Well-Known Member
Well bro the bird is all loaded up and ready to start sailing today. She going to be be one tired mofo by the end of the week lol.
Send some Gatorade with her! Little angel. If she stops by here I'll take good care of her! Ahaha
Good to hear all is well around the cave. Wonder how long til that nastiness hits CO. I don't have the kind of stores you have, but I can go to actual stores and get some if I'm dry and wanna get high. Shouldn't be a problem though since I'm taking down a Blue Widow on Sunday then 2 weeks later my Vortex comes down. She's budding nicely and smells great. She spent many weeks flowering under CFL's since it was a sexing run so I'm not expecting a record breaking weight run but will be some quality dank. I'll try to get a picture of her for you.