mother plants


ok couple simple questions? i'm pre-planning and researching for a grow room i plan to build months from now. i want to grow 4 mothers plants using flourescent lighting and produce about 200 or so clones per my questions are. (I'm new to all of this so please bare with my ?'s)

1-Is 4 mother's enough to produce 200+ clones per cycle or do i need more mother's (i dont want to grow mothers more than 4 feet tall)

2-Any suggestion's on which flouescent lighting to use? and how many bulbs? (was thinking of using two T5's four bulbs on each, so basically a 4 bulb T5 for two mother plants and same setup for the other two) does that sould right? and what color spectrum bulbs should i use?

3-how far from the tops of the mother plants should i keep the light fixture?

4-i want to plant the mothers in soil, what size pots should i use? any suggestion on what soil to use?

5-i want to keep nutrients to a min, any suggestion's on that? (basically i would like to use only one nutrient for mother plants if any)

6-do i have to change the soil of the plants every so often?

......any and all help would be greatlly appriciated, any other tips and suggestion on mother plants also welcome, thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
New definition of a couple is now 6? Try going to the newbie section and read some of the stickies. You can also do some searches on here. Try "lighting", "container size", "taking clones".

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
ok couple simple questions? i'm pre-planning and researching for a grow room i plan to build months from now. i want to grow 4 mothers plants using flourescent lighting and produce about 200 or so clones per my questions are. (I'm new to all of this so please bare with my ?'s)

1-Is 4 mother's enough to produce 200+ clones per cycle or do i need more mother's (i dont want to grow mothers more than 4 feet tall)
Depends on the strain and how it is grown, short answer is yes...but it will take a little work with the height restrictions listed below.

2-Any suggestion's on which flouescent lighting to use? and how many bulbs? (was thinking of using two T5's four bulbs on each, so basically a 4 bulb T5 for two mother plants and same setup for the other two) does that sould right? and what color spectrum bulbs should i use?
that sounds like a decent setup, I have three mothers under a 110W compact Floro, i leave mine on 24/0. Just don't expect super huge growth right away. As far as spectrum goes i could tell you, but if you don't know that you need to search and read more.

3-how far from the tops of the mother plants should i keep the light fixture?
If you use floro's you want them as close as you can get em without burning the plant.

4-i want to plant the mothers in soil, what size pots should i use? any suggestion on what soil to use?
Again something you should read up on, I use a 2 gallon bag. Also soil is a personal preference, most growers use pro-mix as you can custom mix your own soil, other use Fox Farm (myself included) of course there are a million and a half other options.

5-i want to keep nutrients to a min, any suggestion's on that? (basically i would like to use only one nutrient for mother plants if any)
Not that simple, yes you could use one (or none for that matter) but for the best results you want to use something for veg growth and a micro nutrient is also advisable..check out the fox farm tri-pack

6-do i have to change the soil of the plants every so often?
No, do not change your soil mid-grow unless it is locked up or need to transplant.

......any and all help would be greatlly appriciated, any other tips and suggestion on mother plants also welcome, thanks in advance
All of the questions you asked had a multitude of answers so my suggestion is READ! if your not sure what somthing means, google it.


haha yeah i mean a few ?s, yeah i tryed searching but there is so much info out there i was hoping i could just post ?'s and get answers. yeah another lazy stoner here.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
haha yeah i mean a few ?s, yeah i tryed searching but there is so much info out there i was hoping i could just post ?'s and get answers. yeah another lazy stoner here.
Yeah you can, but expect to get flamed if you want everything spoon feed to you...everyone gets one free one, next time i wont be as helpful.


Well-Known Member
if your grow is gonna require 200 cuttings a cycle.. then your not in a position to be lazy lol... growing takes alot of time!


Well-Known Member
anything over 99 plants is federal i belive i would reconsider your set up to atleast only have to worry about reprocutions on a local level.


Well-Known Member
If you have never grown before, I would suggest vegging out a mother and take some clones. When everything is working to your expectations, copy it X four. Sounds to me you are trying to go to big too fast.


Active Member
ok couple simple questions? i'm pre-planning and researching for a grow room i plan to build months from now. i want to grow 4 mothers plants using flourescent lighting and produce about 200 or so clones per my questions are. (I'm new to all of this so please bare with my ?'s)

1-Is 4 mother's enough to produce 200+ clones per cycle or do i need more mother's (i dont want to grow mothers more than 4 feet tall)

2-Any suggestion's on which flouescent lighting to use? and how many bulbs? (was thinking of using two T5's four bulbs on each, so basically a 4 bulb T5 for two mother plants and same setup for the other two) does that sould right? and what color spectrum bulbs should i use?

3-how far from the tops of the mother plants should i keep the light fixture?

4-i want to plant the mothers in soil, what size pots should i use? any suggestion on what soil to use?

5-i want to keep nutrients to a min, any suggestion's on that? (basically i would like to use only one nutrient for mother plants if any)

6-do i have to change the soil of the plants every so often?

