Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Meta!!! finger trimming huh?!?!?! that sounds like it could be fun to try. I gonna have to do that one of these thursdays!!! the only thing better than scissor hash, is finger hash!!!

i got a huge ball of scissor and finger hash from the bomberry.. havent enjoyed it yet, waitin 4 somebody to show up and help with that..


Well-Known Member
Stoney, first i have to congratulate you on the BBQ ingredients. That's how I do BBQ's in homerville as well!!! (only difference is I use coarse see salt, lol), but none of that hamburger and ketchup crap...Cumin, paprika and garlic powder... Perfect!!

Second of all, the supercropped and the TG pics look great!!

You asked me earlier what kind of tomato I was growing... funny story actually. It's a mystery seed that accidentally germed on a dirty kitchen rag last October lol. I raised it to a humongous 6-foot tall plant that yielded 2 (yes, just 2) tomatoes that were large and steak-like. possibly heirloom. Took a bunch of clones, gave most away, and finally gave the big mother plant to a friend with yard, but it was too late for her. The last clone I took, well I just fitted that one with the DT hat, and put her in my old box with all the lights on at full blast. I'll take a picture soon and show you. Gotta keep myself occupied while I can't grow the weed, you know?

Peace bro, have fun tonight!!
That brisket was slammin!!!! so tender after a 17 hour smoke!!!!!! yesterday was a long day though!!! it was worth it in the end. now i have a bunch of yard work to do today.

That is a cool story about the tomato plant!!! crazy how they grow.... right out of a dish rag!!! I have seen a pepper plant grow out of a sponge once. I'm gonna try to get an update up tonight with some good bud porn.

that tangerine dream look amazing man! the stems look purple. always nice. =)
thanks dude!! yea, they are a tint of purple. I know some plants are un-healthy when they are purple. I don't think this is the case. My blueberry strain always has purple stems. they grow green early on then when they mature a bit, every stem is purple with stripes of green.

Looks damn good Stoney nice slab of meat!! Bet it was wonderful!!!! Once a year the Smokey family gets together and we throw us a whole hog on the BBQ for 18 to 24 hours depending on the size of the hog, chop that meat up put my dads sauce on it make some cole slaw, boiled tators, greens, collards, and yams. Got yourself a family gathering!
that brisket was one of the best i ever made. everybody loved it!!!! even have a bunch of left overs for lunch!!!! now i gotta tend to my plants that i blew off yesterday!

Hahahaha that even sounded back east smoke dawg! Never said it didnt sound bomb! Tho! Nice pc a'meat!!!
yea, east landers have no clue on BBQ.... well north east people anyway.... hell 15 years ago i didn't know any better either!!! then i had my first trip to Texas, then KC, then Tenn. then i knew what real BBQ was!!!

Thanks Meta!!! finger trimming huh?!?!?! that sounds like it could be fun to try. I gonna have to do that one of these thursdays!!! the only thing better than scissor hash, is finger hash!!!

i got a huge ball of scissor and finger hash from the bomberry.. havent enjoyed it yet, waitin 4 somebody to show up and help with that..
I wish i lived close enough....... I'd be there already!!!!!!!! can't wait to hear how potent it is!!!!! don't do what i do all the time... i take a big hit and waste it by coughing it out right away!!! small long hits are the best way!!!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
dam, that bbq shit looks goooooooooood!! hope you had a good time. i didnt work sat night, went racing, we set fast time and finished 2nd in the race, but had a lot fun going again. back to the dogs tonight though!!!


Well-Known Member
dam, that bbq shit looks goooooooooood!! hope you had a good time. i didnt work sat night, went racing, we set fast time and finished 2nd in the race, but had a lot fun going again. back to the dogs tonight though!!!
That was some damn good meat!!!! I still have leftovers to!!!!! CD back at the track!!!!!!!! that's awesome dude!!!! are you gonna get back to it full time or just to have fun once and while?

good luck tonight!! I'm sure I'll have time to see some!!!


Well-Known Member
another kinda racing?or the dogs still? that might have sounded wrong,i dig the dog races!
stock car racing...... but yea, he is racing the dogs tonight, but saturday was circle track night!!! I don't think he has a web link for the cars though.... it would be sweet if they did! I love short track racing!


Well-Known Member
nice slab of meat stoney.. here at hammertown i am famous for grilling ribs over oak coals, and my homemade chipotle bbq sauce.. mmm.. shit now i want ribs and brisket..

ur t/d is growing like a weed stoney.. my seedlings dont seem to grow like urs... gonna start trying diff dirt soon.. maybe the mg is part of my fluffy problem.. idk hopefully ill figure it out..


Well-Known Member
thats cool! they run the circle dirt track in petaluma every sat night.i havnt been in yrs! is fun tho! i agree stoney.
hell yea, local short tracks are a lot of fun.... did ya ever notice though, no matter where your at, every small town short track has some strange people at them... not all the people.... but there is that few that are really out there!!!

whats up stoneyluv? shits looking tight bro
Thanks man, haven't seen ya in a while.... how are things with you on your side of the country?

