Back At It Again

I pulled the 2 querkles because they had something going on with them and they weren't pulling out of it. This point in the season I'm not trying to screw around with trying to save them, so I am going to replace them.
I've had a few weird looking ones in the the past, that ended up producing big time by oct. It's like they were playing hooky. lol. I know what you mean though. I hate looking at runts myself. Makes the beautiful ones look bad. lol
Haha I'm not a fella but whatever I just wanted to say AMAZING crop! I'm officially jealous.

Btw green crack is amazing, I'm growing it too.
I've had a few weird looking ones in the the past, that ended up producing big time by oct. It's like they were playing hooky. lol. I know what you mean though. I hate looking at runts myself. Makes the beautiful ones look bad. lol

if i knew that they was gunna pull out of whatever they were doing i would have left them, the thing was that i watched them for few weeks and they didnt change at all so i wasnt trying to let it go. they looked like they had some sort of heat stress but the weather hasnt been hot at all, i gave them superthrive and they still didnt want to pull out of whatever was going on, so i figured screw it ima replace it... easiest thing to do you know!
Haha I'm not a fella but whatever I just wanted to say AMAZING crop! I'm officially jealous.

Btw green crack is amazing, I'm growing it too.

Thank you! I love green crack! i have a serious sweet tooth for the strain! Love to grow it and vape it! and blaze it! and eat it! everything about green crack is awesome!
Wow! How much dry bud did you harvest last year? If you dont mind me asking.
Last season i got 16 3/4 lbs from 12 plants, most of the weight came off 4 of the 12, 2 of my Chem Valley Kush plants last year yielded roughly 4lbs each, i had an ak47 that had a yield of 2 3/4, a green crack that i got 2 1/2 then the rest which where smaller and different ages got about 1lb or less each.

this season im shooting for the stars and am trying to get the most out of everyone of my girls, kinda pushing them to the limit as much as i can without hurting them. ive decided that they are big enough and well established enough that i can start using some maxsea and pumping them up! ima go for broke on this crop! and so far so good!
I know its only been a few day since the last video but o well you all like videos ya!

Im off to the store to get some 1''x2''x8' strips to build the trellis' on the rest of the boxes. gunna be a hot day in the garden!
For sure, your plants are awesome, I'm jealous of your sun exposure. My plants are stunted by comparison, but they only really det 5 hours direct overhead sunlight. Oh well, gotta work with whatcha got, right? Anyway, keep up the good work, you're gonna have a lot of work in
from what ive heard different things, ive heard that there are somewhere close to 6k signatures counted but to get the referendum we need 7600, but we are shooting for 10k so that there is some leeway for error you know. but i think we will get the referendum! thats why i keep on growing! and in 10 days i am not going to pull anything! especially if they are 6ft tall! no no not me! they can see my lawyer!
Looks killer man! I took a picture of my g 13 has a browning leaf i dont know what it means. See if ya can tell me what it is i appreciate it a lot!
So im looking in to automatic water systems. what would yall suggest? drip system, or sprayers? i have some buddies who do drips and then i have seen others that do spray systems. just looking for some more input...
I have both going. It's a hose end system with 50 ft of hose, several 1 and 2 gph drippers, 2 360 and 2 180 sprayers for $20 at OSH. :D I think it's supposed to be an 18 plant system.