
The sun unleashed a massive solar storm today (June 7) in a dazzling eruption that kicked up a vast cloud of magnetic plasma that appeared to rain back down over half of the sun's entire surface, NASA scientists say.
The solar storm hit its peak at about 2:41 a.m. EDT (0641 GMT), but the actual flare extended over a three-hour period, said C. Alex Young, a solar astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center who runs a website called The Sun Today, in a video describing the event.
"The sun produced a quite spectacular prominence eruption that had a solar flare and high-energy particles associated with it, but I've just never seen material released like this before," Young said. "It looks like somebody just kicked a giant clod of dirt into the air and then it fell back down." [Video: See the sun's June 7 solar flare and eruption]

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory spacecraft caught high-definition video of the flare in different wavelengths. The event registered as a Class M-2 solar flare, which is a medium-class sun storm that should not pose a danger to satellites or infrastructure on Earth.
An alert by the NOAA-operated Space Weather Prediction Center stated that the solar flare could create a strong geomagnetic storm on Wednesday (June 9) from the event's coronal mass ejection (CME), an explosion of charged particles triggered by the flare. Geomagnetic storms can lead to stronger than normal displays of Earth's auroras, also known as the northern and southern lights.
"It's nothing we really have to worry about," Young said in his video. "It's just really, really beautiful."
The coronal mass ejection is directed at Earth and moving at about 3.1 million mph (5 million kph), SDO mission scientists said in a statement.
"Due to its angle, however, effects on Earth should be fairly small. Nevertheless, it may generate space weather effects here on Earth in a few days," they added.
In the SDO videos, the solar flare erupts from the lower right of the sun and triggers the intense coronal mass ejection, which blows plasma and particles high up into the sun's corona — its outer atmosphere — with some raining back down.
SDO mission scientists said the flare kicked up relatively cool gas and material.
"It is somewhat unique because at many places in the eruption there seems to be even cooler material —at temperatures less than 80,000 Kelvin," SDO scientists explained.
A temperature of 80,000 Kelvin is about 143,540 degrees Fahrenheit (nearly 79,727 degrees Celsius). The sun's corona typically has temperatures ranging from 900,000 degrees F (500,000 degrees C) to 10.8 million degrees F (6 million degrees C). It can reach tens of millions of degrees when a solar flare occurs.
The sun is currently going through an active period in it is 11-year solar weather cycle. The current cycle is called solar cycle 24.
Several NASA spacecraft are keeping constant watch on the sun for flares and CMEs, and serve as an early-warning system for major space weather events.
Here for people who life facts and data and reports.
This article is just from today. Oh but there is no money to be made right? Give me a motherfucking break!

yes, shooting camels from helicopters is badass.

not sure that it proves any of your conspiratorial ramblings about fema camps.

btw, your link is riddled with ads and i had to go elsewhere to find the same news. you suck.
Scottish Power became the first of the six major suppliers to disclose a new round of price rises. It told five million customers that gas and electricity bills would go up by 19 per cent and 10 per cent respectively.

The increase, which will take effect on Aug 1, will push households’ average annual bills to almost £1,400; the highest level ever.

Other energy suppliers are expected to follow suit and increase their prices within weeks.

The announcement is a fresh blow to households whose budgets have been squeezed after repeated increases in inflation. The Bank of England has previously warned that rising energy bills are likely to be one of the main factors behind the continued rise in the cost of living.

The Spanish-owned company, which made an operating profit of approximately £800 million last year, blamed the increases on a “prolonged” rise in wholesale gas and electricity prices, which have jumped 30 per cent since November.
Here is yet another, directly linked to Britain banks, and talks about how much money there really truly is to be made off of this hoax.

i'll agree, there is a ton of money to be made in this whole switching to sustainable energies thing.

my dad in law is getting into the business of making homes more energy efficient. saves the homeowners a boat load of money and makes him a nifty little pocket change as well.

he is probably some globalist working for the NWO, i suppose. he must be stopped!
yes, shooting camels from helicopters is badass.

not sure that it proves any of your conspiratorial ramblings about fema camps.

btw, your link is riddled with ads and i had to go elsewhere to find the same news. you suck.
You enjoy beating yourself up don't you?
Scottish Power became the first of the six major suppliers to disclose a new round of price rises. It told five million customers that gas and electricity bills would go up by 19 per cent and 10 per cent respectively.

The increase, which will take effect on Aug 1, will push households’ average annual bills to almost £1,400; the highest level ever.

Other energy suppliers are expected to follow suit and increase their prices within weeks.

The announcement is a fresh blow to households whose budgets have been squeezed after repeated increases in inflation. The Bank of England has previously warned that rising energy bills are likely to be one of the main factors behind the continued rise in the cost of living.

