ill vouch for the water wicking method.
find a large enough container you can fit all your pots in, then find a big hard plastic bottle that doesnt flex easy. poke a hole in the bottom of the bottle (slightly bigger than a pencil size hole) and shove a cotton ball in the hole so that its half way inside and outside of the bottle. then fill the bottle up with water and fill up the container so that the water level is slightly higher than where the hole in the bottle is.
the concept of this is just like those automatic dog/cat water bowl feeders in that the bowl will auto refill once xx amount of water has been removed from the drinking bowl. another example of concept are like those huge water cooler dispensers at offices. you know how when you fill up your water cup huge gulps of air bubbles chug through the water chamber same principles apply.
if your pots have holes in the bottom, as long as they are slightly sitting in water the soil will wick up the water needed. normal 2L soda bottles wont work since they flex, so you have to find bottles that are harder than those.