I am done playing nice nice with the mites. I need to find someone in another state to recieve a bottle of Floramite and Avid for me and send it to my PO box. These 2 seem to be the #1 way to fist pump a mite into therapy...then death. Contact kill on eggs and adults for 28 days with Floramite. Expensive as hell...I don't care. I had a good month that could have been better w/o the bugs. And, I don't give one rat's ass about how toxic they are at this point. Let me kill them all...THEN, I'll move on to safe controls for the FEW mites that may show up. This has gone on too long, and I've spent too much time and $$$ trying to make the granola heads happy. Now I'll just say "Floramie is a molecule...molecules are natural...Floramite is natural." Die you mite fuckers, and I hope it hurts.
Heya CG,
Long time lurker and have read this entire thread from day one.
i had to jump in about the mite problem.
I woke up the other morning and found my bloom room infested. like you i have a perpetual grow.
Did some research and found an article by Ed Rosenthal about a home made insecticide.
I tried it and it had instant knockdown and my plants seem free of mites after one day.
Recipe as follows.
to make 10 liters
add 4 tablespoons of ground cloves
4 tablespoons of ground cinnamon
4 tablespoons of "italian seasoning" mix
Bring to the boil and take off heat.
When warm add approx 2 whole bulbs of crushed garlic.
Allow to steep over night strain and its ready to spray.
This can be sprayed liberally over plants that are in full bloom and seems to work great.
I have plants 1 week away from harvest which i sprayed with no side effects.
i hope this helps.
Even this is my first post here i am not a newbie grower.
Keep up the great work you are an inspiration to me and my friends.
This thread has become over run !
CG, if your out there.. like this post so I know all is well!
Not that i am aware of.I think cg left with all the other members to the new forum