e3- New Nintendo Console...

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
So, pretty stoned all day watching e3 game news:blsmoke:(gamer) and nintendo announced a new console, supposed to be more powerful than ps3/360 and has a 6 inch monitor on the controller. now, most people i know who are teenage or in their 20's think nintendo is for kids, w/e i grew up on this shit, ive had every console to date and they always have good games, nothing like getting high and playing some mario or metroid if you ask me! hell, first time i smoked was when goldeneye was released. the two seemed partners from that day on bongsmilie . Now they didnt say what games would be released for it, besides Super Smash bros and 3rd party content. but im pretty hopeful. what your take? you one of those who think its for kids?

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Thx to the Sega Channel from Comcast cable, I played a lot of sega games. Damn I miss free stuff at my Grandma's House. Now I got to still go out and get a Play 3, I have xbox360, gears of war was the dopest game I played on it
Emulator and Roms, my friend.


Well-Known Member
Hi, I am playing Lagoon and Super Mario RPG. I know those games can be slow but I programmed a FastForward key on my USB controller and that smoothes things out a bit. I've never tried getting some Sega Roms though... that would be cool to get Earthworm Jim. WEEEEEELLLLL DOOOOONNE hahah cows


Well-Known Member
fuck that, i'm broke, and happy with my n64, give me super mario and a bag o' shrooms any day!


Well-Known Member
Yep, I was born in 1982... I started out with an Atari.. which some people around here are so young that they probably don't even know what an Atari is.. but for those of you who know what I'm talking about.. the old schoolers.. Atari was the ultimate gaming console back in its day.

I went from Atari.. to Nintendo (which I still have.. as well as the 'Duck Hunt' gun/pistol.. and I have a big bazooka thing.. but can't remember what game(s) it went to)

but yeah, after Nintendo.. came the Sega. I freaking loved the Sega when it came out.. Sonic the Hedgehog was one of my favorite games.

After Sega got old.. I got one of the Super NES consoles (Super Nintendo Console).. then after that got old.. I got the PS1. Then I got the PS2...

and finally.. I have the PS3!

Out of all those gaming consoles.. I still have the following consoles:
1. Nintendo (with games and controllers including the 'Duck Hunt' game with gun and I also have this big gun.. which looks like a bazooka. But again, I don't remember what game it went to).

2. Sega Genesis - 1 controller and a few games

3. Atari console with one controller and 5 games

4. Playstation #1

5. Playstation #2

6. Playstation #3

I've thought about putting my older consoles up on Ebay and see how much I can get for them as a bundle pack.. or individually. I know some of the original Nintendo consoles can bring some good money. Especially if you still have the original box (which I do) and some of the add-on guns and controllers.

I might get one Ebay and see how much the original Nintendo consoles are going for these days.. with the ORIGINAL box included. Still has the price tag on it! LOL.


Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
In my closet, i have my atari 2600, a nes, snes, genesis, sega saturn, sega neptune(really rare) a sega dreamcast, a n64, a gamecube, a ps2, and soon, my wii. a bunch of old gameboys and gayboy colors. i never throw out a console once i get one, since i worked to buy them as a kid and they seem like important collectables someday, so when i have children they can start playing on the genesis or super nintendo and work their way up to the ps4, or xbox 720. lol

ive got atleast 120 games in my closet, all organized from system to system. i pull out the old nes and genesis from time to time whenever i get a "distinct" type of high. the kinds of highs i hate, but only the nostalgia of childhood can cure.


Well-Known Member
fuck the wii ive had every ps system thats consumer loyalty i would not wast my money on anything else.........ive never had a sony playstation brake on me or let me down....i hate the Xbox controller it gives me thumb cramps....what no wifi....no blue ray....wakk

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
In my closet, i have my atari 2600, a nes, snes, genesis, sega saturn, sega neptune(really rare) a sega dreamcast, a n64, a gamecube, a ps2, and soon, my wii./QUOTE]

Sega Saturn was awesome. It's a shame it didn't become popular. Kinda same thing with dreamcast though, although DC achieved slightly more popularity than the saturn. Both deserved more popularity than they got. The Saturn's graphics blew the playstation 1 out of the water.

Do you have a Sega CD as well? I have a sega CD and a jaguar (two expansions for the original sega). My Genesis was pimped out.

Mort Fink

New Member
sega neptune is a sega genesis/cd/32x combo, its extremely rare. limited release. i told you man, i was hardcore.
I was hardcore myself. You missed some like Neo Geo, Sega Game Gear, Atari Lynx, Sega Master System, TurboGrafx-16, 3DO with the light gun and mad dog mccree loved that. Road Rash was awesome on 3DO too. Thats all I can think of right now, never had a neptune thought, but I did have 32x with virtua fighter and virtua racer.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i had game gear, and sega nomad, both had awful battery power issues. neo geo was fucking expensive son lol, lynx was rare, even for me. turbografx wasnt sold where i lived, nor the 3DO. but yea i used to go all out for games and shit. i kinda stick to playing on my pc since it has emulators, i only reuse the oldies when i get high. reminds me of when i used to smoke in the 90's. great years they were/


Well-Known Member
Got (2) turbografx w tons of games, (2) nintendos, snes, sega Saturn, cd i, game gear, dreamcast, ps 1 2(fat n skinny) 3, (2) 360s, wii...yea kinda addicted as well. Nothing like some good retro gaming. Also copped a retro duo which plays Nes and snes games in one console....super metroid is prob the best game ever, just throwing that out there.

Mort Fink

New Member
Fuck yeah everyone!! Video games rock, save them systems. I bet in like 25 years a boxed NES or turbographx will be worth a pretty penny. I love games. I rock mainly PCs now too, emulators are great. I found a N64 and you could turn the res to 1920x1200 full HD and I was playing Ocarina of Time in HD it was awesome. It wasn't perfect but showed me how great Nintendo HD could be. I will probably get the New Nintendo Wii U and rock some HD Zelda when it comes out. That new controller looks interesting.