Dan Kone
Well-Known Member
Congressman Sam Farr has just authored a bill that would make it legal to use medical law in a federal drug case.
If passed, for the first time juries will be able to find defendants not guilty based on state medical law superseding federal law. Fuck yeah!
If you thought Cali grew a lot of bud before, just wait until this passes!
If passed, for the first time juries will be able to find defendants not guilty based on state medical law superseding federal law. Fuck yeah!
If you thought Cali grew a lot of bud before, just wait until this passes!
http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d111:hr3939:Bill title: Truth in Trials Act
Bill number: H.R. 3939
Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands
Summary: This legislation would allow individuals accused of violating federal marijuana laws to offer evidence in federal court that their use of medical marijuana followed state medical marijuana laws. The bill would codify legal protections for defendants caught between state and federal laws, ensuring that state medical marijuana laws remain a defense in federal trials even if a future administration overturns the recent guidelines.
The bill would mean defendants could be found not guilty if theyre found to have followed state medical marijuana laws. Currently, medical marijuana patients, along with growers and distributors, are not allowed to use medical purposes as a defense for using marijuana, even if their state permits such use.
Following introduction of the bill, Rep. Farr said: This is a common sense bill that will help stop the waste of law enforcement and judicial resources that have been spent prosecuting individuals who are following state laws. We need strict drug laws, but we also need to apply a little common sense to how theyre enforced. This legislation is about the fair treatment of defendants in medical marijuana trials, plain and simple.