Doesen't matter whose in office, they don't have any interest in making the lives of people in poverty or the middle class any better. When has any president?...This Ron Paul thing is just another guy they put into play to LUL everyone back to sleep. Put your trust in the political structure and you get what they feed you. They always groom these clowns to preach to the chior and we just eat that BS up. This Ron Paul fool has the hearts and minds of alot of people now..It's like they improve on thier BS every 4 years. This is a vicious cycle..but this cycle is over..People just haven't realized it yet. I'm just watching this stupidity take place. LOL like the President ever had control of know how to play the game..and people all over are getting played. Better vote for yourself..Cause they will say anything to get more supporters..and if the people ask for and believe, they gonna give it to you..every last bit. Hoebama...Con Paul..they are all tools. Let's not fall for the 1st guy that says legalize it. Obama said it and many before him.
Actual dictionary definition:
1. a person
who is active in
party politics.
2. a seeker or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favor or retaining power than about maintaining principles.
3. a person who holds a
political office.