20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

HOLY fook I am on page 55 all read in one day and well worth the read....I will complete the thread for sure!!! Curious real quick if you say set 45 as your max # of plants in the bloom room...like in post #291 in the pic of the bloom room is that 45 of your 99 plants.

Incredible work but you know this, man!!
I am done playing nice nice with the mites. I need to find someone in another state to recieve a bottle of Floramite and Avid for me and send it to my PO box. These 2 seem to be the #1 way to fist pump a mite into therapy...then death. Contact kill on eggs and adults for 28 days with Floramite. Expensive as hell...I don't care. I had a good month that could have been better w/o the bugs. And, I don't give one rat's ass about how toxic they are at this point. Let me kill them all...THEN, I'll move on to safe controls for the FEW mites that may show up. This has gone on too long, and I've spent too much time and $$$ trying to make the granola heads happy. Now I'll just say "Floramie is a molecule...molecules are natural...Floramite is natural." Die you mite fuckers, and I hope it hurts.

Hey CG read your thread over the last few days and WOW!!!! Impressive. I can completely relate to your problem with mites what a pain in the butt. In the last three years that I've been buying clones from supposedly reputable sources in the North Bay I've had them everywhere. I had a 14 kw crop completely destroyed from mites in a cge environment stupid clones were infested. It was the first and needed to be profitable for investors. I was forced to sell all equipment to reimburse the few people involved, Needless to say I was the one who took the loss. Three grows later after almost going back to seed and taking the countless hours to find a good Mother that can produce what my patients are looking for, I was running 20kw also in a cge with co2 I was in a position where I didn't have time to start from seed so I, in all my wisdom, went back to the same place that I got the original clones from. For large orders they want half the money up front then you come back in two hours and they fill your order so you can't really inspect them there. when I got home and inspected the babies I realized that they were infested, a friend got me a very small amount of the Avid about two weeks in, I sprayed 8 trays with avid and figured I could manage the other two trays in a separate area with neem oil and bombs. Those two trays ended up being a total loss i mean they looked good but because I sprayed them with so much crap for the mites when they dried out they tasted like crap. But the other 8 trays that I sprayed the Avid on turned out amazing as they should have. Ive always been told not to use them at any point during flower because its very powerful.
Wow I just read every page of this, absolutely amazing information! Thank you taking us on this magical journey with you collective!
Heya CG,
Long time lurker and have read this entire thread from day one.
i had to jump in about the mite problem.

I woke up the other morning and found my bloom room infested. like you i have a perpetual grow.

Did some research and found an article by Ed Rosenthal about a home made insecticide.

I tried it and it had instant knockdown and my plants seem free of mites after one day.
Recipe as follows.

to make 10 liters

add 4 tablespoons of ground cloves
4 tablespoons of ground cinnamon
4 tablespoons of "italian seasoning" mix

Bring to the boil and take off heat.
When warm add approx 2 whole bulbs of crushed garlic.
Allow to steep over night strain and its ready to spray.

This can be sprayed liberally over plants that are in full bloom and seems to work great.

I have plants 1 week away from harvest which i sprayed with no side effects.

i hope this helps.

Even this is my first post here i am not a newbie grower.

Keep up the great work you are an inspiration to me and my friends.


It took me 4 days to read this entire thing!

I had a lot of things to comment on during this thread, but sadly most have slipped my mind. I will say this though, great thread / great grow(s) / great info / and best of all, a great OP. Keep up the good work, I know your patients are grateful for your services. :)
CollectiveGardener: Just spent... much too long reading the thread >.< While my brain is fried, I wanna still take the time to thank you for not only the work you put into the legit and honorable medical marijuana community but the wonderful attitude and knowledge you're sharing with this online community. Since my state, Arizona, recently got into the medical marijuana scene I am taking on this old hobby and turning it into a profession that helps others. I was avid when Overgrow existed but took a break after its downfall. Thank you for your professionalism.

Learning for life, S.
So many people are doing this and getting busted here in SO Cal...

I give you mad props, CG, for having the cajones to do this, but posting?

Don't get too comfortable behind those STATE authorized licenses....remember you live in the USA federales, too!

Good luck, mate, hope all is well and all patients got their well-deserved meds.
I went to find it for you and apparently I was wrong, it was the 14th :P haha "I promise to get some pics up in a few days. We have 5 beautiful Laughganis at week 9 that are breaking branches from the bud weight...a problem I love to have. I harvested Godzilla and his buddy today. Those DWC plants had zero larf (un-usable buds) on them. Their size would allow us to have 48 Bubba plants in the bloom room. Needless to say, I'm very anxious to see how much they weigh, as this will give us a good estimate as to the yield we can anticipate out of the Bubbas. We have yet to try a run of the Laughganis in DWC. Although everyone LOVES the product, we will be running less than 25% of this strain. The 10 week bloom doesn't bother me as much as the ridiculous amount of pruning needed to keep them growing right. Anyways, pics to come tomorrow for sure. After that, I'm taking 10 days off so will not be posting. Just don't think something bad happened."

I have the benefit of reading the whole damn thread at once though >.<
Don't worry yet, CG stated a few days ago he was going to take a few days off from posting on here, needed a break with the mites and all I guess.