......any and all help would be greatlly appriciated, any other tips and suggestion on mother plants also welcome, thanks in advance
I don't know your past experience with growing MJ, but it seems that you need to do your homework if you have such big plans in the near future. Have you thought about starting a grow with just a few plants so that you are growing and learning from doing? A small grow will provide many answers and you can make changes and improvements as you grow. By the time you get through 2-3 small grows you will have much of the knowledge needed to take on a Mother(s) that will provide 200+ cuttings. Just my opinion...


yes i was planning on starting with one mother and if my setup works from a-z i would end up with four mothers eventually, i have a 10x12 room so eventually i would like to end up with that room supporting 4 mothers, 200 clones and 200 flowering. i have lots of time to research and study up but yes im going big for first grow, not the smart thing to do off the bat but i think ill be able to pull it off. hopefully.


Well-Known Member
why not just cut the plant count to 99 .. for legal reasons? Just veg em longer.. and you will still have comparable yields.. not many people understand .. its the lighting .. not the number of plants that determine yield.. thats why you can grow 1 plant outdoors and have pounds on it. Same for indoor.. grow less plants.. train em so they produce a canopy of 3 or 4 smaller plants.. then you have less plants to maintain and less plants for legalities.


good advice i will look into the 99 plant count, but reason for 200 was to get shortest cycle's i could, i would like to do 2 month cycles, longer veg time would push me far past that, im trying to veg for only week, and flower for 6-8. i'm thinking that lots of small plants with short veg every two months, would produce more yield in less time than for example 1/2 as many plants with longer veg time.......but like i said im new to all of this, and plans are not set in stone so i'll be researching into all of goal is produce the most yield in least amount of time in my 10x12 room.


Active Member
oh and yeah plans are very ambitious. "reach for the sky so if you fall you land on the clouds"
Okay, you want to be able to get 200+ cuttings from Mothers, but you want someone else to tell you how to do it? If you have such plans I think you already know the answers to your questions, you just want opinions.

Question #1 - How many cuttings do you expect to get from each plant and how often to get 200+ cuttings? I say a lot more than 4, more like 24 (5-10 cuttings per plant at a time). The plant has to recoup between taking cuttings

Question #2 - You already have that one figured out, using the T5s with 4 bulbs

Question #3 - It depends on how far you have your lighting from the plants. Too close you might burn your plants. Too far away and your plants will stretch toward the light. You have to see see based on your setup.

Question #4 - Pot size for the Mother depends on how much space you have, and how large your plants are. Start at 3 gallon, then 5 gallon, maybe 7 to 10 gallon containers as they grow. How long do you plan to keep the same Mothers?

Question #5 - The choice of fertilizers are many. Just about any brand will grow your plants, expensive is not necessarily better and cheap is not necessarily bad.

Question #6 - As you move your Mothers to larger containers you will add new soil mixture at that time. So the only time you need to add or change soil is when the roots get too much for the container.

:leaf:These are my personal thoughts and opinions based on the questions and how I would do it:leaf:


Well-Known Member
if you have seperate veg and flower areas.. you can veg your plants while the others flower.. that is the most effective way to produce in the shortest time frame.. that way when your flowering is done and you harvest.. you already have plants sitting and waiting to be flowered. 200 plants is big trouble with the feds.. I have 12 in flower and its a pain in the ass to water and feed and maintain and inspect all of em .. next round im only gonna do 8 but vegged longer.. Just setup a little veg area and things will be MUCH more effiecient!


Moderatrix of Journals
1. are you willing to go 6 feet? 4 might be pushing it, especially at first. they get more branch regrowth the more cuttings you take so by round 3 you might be able to cut them back to 4 footers.

2. for your mothers, i'd say that'd be plenty. you're going to want something closer for your clones, though.

3. far enough that they don't burn. you'll figure it out.

4. all preference. 'soilless mediums' will give you greater control than actual soil, it's all about what you're looking for, ease-wise. ditto pots. one note: "airpots" require waaaaay more waterings.

5. we use grotek's "solotek", which is a 1-parter. (you just dilute the one concentrate and go, there's a different formula for "veg" and "bloom"; you're going to want some of both.) we use a few of their additive products as well, but if you want to keep it simple, you just need the one product, which is nice. there are a bunch of 1 parters out there to choose from.

6. your moms are going to want to get transplanted as their roots fill up the pots they're in. eventually, as you become more botanically savvy, you'll want to trim up the root ball if you're concerned about your ever-increasing pot-size, but that's not something i'd recommend to any first-timer, even a well-read one. hands-on beats theory sometimes.

now, having answered all your questions, i'm wondering one thing: do you know what sort of commitment this is going to be? i mean, we're not talking full-time job here, but in terms of "having to check on it every x number of hours," the mom/flower/baby combo doesn't allow for much personal freedom.


thanks to everyone for there help, taking it all in. yes understand its lots of commitment but this work will be split in two as another individual will also be helping with the grow, he has some exp growing but only outdoors