ive stashe 5 fuckin grams of charli in the nouse and i cant remember where!!!aaahhhhrrrrgggghhhhh.
anyone that's got facebook! check this out http://www.facebook.com/ClearUK
ive stashe 5 fuckin grams of charli in the nouse and i cant remember where!!!aaahhhhrrrrgggghhhhh.
uh, what................thought this was facebook...........
did you hide it up your nose dura ?lol
any idea what they will sentance ya ??
i cant believe that u cant believe that i cant belive either
cheers wowsephgonna be a free fairy soon "oh 'ello boys" hahaha
i was twice the limit, 72mg, but its usually an 18 month ban for that, jist have tae c how it goes.i got done in 2006 for being 3 x over the limit drink driving .. (i fucking felt sober!) i got 9 month ban , £600 fine .. ban got knocked down to 6month cus i went on alcohol councilling course. its a load of bollocks mate , i was drivingmy car pretty normal as i used to drink shit loads so got used to alcohol .. they pulled me for a random stop about 2 minute away from my door !
a friend (female) is bout to get sentanced for her 4th time drink/driving and she got a fucking yr inside on the 3rd lol am glad i dont drive lol
a friend (female) is bout to get sentanced for her 4th time drink/driving and she got a fucking yr inside on the 3rd lol am glad i dont drive lol