The Spanish-owned company, which made an operating profit of approximately £800 million last year, blamed the increases on a “prolonged” rise in wholesale gas and electricity prices, which have jumped 30 per cent since November.

what is this? businesses pass on their costs to consumers?

it's a conspiracy! their going to put us all in fema camps! we're all gonna die!

I am all set.
Try to educate yourself, then come talk to me.

where should i start?

maybe i can brush up on how slaves were equal to slave owners.

perhaps i can peruse the subject of how the government will lock up my family inside fema camps.

do i need to look into how taking a liberal view will lead me down a path of supporting state-owned means of production?

oh, i know. i should be doing dilligent research about the connection between shooting camels from helicopters and the nefarious kabal of elite globalist bankers that will lead us into a new world order!

that's the ticket!

just like every other ron paul worshipper, you proclaim that i need to either open my eyes, wake up, or educate myself.

i happen to think you should educate yourself on why he won't win, despite your protestations that he will. foolishness.

you are too easy, and fun. i need to get some chicken feed before the store closes, but you make it difficult to walk away.
what is this? businesses pass on their costs to consumers?

it's a conspiracy! their going to put us all in fema camps! we're all gonna die!

Oh yea and clearly you illustrate once again the sheer ignorance. So in your peon brain, you believe that you must compensate an elitist for you so called "carbon footprint"?
How the hell is making the rich more rich going to ease our global warming problems?
If you can go on thinking your money being taken from you will solve this, then kill yourself and your family, if that's the case because your apart of the problem, not the solution, or you can go on thinking your money going to an elitists will ease our devastating "global warming" we have somehow created.
Yeah ok we people created beyond what all the oceans and volcanoes them selves could not, with astronomically way more c02 then we humans can ever create.
Haha give me a fucking break, get lost.
where should i start?

maybe i can brush up on how slaves were equal to slave owners.

perhaps i can peruse the subject of how the government will lock up my family inside fema camps.

do i need to look into how taking a liberal view will lead me down a path of supporting state-owned means of production?

oh, i know. i should be doing dilligent research about the connection between shooting camels from helicopters and the nefarious kabal of elite globalist bankers that will lead us into a new world order!

that's the ticket!

just like every other ron paul worshipper, you proclaim that i need to either open my eyes, wake up, or educate myself.

i happen to think you should educate yourself on why he won't win, despite your protestations that he will. foolishness.

you are too easy, and fun. i need to get some chicken feed before the store closes, but you make it difficult to walk away.
Ha. I actually am starting to believe this is what your infant like brain believes, sad really.
Oh yea and clearly you illustrate once again the sheer ignorance. So in your peon brain, you believe that you must compensate an elitist for you so called "carbon footprint"?
How the hell is making the rich more rich going to ease our global warming problems?
If you can go on thinking your money being taken from you will solve this, then kill yourself and your family, if that's the case because your apart of the problem, not the solution, or you can go on thinking your money going to an elitists will ease our devastating "global warming" we have somehow created.
Yeah ok we people created beyond what all the oceans and volcanoes them selves could not, with astronomically way more c02 then we humans can ever create.
Haha give me a fucking break, get lost.

i'm pretty sure that is exactly the argument made by 95% of the leading climate researchers as well.

today, i bought a 6 pack, some hamburger buns, and a pack of smokes. in a minute, will go buy some chicken feed.

none of my money spent today, yesterday, tomorrow, or any other time will go to "some elitist" as compensation for my carbon footprint.

i will, however, save some money by making my home more energy efficient, while you spend your unemployment check on MREs and emergency purified drinking water in preparation for the fema camp round up.

have fun with your reality.

oh, btw....WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!
Good News !!!! Americans, your beloved Constitution Paper has been found by a young man. FOX News tells us however that the White House doesn't want it back so Walmart will be buying the U.S. Constitution from the White House for $1 Trillion dollars, effectively helping out with the Gubenment Bush Debt. In Walmart We Trust.
i'm pretty sure that is exactly the argument made by 95% of the leading climate researchers as well.

today, i bought a 6 pack, some hamburger buns, and a pack of smokes. in a minute, will go buy some chicken feed.

none of my money spent today, yesterday, tomorrow, or any other time will go to "some elitist" as compensation for my carbon footprint.

i will, however, save some money by making my home more energy efficient, while you spend your unemployment check on MREs and emergency purified drinking water in preparation for the fema camp round up.

have fun with your reality.

oh, btw....WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!
What great and i mean "great!" manipulated little brainwashed denial you live in.
I cant even count how many facts, little own, the facts that i can still put up for you to read, that you still continue to deny, in front of everyone for all to read. haha yep, i absolutely love seeing you self destruct publicly. marvelous! I love it! I gave you explanations,facts and data, you gave me invalid debate tactics. Which do you think appears genuine? The day ill listen to a single thing, a fact denier, and someone who says, "you cant read something in three minutes if i cant". Shit, that will be the day.
You ever listen to how you rationalize?