"Miracle-Gro want's into the pot trade"

At the end of the day I think people who spend real money in this market will continue to avoid MG. The reference to RIU seems out of place.
i guess marketing will repackage their products in some badass graphics and charge more?
that's cool but i still wont use it, their ingredients are junk.. and why wouldn't they its the biggest cash crop on the face of this earth
I bet you they make a kickass weed fertilizer...are you kidding me? They have BILLIONS of dollars, and just want to keep expanding the company. They have the ability to come up with an awesome weed fertilizer, designed specifically for marijuana, and I bet it'll end up being cheaper than most everything else on the market. Sounds good to me, I'll rock the MG MJ nutes when they come out, at least for a test grow or 2!
when i have to shop for the garden, mg is my choice product. i've tried all the other brands over the years and found that mg is just as good as all the stuff sold in the grow shops without the graphics.

At the end of the day I think people who spend real money in this market will continue to avoid MG. The reference to RIU seems out of place.
Haha, cheap way out, eh? WHat makes anyone else's MJ nutes any better than what MG might come up with? At least keep an open mind until they release it...
I imagine the scientist's at Monsanto are diligently working on "Roundup Ready" genetically engineered Kush seeds!

Haha, cheap way out, eh? WHat makes anyone else's MJ nutes any better than what MG might come up with? At least keep an open mind until they release it...

I agree. Such snobs grow MJ I guess. Saying you'll never buy MG is a little ridiculous. What if they came out with some soil that was the best for growing MJ? I feel some people wouldn't buy it just because it's called MG. And those people might be missing out. Whatever. I always keep an open mind.
I mean, doesn't hurt to give it a chance. Seriously, you think they're gonna try to upcharge for their product? I think they'll undercut the competiton with a cheap, quality product that will be a big blow to most mom and pop MJ Nutrient companies. I bet this news has got more than a few nutrient companies a little apprehensive.
mg already has good products for growing pot. it's all left to the marketing dept. to get in the hands of pot growers.
Well the major advantage here is that those of us who don't have a "grow shop/hydroponics shop" in their town can actually buy nutes locally. It amazes me how MG has a stranglehold on all except the niche markets.
Thats smart. People like to stay away from the "corporate giants" hahahaha. Stupid. MG is a billion dollar company and you are trying to tell me they dont have the money and resources to develop a leading if not BEST soil and nutes? Smoke another joint, for real. Smoke more weed. Think about it like this, if MG is the Cadilac of potting soil for flowers and vegetables, why wouldnt it be for Marijuana? If they came out with a line of products for Marijuana, that is all I would use. The products would be developed by the top Marijuana grow labs in tthe world, the best scientists/botonists, and in state of the art facility. Not in a small lab with a few good growers and a few biology grads. Think about it.
This is good news. A major company committed to spreading it's markets making marijuana nutes is going to lobby for more states to go medical, fight for federal decriminalization/legalization. And they have the resources to make a damned fine nute that undercuts the others by 10-20% easily. The question is if they'll sell it outside of the med states.
the most interesting line i took out of this article was this:

"To target marijuana growers, Scotts would likely buy niche dirt companies that already exist rather than create its own line of branded products."

keep your eyes out for any buy outs. that will most likely be their strategy. you could eventually be buying their products and not even know it. Ohh and just because they are a big company does not necessarily mean they will produce a better quality product. yes it will be cheaper because of their scale production, but profit is always the bottom line and selling larger volume at lower cost will make them thee same money.
Rollitup.org, a website geared toward the marijuana-growing community, has several forums that debate Miracle-Gro's effectiveness. A user with the moniker Weedqueen12 wrote: "i think [Miracle-Gro] works well." Another user, dannyboy602, countered that Miracle-Gro causes pot plants to "burn and stress."
In the past, Scotts wouldn't have considered pursuing businesses or product lines that generated less than $10 million a year in revenue. But, Mr. Hagedorn said, "We can't operate our business like that anymore."

The miracle grow/scotts guys must be trolling riu. :lol: