Club 600


Well-Known Member
one of my boys gave me a party pack.....
AK 40



Active Member
plants look good whodat
well tokin up gettin ready to go to war its me against the mites hope its not to bad and get eatin alive by them
anyway will get some more pics up buds are starting to swell cant wait last harvest was messed up bad pm problem so everything is going smooth under the 600 pics to come later


Well-Known Member
I have 3 turbogardens going now; I just put 7 cheese plants into flower:

They all look like this one; I topped them 3 weeks ago and cloned the tops.

The advanced class is Chronic and White Russian at 7 1/2 weeks.


White Russian:

Veg side: killed some old mothers, I still have a Chronic mom, a WR mom and a Northern Skunk mom, a bunch more cheese to flower as soon as I get room in a couple more weeks (they'll be vegging longer than I'd like but I'll build a clone army in the meantime. :D

And I have 4 Dogs. One's a mutant but the other three look like this :

I need to clone them a little further before they go into flower, they are a little shy to show roots for me. The mutant failed to clone at all.

So the cheese I'm flowering is new to me, but not to quite a few of my 600 brethren, so tell me how long to flower them for, please!


Well-Known Member
I've got an exodus cheese in and i'm gonna let her go 10 weeks before chopping, all the other cheese crosses i've grown went at least 10 too


Well-Known Member
So i just realized that Rush is going to be in concert in San Diego on 6/18... My uncle just won free tickets on the radio to go see them. Looks like its time to get my dialing fingers ready :)


Well-Known Member
That reminds me of a contest put on in Toronto when I was about 14ish, for a Rush show. They would set up phone booths around the city, and gave landmark clues/riddles to find that booth. Me and my buddy spent so much time on that. Every time they made an announcement we were sure of, we'd drop everything and get riding the buses and subways, sometimes to the other end of the city. Needless to say, we never did win but had a blast! Once, we didn't have the fare to get back home. Toronto, at that time, was over 50Km wide. That was a long night.

Edit. Warriors! Come out to playay!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and girls ! Been lurking for awhlie and decided to say high.:mrgreen: Long time Hesher :peace: Second Grow. Last time was in my mid 20's with MH. So I know a little bit,probably enough just to get into trouble:hump: I read the whole 400 watt club thread. Bunch of great grows in there !
It all gets restarted now that my two boys turned 18 sometime ago and I was able to do of age things with them. I never introduced MJ to them or burned with them underage, well maybe the youngest:roll: one @ 17 but I all ready new from his brother. They found the sweet leaf with out me. If that's any sign of my age:roll:
So we get back into growing as my oldest got his 215 card and brought home a few clones a couple of months ago that we put outside. Well you know what happened after that ! Something else was rekindeled. The desire and passion to grow. I went and got my card. It feels great to be legal !:blsmoke: So my son and I split the cost of a 600 watt digi tunable MH/HPS and framed up a 5 x 3 room in the garage. We took some clones from the Sour diesel out side and he picked up some seeds. 2 head dog og's and 2 Afgahn landraces. We are planning on fitting in at least 6 and maybe 7 in the room.The left over clones will go outside for the summer season. The 600 is so bright that we are planning on veggeing on 400 MH and going to the 600 HPS on 12/12. Sound ok ? I know I will be fighting heat issues, summer is very hot here and the 400 watt helps with heat and cuts some electricity cost. I think we are 36 cents a kw hr here in my bracket.
Anyways as soon as the seedlings catch up to the clones the clones should be fairly well taken it's lights on baby !

This looks to be like a great forum and super great guys in the 600 club! Will defintley chat with you guys.

:peace: TWS


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the input peeps! greatly appreciate it... I might go ahead and do both but still my gut says go bigger... will see.

again, thanks :-)

and welcome TWS, the 600 is a great place :-)


curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I just re-potted a blooming hericles from a 1 gal to a 2 gal because she was consuming water rapidily and starting to lighten in color.

She is at day 28 and appears to have a cal/mg deficiency and the new soil has lime amended to correct the problem.



Well-Known Member
I post this because at 2m47s into it there is roach-tokage.
And it's pretty funny:
