it in large crystalline form. He was advised to mix it with water, then to cook it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't crushing up the crystals leave you with the same end product? Perhaps he was advised to cook it up only if he planned on cutting it with something

It has come to the point that I would trust a random internet vendor (for mxe) over the drug dealers (for k, mdma) in my area 10 times out of 10.
I may just have to try and find myself some ketamine, just so that I can compare it to the methoxetamine I have come to enjoy so much...
do it! it's amazing, and everyone i let try it was in complete agreement. i didnt find lower doses to be anything spectacular, but once you start to dive in...
Okay... I wasn't joking. I had to do it as fast as I could, or the peak levels from the other trips wouldn't be there like they should. I knew they didn't understand how high my fucking tolerance to NMDA antagonists were, 150mg insuffalated was a tickle. I had to fucking do it fast.. *takes out syringe* Unloads 300mg or so of ketamine and crushs the crystals so they would dissolve in water onto a spoon, Injects into thigh muscle slowly....

This was 5 hours ago.
When every thought you have shocks you at the core of your being. Things happen you cannot explain. We see the digitzed society. This report shall be long, i hope I remember at least some of it.
Now I KNOW what I am going to do. I WILL pull a John Lilly. I don't care what anyone says. Flip, click, swish, in.
You need a tape recorder ... and transcribe later ...
BUT most of ALL ...
You also need a very long time away from drugs ... period ... to reset yourself .... as YOU are not experiencing what YOU should dosage
A heave duty detox .... recalibration of body and mind ...
You need to digest every chemical experience YOU have been a part of ..... sober .... as to give yourself time to make sense of it all ...
Then and only then YOU might progress to the next level ... and YOU will be KING ... cause at Your age .... YOU have wicked potential ... and capabilities ...

Have YOU ever considered the fact that because you have skipped so many grades .... (your intellect is apparent) you are essentially an outcast who does not belong with aged peers and hence .....You self medicate ... with drugs .... looking to fit IN ?

Who in YOUr life accepts YOU for who YOU are ? Do you have any friends your age ?
Perhaps YOU are in pain ... and do not even know it ... as you self medicate .... under the pretext of research ... ?
(this is all food for thought)
You do not need any of what I have mentioned ... just think about it ... and answer to yourself.
As here I am just pushing buttons.

And remember ... YOU are the beast !
And have the capacity to pick UP after Sasha ...
You are that good !
But not on current path.

I cannot believe 300mg IM did not knock me on the floor!! I am saddened, but must trudge on. I think it was better that it didn't knock me on the floor, it was some weird shit. I was talking on the phone with a friend and *I* was like,"everything's becomings singular "are you alright" "I finally understand"(I thought that a lot tonight), It wasn't even the MAIN effects after the IM(15-20minutes after) when you are almost about to peak, they were amazing and all, but nothing out of the ordinary for me and not what I was looking for..
So I rectally administered 200mg of methylone (equivalent to 270-300mg at least probably orally) 55 minutes after I IMed myself. And then smoked intense amounts of marijuana. OMG, how that effected the trip.. OMFG. jdfnhtbuhbdsbfiusd

The ANASTHETIC (AS IN KNOCKED UNCONSCIOUS) dose is 170mg according to erowid. I did very nearly DOUBLE that shit. :o I think Puffer may be onto something here.. A+++++++++++++++++ advice, from only the best. Sometimes I talk the talk but dont walk the walk ( in terms of giving people advice that doing psychedelics in the best way possible, and in no way abusing them. Because when you do psychedelics, you will only truly gain true insight if you let go, and psychedelics won't help you do that. You'll help you do that. Let go of all preconceived notions. And surprising as it may seem, I may be the worst at letting go of anyone)
Perhaps YOUr K hookup is stale !!
That Portal Powder NO GOOD ....


If I would do the dosage you played with ... I certainly know I would be rolling on the floor for hours ... and in all likely hood I would wake UP .... standing on my head.

Something certainly is broken and needs maintenance.
Not from what I was hearing..

You must understand, Puffer. DXM is a very, very, very long acting dissociative. It causes NMDA antagonist tolerance MUCH faster, and in actually a different way than ketamine. DXM is a mysterious drug. But because it lasts so long it hits those NDMA receptors, constantly tickling them. Over such a long time, they either go in shut down mode or hyper drive, usually shutdown mode because of long intermittent periods of non-use. But a certain threshold exists that if you use enough, you will be in NMDA antagonist hyperdrive mode. Yes, if you abuse them enough, they will become more effective, it makes more sense than it seems. I wanted to lead my use to acheive this threshold, just one time in my life. When my brain is prime. It just has gotten out of control..
lol snort A half gram line you'll feel that!! tolerance is a bitch know people who sniff gram lines just to feel wobbly
I do need to write a report. Just so you guys know, this all culminated in me getting a semi-concussion. Boy, was that shit insane. (not on ketamine, but related) Holy shit. If only I could explain.
Haha hope you're ok man. If you think you have a concussion, maybe you should see a doctor if you haven't already