Anatomy Of A K-Hole

Tenner had a small Meet and Greet with the Number Anomalies .... I hope he finds YOUR last entry ... so He could read !!



I did read it :) I never saw the number 11:11 despite seeing almost every number and symbol... I`m thinking, if you get in your head about finding 11:11 you might be subconciously waiting to look at the time.

I also imagined the the most colourful image one could see and at the time was thinking of a "colour salad" as food for our mind :) As a recreational dose I mean, just colour in a crazy vibrant pattern!

Its amazing how you can kinda "construct" in your mind while on K

Puffer, when I was seeing the numbers there were cannabis mdma and laughing gas involved too :D

Do you guys have a common colour you see in your CEV`s? mine seems to be mainly blue
To tell YOU the truth ... I have never really payed much attention to Closed Eye Visuals
As I am usually BUG eyed while UNDER and enjoy knowing where I am Tripping .. :)


Would hate to fall OF that ROOF I LIKE TO TRIP ON

But now that YOU have mentioned IT ...
I will pay close attention and report back.

I did read it :) I never saw the number 11:11 despite seeing almost every number and symbol... I`m thinking, if you get in your head about finding 11:11 you might be subconciously waiting to look at the time.

I also imagined the the most colourful image one could see and at the time was thinking of a "colour salad" as food for our mind :) As a recreational dose I mean, just colour in a crazy vibrant pattern!

Its amazing how you can kinda "construct" in your mind while on K

Puffer, when I was seeing the numbers there were cannabis mdma and laughing gas involved too :D

Do you guys have a common colour you see in your CEV`s? mine seems to be mainly blue

My CEVs are usually rainbows or actual images.
that is interesting that you usually see blue as your most common Closed Eye Visual color.
i could say the same but i have to say i see all colors over most colors ;)

but Puffer really haven't really stared at your closed eye visuals?
i get what you mean on enjoying your setting and surrounds.
but you will not believe what your mind will reveal to you behind closed eye lids. :) :) :)
I vape DMT and look around .... sometimes I get on the roof of My building and watch the grass below swirl in patterns .... like a coiling serpent ...
No worries ... there is a patio there with safety fence ... :)
I Look at surfaces .... flickering lights .... then blast off to Hyperspace ...
(please understand this is in the context of the buzz itself ... I do not smoke DMT alone in a room and stare at walls .... look at it from a situational perspective)

In terms of CEV's ... (I define them as patterns on eyelids I have my eyes closed ... is this what we are talking about ?)
Visuals, that come to focus inside the brain .... are a different thing altogether ..... perhaps I am using the wrong terminology to explain.
Perhaps this makes more sense now ?

Yes ?

BBQ .. thank YOU for a wicked PM ... I am touched and will definitely respond.
In fact it made my day ... can not wait to see the booklet and quotes.
Super cool Bro !!

I vape DMT and look around .... sometimes I get on the roof of My building and watch the grass below swirl in patterns .... like a coiling serpent ...
No worries ... there is a patio there with safety fence ... :)
I Look at surfaces .... flickering lights .... then blast off to Hyperspace ...

In terms of CEV's ... (I define them as patterns on eyelids I have my eyes closed ... is this what we are talking about ?)
Visuals the come to focus inside the brain .... is a different thing altogether ..... perhaps I am using the wrong terminology to explain.
Perhaps this makes more sense now ?

Yes ?

BBQ .. thank YOU for a wicked PM ... I am touched and will definitely respond.
In fact it made my day ... can not wait to see the booklet and quotes.
Super cool Bro !!


I think so :)
Yeah its weird CEVS with k, if I think of something the image is much clearer and like hd'd pretty sweet!!
thank you mescalinebandit!!!!!!

and also thank you for bringing me to the attention that I AM OUT!!!


just kidding ;-):mrgreen:

much love everyone <3

Yeah its weird CEVS with k, if I think of something the image is much clearer and like hd'd pretty sweet!!

are you saying that K visuals are a lot more like an actual images such as microscopic and macroscopic things??
like so...




Looks like I'll have my hands on some K by the next weekend. I will be insufflating as I tend to have a spiritual aversion to hypodermic needles, and my own volition.

I will make 6 lines ~50mg each, take one up each nostril every fifteen minutes until I fall off.

Can't believe it boys. I got probably 500mg of K sitting in a small baggie on my counter waiting for me.

Will probably use it tonight!! Maybe tomorrow.
I have an erowid survey to do!
When I was bumping K I realised once the 150mg barrier was crossed the "bump power" increases exponentially. As in take a good amount of K and even if your coming down once you whack off a bump it will hit you way harder than you think :D

Its K`s amazing "stacking effect" :D
Man fat dose's of K scare me...

100mg or so has me astral projecting to different worlds lol.

Also my uncles brothers fiance did to much K once and never came back, it was really really sad.

K is really fun, honestly it's one of the best haha, but it is something that really needs to be respected...