Im Reaching a Plateau when I Smoke


Well-Known Member
Like after a while i just dont get any higher, i dont know what to do to increase my high, but it sucks to plateau... i mean it feels good still but not out of my head like i used to be:?


Well-Known Member
Like after a while i just dont get any higher, i dont know what to do to increase my high, but it sucks to plateau... i mean it feels good still but not out of my head like i used to be:?
A)Smoke less
B)Smoke after excercise
C)Smoke in a different place, or outdoors
D)Smoke socially
E)Add some beer with it

Or you could buy some legal herbs and combine them with it. I don`t mean the synthetic cannabis crap, I mean stuff like: Wild dagga, Opium Lettuce, Kratom and many more if your willing to search. I`m sure a cup of kratom tea combined with a nice spliff would get you where you wanted ;)

But of all things, looking to get higher and higher will always get you in trouble dude... It never works... Your going to gain a tolerance (mentally or physically) to whatever your taking in the end...

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
try a different strain.
Finished with the mop then you can stop
And look at what you've done
The plateau's clean, no dirt to be seen
And the work it was fun

I listened to that shit on 2 hits of needlepoint peaking shiiiiiiiit, chilling as fuck.

As far as the plateu thing

Get like a few different devices, vape bong etc.

keep a bunch of different strong strains around.....

get fucked up on different strains and devices...

if that starts to bore you...

hash oil

Shit FUCKS YOU UP like percocet...

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
Like after a while i just dont get any higher, i dont know what to do to increase my high, but it sucks to plateau... i mean it feels good still but not out of my head like i used to be:?
i no wat u mean....especially if uv been smokin alot of joints.....after that it just tastes thing i found it to mix it up....half the night smoke ur shit the after u start "plateauing" switch to his ....right before bed switch back


Well-Known Member
Try letting yourself come down before rolling the next fatty or packing the next bowl.....Works everytime. MJ only gets you so high......The "just keep smoking thing" is false and is just wastefull and depending on your methods of ingestion, harmfull to your body. Smoke is bad for your lungs thats why we cough. Thought this was common sense.


Well-Known Member
Try letting yourself come down before rolling the next fatty or packing the next bowl.....Works everytime. MJ only gets you so high......The "just keep smoking thing" is false and is just wastefull and depending on your methods of ingestion, harmfull to your body. Smoke is bad for your lungs thats why we cough. Thought this was common sense.
Sounds so simple saying "let yourself come down before rolling the next fatty" but it took me a lot of the "just keep smoking thing" to be able to apply that :D You learn when the high gets boring lol