Well-Known Member
im just... so *sigh*. i can't take em anymore and i grew with a stash load of comic books. btw thor sucked but that's my opinion.
a splinter cell or rainbowsix movie would be far out man,id see them first day they came out.a pac man or minesweeper movie would be graet too![video=youtube;LHY8NKj3RKs][/video]i notice that these days a lot of movies that are billed as comedies are really much more than that.
observe and report, for instance. a super funny movie that was also though provoking and kinda sad.
then there's macgruber. that movie is just funny. there's nothing deep about it at all.
scott pilgrim vs the world may be kind of a chick flick, but it was VERY fun to watch.
all the homage to old-school games and the visual effects were brilliantly done.
i want to see some good tom clancy movies made... thomas jane can play john clark.
sorry if that seemed kinda random.
just woke and boke.
i'm not talking about a clancy based game movie, i'm talking about without remorse.a splinter cell or rainbowsix movie would be far out man,id see them first day they came out.a pac man or minesweeper movie would be graet too![video=youtube;LHY8NKj3RKs][/video]
everytime they adapt a book into a movie they F it up(but thats if you read the book than watch the movie and realize how much stuff they bummed out on)i'm not talking about a clancy based game movie, i'm talking about without remorse.
or perhaps red storm rising.
they could also re-do clear and present danger and get it right. the last movie was a terrible book adaptation.
usually movie adapts of books are not as good as the book themselves cause you have a better imagination than what is able to be produced on screen. also its very difficult to have character inner dialog on screen without a losing some part of it.everytime they adapt a book into a movie they F it up(but thats if you read the book than watch the movie and realize how much stuff they bummed out on)![]()
except when your friends bring you to watch The Human Centipede,they told me it was a romantic comedy,i bought into it,than soon realized the whole movie was about 3 friends who get knocked out by some mad scientist and wake up with their lips sewn to each others corn holeHeres my thoughts on ppl who see these summer pop-corn movies thinking they r gonna be the next Godfather. I studied theatre and film in college and can break down movies with the brst of em. from lighting and camera angles to subtext and plot summeries.
Going to the movies with the preconcieved notion that its gonna be crap and your gonna think its crap.
go to the movies and use the suspension of disbelief and youll have a good time!
what does this mean? go and watch the movie for what it is and stop over thinking things, youre there to have a good time, just go with it.
Are many movies really good these days? no, but you can put whatever problems ya have in the world for a couple hous and just enjoy whats going on.
and btw, Xmen first class was pretty damn good IMHO
the uncharted game looked like a movie,so the uncharted movie should look like some sort of super movie(just my philosophy lol)And I hope they dont fuck up the uncharted movie.It has potential to be good.
without remorse was such an amazing book.i'm not talking about a clancy based game movie, i'm talking about without remorse.
or perhaps red storm rising.
they could also re-do clear and present danger and get it right. the last movie was a terrible book adaptation.