Well-Known Member
Hey I want to tell a story of stealing, of course I regret it as a mistake today, and FDD2black bans theives, but I am a reformed individual and I would never repeat it if given the same chance, because regardless, noone likes to get dicked by a thief. I was a bad boy living in PA and I drove my homies to a head shop. They had tons of nice pieces with side cars and bubblers and tall bongs. Well I didn't have any money, but be damned if I walked out with nothin'. There was this sweet, I mean sweet steam roller that was in the shape of a submarine I guess, and it was clear with orange and red flame graphics twisted into the glass, handmade graphics, 100 dollars. Below the bowl where it opened up into the internal chamber was a Devil's head, and his mouth was open and from here was where the smoke filled up the steam roller and then off to the lungs. Well something terrible happened, I slipped the steamroller into my pocket and we all rolled out of there and nobody knew I had it til I showed it at the house when we arrived back. Heh, everybody was stoked and noone gave a shit that I was a theif (bad, very bad) but KARMA caught up to me when I had that sweet steam roller in my pocket and as I sat down in a plastic lawn chair, it fucking slid out of my jeans pocket like a surprise turd seeking immediate liberation from somebody's anus. It fell down and the steam pipe didn't even break, but the devil's head popped off and it just wasn't the same anymore. When I shook the steamroller, the devil's head would just bounce around inside. I didn't like the pipe anymore after that. Oh well, moral of the story is that sometimes, bad decisions catch up to ya