Newbie question: Is this actually WEED? (pics)

Sorry about the wall of text, the important stuff is in BOLD.

2 months ago, I started trying to grow 2 plants outdoors in an isolated section of my yard. (Worry not, I'm out in the country with almost no neighbors). Things were going pretty well, but a very unfortunate lawnmower accident stopped that experiment brutally short. I was really bummed about it, so I went for a walk around my yard. To my great surprise, I saw many clusters of plants with those familar sets of 7 spikey leaves. I had been so focused on the ones I DID plant that I didn't pay any attention to the rest of my yard.

Which brings me to my actual question:

I didn't plant them, and I'm highly doubtful anyone else did. The way they're spread out looks like they're wild. So that got me wondering, even though it looks just like what I planted, could it actually be a wild garden weed and not necessarily marijuana? There are tons around my yard, some of which have grown a tiny yellow flower on the top. (I know every plant is different, but this looked odd and really threw me off).

Here's some pics of what I'm finding around my yard:
Taller ones (about 2 feet):

Bushier ones: gardening channel/IMG_0185.jpg

The very tops (no flower): gardening channel/Topsnoflower.jpg

Tops w/Flower (bad quality, sorry): gardening channel/Oneflowerblurry.jpg

Flower close-up: gardening channel/full_flower.jpg

For comparison, here's what I actually planted:

After looking, can anyone tell me if this is a look-alike wasting my time, or if this outbreak is a godsend of real cannabis? If so, are these male or females, and where should I go from here? All help is greatly appreciated. I'm scratching my head on this one!
I think that's the new breed of marijuana I heard about. Some website had the info, government helicopters were dropping thousands and thousands of genetically altered marijuana seeds. They grow just like a normal plant but if you pinch the bottom stem and sprinkle salt on the leaves it begins to flower. I've heard of one plant producing up to 5 ounces easily... You should def clone this.
I was just joking around. Look at my posts I am sure I am more of a noob then you.

Well, I kinda doubt that. This completely stumped me though, because that last pic is actually what came right up out of the ground where I planted my first seed...maybe it just never grew and the other shit came in over top of it? :S
google works fine for me...

mind you I don't have the motivation to "hunt" for identical pics..

google "white oak seedling" - click to "images" and the flower that looks like the one you showed is on page one...

then did the same with "white oak leaves".. and again.. first page..

just telling you what it looked like from your pics.. but spark it up and let us know what it is.:peace:
it does look...somewhat..alike mj, just lot more serrated leafs and other details..

but only as in, oh, you thought that was mj? oh ok, yes, it......sorta looks a bit like it.

you should google "cannabis pictures" or something like that. million pictures online to teach you exactly how cannabis appears.
that flower does look like the one the op posted, but i don't think it's an oak.. oaks have a broader leaf, and the fingers are much less pronounced and much less separated from each other, like they aren't single fingers, but rather the entire leaf is one, with what kind of looks like fingers, but in actuality isn't..
still not sure what the op posted, and even the one's that he/ she planted aren't marijuana.. hey op, where did you get the seeds from that you planted?? i'm thinking along the same lines that you did, that what you planted never grew, and that crazy ass weed grew in its place.. odd coincidence indeed, but i don't think it's anything more than that..
i could almost talk myself into thinking it might be a marijuana plant, the leaves have a strange saw tooth to them. noway are they white oak sapplings. hibiscus maybe?
Yeah, I looked through a few pages and wasn't really satisfied. I do appreciate the input, I'll look into more tomorrow, though. Even if it's not real weed I'm still curious to know just what kind of plant it is. I never seen these before, and their seven spikey leaves really caught my attention..
It's looks like a Wasilla, Alaska strain called Methanuska Thunderfukt. It's a mix between a marijuana plant and a meth plant. :)