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no such thingHypothetically, do you think it's more important for government to obey the constitution over acting in the best interests of the people?
no such thingHypothetically, do you think it's more important for government to obey the constitution over acting in the best interests of the people?
lol. If something is in the constitution how can it be unconstitutional?
Hypothetically, do you think it's more important for government to obey the constitution over acting in the best interests of the people?
no such thing
Forgive me, I was in error stating that the 16th Amnd was unconstitutional. It is not and has been ruled on. What is unconstitutional is the fraud perpetuated on Americans causing them to believe that the 16th Amnd says they have to pay taxes on their wages.
Who is to say what is best for the people? You see, that is where we always get in trouble. The Constitution is not an opinion. It is THE law of the land. You are suggesting that the law should be circumvented to appease the masses. What you consider to be in the best interests of the people may not be what I consider in their best interests. All that doesn't matter, it's what the Constitution says.
Social Security started out with the best of intentions and look at the mess it's in. Federal bureaucracies and legislation started with the best of intentions but without testing its Constitutionality, always backfire and turn into avenues of oppression.
It doesn't disallow wage taxes. I think you're confusing your own personal wishes with the actual text of the constitution.
So it's your opinion the constitution is an infallible document that always protects the best interests of the people at all times?
Check the facts.
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
ok. checked the facts. Wages are indeed taxable.
You are confusing what you think the constitution should say with what it actually says.
What is the Constitutional definition of income?
incomes, from whatever source derived
Yep, our founding fathers would tell America to go fuck its self if they suddenly came alive.
We are now what they always opposed, in fact we are worse then what they fought against, we are under more tyranny now than they were then
Yeah obamacare is constitutional my asshole, is that why 26 states have said they wont have anything to do with it?I dont give a shit about social issues mostly. It was an example to highlight the obvious hypocrisy. I am fairly familiar with the Constitution, I do not know it word for word or anything of the sort - but I'm not ignorant on the subject.
See, this is what I mean. This is an opinion. It is not the opinion of the SCOTUS so it is an opinion that does not really matter. The majority of expert opinions believe Obamacare is constitutional; Assuming the SCOTUS agrees, you're going to have to get used to it. Sorry, champ.
Do you understand why supreme court judges are appointed and not elected? It's to ensure that they make the right decision while being shielded from the politicization of the voting process. Just think of all the rulings the SCOTUS has made protecting rights of minorities, etc etc that if subjected to the voting process would have good judges losing their jobs or worse yet - they deny rights for fear of losing their jobs. Now, I'm not saying the SCOTUS is perfect(I personally disagree with the Citizens united decision as well as the Patriot act) - but the founding fathers put the system in place thinking it was their best option, dont like it? Too bad IMO. It seems to be working good in most cases. You have a better solution?
The banking elite are the red hot tyrants who are monarchies and dictatorships and its here in America now my friend, feathers of the same bird. I take it you don't know history? otherwise if you did you would have never needed to ask the question you would have had an answer Really? Democratically elected government is more of a tyranny than rule by a foreign king?
The 16th Amendment and the Patriot Act, just to name two.
BTW, our "rights" do not come from the Constitution, the Constitution was created to PROTECT our rights. These rights are natural or God given, however you prefer.
Yep, our founding fathers would tell America to go fuck its self if they suddenly came alive.
We are now what they always opposed, in fact we are worse then what they fought against, we are under more tyranny now than they were then.
Uhm, how many of those 26 states hold a Republican majority? This is political. You fell for it. nice job, champ.Yeah obamacare is constitutional my asshole, is that why 26 states have said they wont have anything to do with it?
I suppose barry sotaro is not treasonous with about everything he does cough "TSA" cough "Power Grab" but we also have state sovereignty thats why texas and utah are fighting TSA These are the precursors to the states vs the bankster corrupted treasonous federal government, in an all out great modern civil war.
Its specifically because its unconstitutional period point blank.Uhm, how many of those 26 states hold a Republican majority? This is political. You fell for it. nice job, champ.
Its specifically because its unconstitutional period point blank.