Yellow/Brown Blotchy Lower Leaves


Active Member
Friend of mine doesn't have a camera and we couldn't quite figure out what was wrong here, so I figured I'd post for him.

Some basic info : Got a 4x4 Sunhut, 1000w Air-Cooled HPS, 6 Plants (1 Super Silver, 5 Bubble) in BCuzz Soil Mix...3-4 gallon pots, not sure on least 3 gal. though. Temps range from 75-79F with light on and RH ranges from 40-50%. 23 days into flowering, and using General Organics nutrient line. He's been pretty much going with their chart, maybe a little heavier than recommended. Watering every 3-4 days. PH stays within 6.0-6.5 range.

Now this is just occurring on the bottom fan leaves, and he's got these things bushy as hell, so they aren't getting all that much light...not sure if that's one of the problems here or not. I personally think it's either Potassium or nute burn, but I've used this line in the past, and found it really hard to burn them with GO...even with HEAVY feedings. But hopefully I can get a better opinion from some people here on RIU.

The macro shot is the 1 Super Silver. The whole thing looks a bit lighter in color than the Bubbles, not sure if that's just genetics or not...he said it's been that way since the beginning. But the buds look really good to me for 3 weeks...on all of them. First 2 are from the Super Silver, and the last leaf is from one of the Bubbles.



Active Member
With temps never going over 79 and only the bottom areas of the plants being affected, I'll go ahead and rule out the heat stress. The PH is weird with the GO line, it supposedly fluctuates a lot, and even though he makes sure to keep it between 6.0-6.5 when feeding, the runoff comes out significantly lower a lot of the time. When mentioning this to local shops and GH Reps, they claim it's nothing to worry about, and that's how the line is supposed to work, but I'm still a little weary about that response.


Active Member
cant really see the color from the hps ... but in general your grow looks healthy .. you sure this isnt just natural shedding from the lower canopy ?


Well-Known Member
ya they all look nice and healthy, but i can assure you it is suffering from nute burn, but i think the yellowing of the leaves is totally normal, though a little early in the flowering cycle. i think next feeding you should add a lil shot of nitrogen to help with the fan leaf yellowing issue.other then that man its looking waaaaaayyyy nice!!!!


Well-Known Member
lol...ghetto grower. always have some good advice. that guy is a fox farm nut...i dont think theres a guy out there that loves FFOF more then ghetto grower =-) on a real note though man, i think it is a combination of nute burn, more precisely Nitrogen, and since they are bushes probably just not enough penetration to reach those bottom leaves. lil brown spots though are probably due to the PH fluctuation.


Active Member
lol Ghetto, not mad at all bro, thanks for keepin it real.

gobski, thanks for the help man.

Think we're gonna give them a good flush with some PH'd water this week, and see if that helps any. Had planned on starting the recommended "heavy" feeding doses, but if they're getting burnt already, well yea. The canopy still looks awesome though, so let's just hope the problem doesn't spread too much over the next 3-4 weeks and finish strong.