Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Well bro the bird is all loaded up and ready to start sailing today. She going to be be one tired mofo by the end of the week lol.

Send some Gatorade with her! Little angel. If she stops by here I'll take good care of her! Ahaha

Good to hear all is well around the cave. Wonder how long til that nastiness hits CO. I don't have the kind of stores you have, but I can go to actual stores and get some if I'm dry and wanna get high. Shouldn't be a problem though since I'm taking down a Blue Widow on Sunday then 2 weeks later my Vortex comes down. She's budding nicely and smells great. She spent many weeks flowering under CFL's since it was a sexing run so I'm not expecting a record breaking weight run but will be some quality dank. I'll try to get a picture of her for you.
I'm starting from seed from Attitude... only 7 days in right now! First grow, so it could end up interesting!

Be happy to help you with any questions that you might have : !) If you don't start a journal feel free to post a few pics here but I think you might have a lot of fun with a journal. What does your grow area lok like : ?)

Good luck bro!
A peek of some strains that I have to work with. The beans in the semi-circle were gifted and the ones below are my genetics. Hehehe I feel like frankenstein :twisted:

Turning into a lazy Saturday afternoon and getting more than slightly toasted with a kief filled bubbler : !)

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Damn you got a lotta seeds out of your crosses! Should be able to find some winners in there!

Haha ya think?? A lot of time went into finding all of those keeper phenos. And I can't find a thing wrong with the casey they were crossed to. Powerhouse stone, very tight buds ,finishes quick, smells and taste good, very frosty and a bit above average yeilder.

Trying to decide how many BSB cuttings to put into rooters right now. I would love to do a sog with them, they grow tall and the buds stay tight to the stem but the fan leaves get way to big for a sog. I'm trying to disipline myself into not keeping as many clones. I'll prolly just keep..........a dozen lol
I want more room so i can keep more than 6 clone onlys and then i can clone more and find more keepers lol then breed em till they all taste the same lol, jk.
Damn, that's a fine line-up there H.C ! I'd love to have the room to try out different growing methods and experiment a bit, its addictive lol :)
Catch you soon mate,;)
Damn, that's a fine line-up there H.C ! I'd love to have the room to try out different growing methods and experiment a bit, its addictive lol :)
Catch you soon mate,;)

I was very fortunate to have ended up with this house that I'm in. It was my grandparents and after my divorce this little farmhouse style home was vacant, dark and gloomy. I think they would be glad to know that their oldest grandson ended up with it and has breathed life back into it. A lot of my house plants were theirs or are cuttings of theirs lol

Talk to ya soon cinders
nice batch of seeds u got there. lol. cant wait to harvest this floja soo i can get sum seeds of my own! its startin to yellow up tho. =/ only 2wards the top. im just hopin it lasts long enough till i see sum seeds poppin out so i can harvest it. all ur crosses sound great man! cant wait to have room big enough to have all those strains and crosses as well. right now im workin with a lil dinky closet.. and a heavy duty cardboard box for my veg box... hahaha. cant get much more ghetto right?
Hope ur not feeling bad mate, i only got bout half way into that song b4 i had to shut it down cuz it was making me angry and i have nothing to be angry about lol.
yeah man thats some heavy shiz HC i generally go for punk when feeling angered but not the angry punk the cheery upbeat ska type.

nice collection of beans buddy some excellent stuff in there.

hope your good bro
nice batch of seeds u got there. lol. cant wait to harvest this floja soo i can get sum seeds of my own! its startin to yellow up tho. =/ only 2wards the top. im just hopin it lasts long enough till i see sum seeds poppin out so i can harvest it. all ur crosses sound great man! cant wait to have room big enough to have all those strains and crosses as well. right now im workin with a lil dinky closet.. and a heavy duty cardboard box for my veg box... hahaha. cant get much more ghetto right?

Hey Chris whats going on. You may have to let your floja go a little longer in order for the seeds to mature, I had to do that with my ice and my little casey. Most were still immature but I found enough viable ones to keep things going with those strains. Talk to ya man!

Hope ur not feeling bad mate, i only got bout half way into that song b4 i had to shut it down cuz it was making me angry and i have nothing to be angry about lol.

Naw I'm doing great man, thanks though!

Made some real nice hash last night...even impressed myself with it lol. Used just sugar leaves, froze them just before they were totally dry, used ice cold water and ice with sharp edges. Some real quality shit, I'm real happy with it. Got about a qtr oz. Seems to be the same amount that I get every month when I do a hash run lol.

Hope your good too bro, holiday here today

Morning boys girls cats and dogs !!!!! Shitty weather over my end and I'm out working in it... Gutted. Weather still shit for you HC???

Yo willy! Yeah that sucks man, be nice to get home and toasted, huh : ?) Weather is making a change for the better here, got almost a week of sun forcast coming up. Guess I better make some hay lol.

amazing nice plants and setup :)

Thanks for the bump and the walk down memory lane. Stop by anytime entheogens
yeah man thats some heavy shiz HC i generally go for punk when feeling angered but not the angry punk the cheery upbeat ska type.

nice collection of beans buddy some excellent stuff in there.

hope your good bro

Doing good man, girl is upstairs sleeping...I couldn't resist a couple of tokes of the hash I made last night lol. Another cup of coffee or two and I'll go wake her up nice. Yeah I got a bit of ska music on my playlist, in particular Reel Big Fish, the song Black Dahlia is way heavy though I love it. Got a nice run of 7 Black Sour Bubble, 5 Livers x Cherrycheese and a Black Rose that are 2 weeks in buddy!! The Don run haha.

Hope the camping was fun this weekend man!! Gots to go,,,,hear the cracken stirring lol ; !)