Carport GreenHouse 2011

josh b

Well-Known Member
Another top job in the gg scene & you have worked hard

Why use the cover if it is blocking out needed uvs that put on the weight though lol


Active Member
Looking great JJ! those girls are looking so happy! im thinking about setting up a drip system on my girls also, just waiting to get the referendum passed first before i spend any more money into the garden...


Well-Known Member
Looking good Double JJ liking that Lavander she going to be a big gurl. I got a OG/blueberry cross that is getting big like her will post pics later. Keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
They look so big and healthy!! Wish i could of planted when you did. Do you suggest i top my plants or super crop them or anything thanks


Well-Known Member
What's up jj
Not bad for a "one legged man" my friend! Damn those were knee high plants 2 weeks ago. My god man! Give it up brother, their's a "secret ingredient" you aint telling us about. Is that where Molly use to pee? Those girls are really taking off. Great Job!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, looks like all the hard work is paying off, (I told you my strength was in "supervision")! LOL!
I'm a little suprised myself. It looks like they really like the dirt mix. I haven't given them anything but water so far
I'll give it up to fresh organic compost & worm castings, thank you mother earth!

I'll shoot another video soon, it's starting to look unbelievable in there, you guy's should see this as it's happening.



Well-Known Member
hey again! looking forward to some more 14 foot monsters!! haha i know youre gonna train them lower.. that is my plan, no more 8-10 foot stretched out plants climbing up the side of my house, im gonan tie them all down horizontally for an even canopy and more buds. DUH!

my question to you is; i saw the list of components in your soil mix.. but what were the piles of white and off white powders sitting on top of the piles of fox farm/happy frog?


Well-Known Member
We were able to get some of the 100gl smart pots filled. We are mixing on a tarp.

30gl Happy Frog (2 bags)
20gl Ocean Forest (2Bags)
15gl Organic Compost w/added gypsum (their special 'gyp/mix' for medical gardens)
15gl Worm Castings
15gl Perlite_________
95gl soil mix + 6 cups dolomite & 6 cups "Rainbow mix Grow" organic fertilizer w/mycorrhizae

It's the 6 cups dolomite & 6 cups "Rainbow mix grow" organic fertilizer w/mycorrhizae



Well-Known Member
thank you! a lot going on there, and i over looked it.
i think im gonna get some happy frog and roll with that. i dont have the budget for all them amazing additives you got there. ;)


Well-Known Member
Happy Frog is my personal preference when it comes to the Fox Farm line up, it's soil that works hard, rather than feed hard. But your soil is looking like it'll be pretty tasty stuff jj. I'm sub'd again this year. I swear to god I've told your story from last year to 100 people. Definitely my major inspiration for a greenhouse, and I never had any desire to grow 12 foot plants until I saw yours, and I figured I wanted to just for the photo op'. Fucking classic, and if I ever go to court I definitely want to see that on the projector.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I don't have the desire to grow them that big any more, either! lol!

I'm gonna keep them around 8'-9' if I can. I've already topped everything once, & I'll top them again soon.

I'm gonna try to make them into big round balls!

I'll shoot some video tomorrow

P.S. Yeah, I guess some of this stuff wouldn't look to favorable in court!:shock:


Well-Known Member
JJ...I've never done the smart pots before and obviously don't want to over water. How much water you feeding these girls? Everyday? Just trying to get an estimate on how much water they need. Thanks for your help. Here is a pic. They are alot smaller then yours but we just got em transplanted.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I don't have the desire to grow them that big any more, either! lol!

I'm gonna keep them around 8'-9' if I can. I've already topped everything once, & I'll top them again soon.

I'm gonna try to make them into big round balls!

I'll shoot some video tomorrow

P.S. Yeah, I guess some of this stuff wouldn't look to favorable in court!:shock:
8' or 9' is still a fucking monster. This first green house (if I get around to it) is going to be a small one on a large deck that gets full sun. The only other part of my yard that gets full sun is the front yard, and so i figured I would just pop a few flower and vegetable gardens out there to justify the greenhouse, just in case "None of your business" doesn't cut it for some people. So my plants probably won't be getting much bigger than 5' or 6', and I only have a 3 or 4 month season total up here in the mountains, so I doubt I'll be able to get them too much bigger then that in time. I have a SFV OG outside that looks like it could use a sweater, it's fucking cold up here, a green house can't be erected soon enough.


Well-Known Member
Here's a short video from today. I haven't given them anything but water so far, they're doing so well in this dirt alone.

The leaves on several strains are immense. I'm not sure you can really tell from the video. I'll take a few photo's with a ruler or something to show it better.

The Lavender is so Indica dominant that the stems are too stiff to scrog. No give in them at all. So I'm gonna top her a couple of times & spread her out.

P.S. After you watch this, go back to page #28 and look at what it looked like 2 weeks ago!
Here's a link:



Well-Known Member
That video is insane! I havent been up in the bay area in a while. Hows the weather been last few weeks? Dad said it was raining. Looks like your girls have had lots of sun shine!