If i was the one of the last survivors of a fallen society, and it was up to me to pass on what info i did know, which in my case is a high school education and some college, plus my extracurricular reading, big parts of medicine and science would be missing, which would cause the people i passed on info to to use there imagination to further expand there knowledge, through that imagination, and trail and error, which eventually lead to scientific method and the chemistry and science we have today.
I'm not trying to learn new things about modern chemistry through alchemy, I'm trying to learn were we came from, and i feel a good starting point is an ancient medicine that I'm thoroughly interested in and an ancient methodology. When i first learned that Alchemy relied of natural slow organic processes it started me thinking about the processes that are used to today to extract thc and realized even though today's methods may work well, maybe there is a different way that gets different results. I believe if i can make one connection to the ancient world, then maybe i can build from there and eventually have new insight on were we came from. History is awesome what is even more awesome is lost history.