The "Keta" Effect, Terrain Not Explored.


Well-Known Member
In a mind-numbingly soon prospect of time I will be blasting off (12 hours). Hopefully to a new level I can't process at this moment. I am not fucking around. I have extremely limited supply, and it's all or nothing now. I have my needles ready. I will be doing it outside, in nature. Someone will be watching me. For some reason, I feel very flat today, can't even make a good pre-trip ketamine post! :dunce:
Damn ... NO count down ticker to the INCEPTION of this Event ?
Take some pictures of the injection site .... or it did not happen ... I wanna see some bruising !! (Joke)

Brother Stay Safe and do not let YOUR lungs forget how to move as they SHOULD .... so YOU can breathe in the HOLE !! Make sure your sitter knows CPR ... just in case.

sounds awesome hadd. hope you have a blast(literaly and unliteraly). i should be joining you in the void any day now. be on the lookout for me.
you guys are making dropping hits of LSD sound less harmful than watching an hour of the Disney Channel. I hope you have fun :D I've never tried K. Although maybe in Colombia, I can buy it and it may not be illegal. But then again, USA has military bases here, so I'm sure the mighty anti-drug political penis has already been jammed into the earholes of the Gubenments here too.
All I know about K is that a friend had a traffic accident a year back driving a car at 100km head on with a bus around the same speed. He had 37 bones broken and the substance of choice to put him to sleep was Ketamine. If its safe enough to administer a massive dose to someone straight out of a car crash who lost pints of blood then its safe as the word goes for a young crazy dude!

Yeah call it horse tranq but my friend in the ambulace was no horse! :)


Sorry for some delay.. It WILL be happening today. I have it in my possession. Will be doing a 30mg test bump just to make sure everything is legitimate.
Hadd ... U know what I am Rockin On board OF Nebuchadnezzar ?
Compat Sandoz nutrition Enteral Delivery Pump


This is for prolonged ... time and dosage controlled descends !
But bumps and lines are so much more convenient ... and less painful ... ;)


Hadd ... U know what I am Rockin On board OF Nebuchadnezzar ?
Compat Sandoz nutrition Enteral Delivery Pump


This is for prolonged ... time and dosage controlled descends !
But bumps and lines are so much more convenient ... and less painful ... ;)


I just snorted 150mg..
150 mg ... tempted to chase YOU down the hole ...
But it's "Fact' Tuesdays ... and I am conversing with Bong ... as he is in the 'lock up' and has limited TIME in which to communicate.
Have fun ... I am glad you did a bump ... instead of making punctures.

I may just have to try and find myself some ketamine, just so that I can compare it to the methoxetamine I have come to enjoy so much...