People are not exactly an endangered species. Medicine has increases the life expectancy to a point where way more peple are born than die everyday. In the past, people required large families due to high infant mortalities and plagues. Today, we no longer have as many uncontrollable illnesses and manual labor or hunter gatherer lfestyles that would take heavy tolls on the population. We consume huge amounts of natural resources and pollute the world we live in more everyday. There are people starving to death and living in poverty, why ddoesn't anybody give a crap about providing for them, yet are quick to say that every child should be brought into the world? To me it's about quality of life not quantity. If a women can not take care of a child and provide for it, why should they be forced to go through with such a life impacting event?
You can say, well she shouldn't have had sex but that's a weak argument. AIDS (sexually transmitted) is preventable with a condom just like pregnancy is, right? Should AIDS victims be denied treatment because they could have prevented it? Should people with any STD just have to deal with it just because they made a poor choice, even if it was totally cureable? Of course not. No one wants an STD and yet they continue to exist, just as unwanted pregnancy will, because you cannot stop people from having intercourse because the desire is too strong. You can't make sex illegal or I'm sure they would have already done it.
I also fail to see how your tax money is being wasted to unwanted pregnancy. If anything, your saving money because those kids would probably be on welfare because the parents are unable to provide for them. How many people are really going to get pregnant and have an abortion constantly? I would say not many because the experience is not a fun one, it's shamefull enough as it is. They would be more inclined to learn fom their mistakes and use a cheaper form of birth control in the future because abortions aren't free. There would still be plenty of babies beng born, unplanned and planned, not everyone is going to kill their fetus.