I'll be honest, there is not a lot that thing can do for ya. if you were lookingto supliment some CFL's for vegging it would be okay for one plant, but as far as flowering it would take forever!!!! it is only 650nm red and for MJ buds it requires 660nm of red. this is the most important spectrum of any LED. When i was first looking into LED's i saw that one and thought about ordering for the first couple days.... I'm glad i didn't. My personal opinion is they give led panels a bad wrap.

nice slab of meat stoney.. here at hammertown i am famous for grilling ribs over oak coals, and my homemade chipotle bbq sauce.. mmm.. shit now i want ribs and brisket..

ur t/d is growing like a weed stoney.. my seedlings dont seem to grow like urs... gonna start trying diff dirt soon.. maybe the mg is part of my fluffy problem.. idk hopefully ill figure it out..
yea, yea, white oak is my favorite smokin wood!!!

and yea, I'm very pleased with my tang. dream so far. soils do make a big difference. i really like this new Dr. earth pot of gold mix i picked up this summer. i think i will buy it again when i run out.

here is a few shots of my TD on her 21st day!!! her leaves a very lime color. and the lower ones are turning. that don't bother me though. I'm gonna give her a feeding and top her soon.


Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
jjust wondering stoney,are the lower leaves turning like that cuz its time to feed?is that what your thinking?but agree with gumball!tight nodes right thur!


Well-Known Member
That is the tight ass node structure, your gonna clone that, right :bongsmilie:
I want to turn her into a clone factory!!! from what I've read about TD is there are two basic pheno's. skinny and bushy.... I think I have the bushy one!!! the leaves seem to show a nice balance of the sativa/indica. that's what i was hoping for. only time will tell!

jjust wondering stoney,are the lower leaves turning like that cuz its time to feed?is that what your thinking?but agree with gumball!tight nodes right thur!
I'm not sure yet, that's why I didn't already give her the nutes... all the pics i see of TD is the same shade of lime green. I know the lower leaves end up falling off anyway. and the ones that don't die, I cut off when i lollipop them for flower. I need to take another closer look at her, today is the first day she looked like that. I gave her a 1/8 strength feeding of jacks last week, then water over the weekend. I think she is ready for a 1/4 strength. maybe even a little superthrive. I need to check on some new clones i just put into dirt a couple hours ago anyway.

Gonna be a beast!!!
I think so too!!!! she is showing all the good signs of big girl!!!!!!!not sure if you can see from the small pic on the thread ( I can on the orginal photo on my monitor) but the last set a leaves that opened up are nine bladed. sounds healthy to me!!!


Active Member
now that I stare at it I do count nine!! Very healthy Sounding. another week or two and you will b taking clones or u gonna wait a lil longer?


Well-Known Member
now that I stare at it I do count nine!! Very healthy Sounding. another week or two and you will b taking clones or u gonna wait a lil longer?
yea, maybe two to three weeks i can take a clone. I want the clippings to have at least 4 nodes on them. right now i only have three. I just gave her some jacks 30-10-10 about 3/8 strength, we'll see how she likes that. when i looked at her closer she had some yellowing starting on the leave. so time for some nitrogen. All my flowering plants needed water.... i know it is way to soon to be calling favorites already but the non-supercropped plant looks like bigger buds.... but the supercropped plant looks frostier.... some people say the name of the game is yield.... mine is not, I go for resin production!!!!! I'll get another side by side in a couple days.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
That was some damn good meat!!!! I still have leftovers to!!!!! CD back at the track!!!!!!!! that's awesome dude!!!! are you gonna get back to it full time or just to have fun once and while?
good luck tonight!! I'm sure I'll have time to see some!!!
im sure it was!! no, went and had fun but my heart is with the dogs now, it was fun to go again though.

just like anything else in life, LoL.
hell yea, local short tracks are a lot of fun.... did ya ever notice though, no matter where your at, every small town short track has some strange people at them... not all the people.... but there is that few that are really out there!!!

here is a few shots of my TD on her 21st day!!! her leaves a very lime color. and the lower ones are turning. that don't bother me though. I'm gonna give her a feeding and top her soon.

bro, plant looks awesome!! so bright and green. im only 5 days behind with my 2 girls.


Well-Known Member
im sure it was!! no, went and had fun but my heart is with the dogs now, it was fun to go again though.

just like anything else in life, LoL.

bro, plant looks awesome!! so bright and green. im only 5 days behind with my 2 girls.
yea man, our girls are very close in age. I'm sure yours will out grow mine in no time at all. I hope we both get females!!!! I just topped mine last night. are you planning on topping yours?

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yea man, our girls are very close in age. I'm sure yours will out grow mine in no time at all. I hope we both get females!!!! I just topped mine last night. are you planning on topping yours?
mine are females, i hope yours is too!! there autos and you cant do anything to them but let them grow out on there own, no topping, cloning, nothing from everything ive read, so im not taking any chances, i'll be happy with whatever i get from these 2 girls, only 5 1/2 weeks to go. if this works out good, autos are all i'll grow again for a while. did you watch tonight? stoney kicked ass tonight!! LoL. had 3 wins and 5 board hits!!