The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
anyone ever had any weed that tasted really spearminty ? like wrigleys spearmint gum ? my mate is a gardiner at a local graveyard and found 2 plants in pots hidden under a bush so he took them and grew em ,they tasted just like wrigleys spearmint and absolutly blasted ya, ... he never took cuttings though so i have noidea what it was ... any ideas ?
dunno bout spearmint but seriuos seeds bubblegum taste alot like juicy fruits after a 6wk cure.


Well-Known Member
fuck me sambo mr welcoming this evening lmao ;)

dell's spot on are u sure ur not changing into a zombie pukka lmao
bro this is the uk tread remember not the lovey duvy jornal threads ya dont like it fuck off too lololol

u no im messing but 1posters insulting people i chat with aint happening in here without a comeback from me.


Well-Known Member
i dare ya pukka lol go on with the fat jibes lol il fucking eat ya boyo lool then smoke a clone-only lol nuffing like a jont after a good meal lol


Well-Known Member
lightweights im off to 420 or thcfarmer might be some smokers who stay up past 12 lol
those people dont exist sambo, you're talkin crazy right now! if it werent for the russian blood flowing through your system right now you'd be T total an all ahhaha


Well-Known Member
anyone ever had any weed that tasted really spearminty ? like wrigleys spearmint gum ? my mate is a gardiner at a local graveyard and found 2 plants in pots hidden under a bush so he took them and grew em ,they tasted just like wrigleys spearmint and absolutly blasted ya, ... he never took cuttings though so i have noidea what it was ... any ideas ?
that sounds very much like the White widow that was going around here a few weeks back, very minty, almost like sucking on a trebor extra strong lol


Well-Known Member
morning fellas, last one to sleep, first one up sambo.

that is a crackin tray is that las, that would be worth a lot to some people!


Active Member
They make 300w cfls now.
oooft fuck that,im gna stick one o these eachend of a pole n malky cunts lightsabre style!

I ordered a 135w cfl from basement lighting and they sent a 300w, half the tubes failed after a short while, so bought a 125w and it seems more than enough for vegging, fuck cfls for flowering though, net timme your girl gives you a "look" knock her the fuck out, this is cannabis bitch!
lmao aye iv a 400w hps sittin ther jus thot these could be worth a try lol

Gonna need a bigger cupboard bam! Get it started, you can leave them under 24/0 while you're building it ;)

Finger looks like its on the mend pukka. saying that, still looks well rank haha. bird wont be letting you near her with that digit lol
yeah man fuck cant grow with a bigger cupboard nowher to put gonna have to get a cooltube n all the other shit or jus giv it a bash with the,the thing!

i did a grow late last year with a 300w red CFL and a 300w blue CFL running togethor , heat was a ball ache and only got 23g dry off one plant and 26g dry off the other , swapped fora 250w HPS and it sorted the heat and increased my yeilds.... now im running the 400w HPS ... once you start you spend more money increasing shit ..should of just bought a 1000w hps when i started lol ill end up with one anyway !!! lol
big hairy balls:roll: