New Member
"He’s not unusual There are genuine libertarians out there. But political figures who talk a lot about liberty and freedom invariably turn out to mean the freedom to not pay taxes and discriminate based on race; freedom to hold different ideas and express them, not so much." -Paul Krugman Link
As Keynesianism becomes more obviously false, he has slipped to political pundit a la Olbermann. He is becoming positively irrelevant. Krugman's devolution has been sad to see. He was formerly a rather sharp economist, and I'd dare say perhaps deserving of the Nobel prize he received. To see him go from that to being a petty political troll is rather pathetic.
Either way, Krugman and his ilk have been more prone to discriminate based on race, in recent times. Rand Paul merely defends Krugman's otherwise unpopular right to do so. You'd think he would be thankful...
I wonder when Krugman is taking his comedy act on the road?