The UK Growers Thread!

cheers guys mutch appreciated.aye i gotta be there with fingers crossed shel drop in haf an hour n straight home to the gallon o cider haha
wish id never fucking looked at this thread today......i was better off not knowing where babies came from............thanks lads
ah dont understand why any man would want to be there at the actual birth!!! thats her mothers job...yours is to pace back and forth chain smokin and lookin at yer this 'new man' crap is bollocks!! good luck though buddy.

aparantly its my fault its ther lol so i gota be ther to suffer aswell lol
good luck with the birth bam! sure you'll see some gory sites lol.

got a journal up fellas, the links in my sig. lookin forward to seein all the usual suspects in there!
Dwarf with a lisp goes to buy a horse.
"I want a female horth" he said to a dealer, who shows him a mare. "Nithe horth. Can I thee her eythe?" Dealer picks him up and shows him it's eyes. "Nithe eyeth. Can I thee her teeth?" He lifts dwarf and shows him her teeth. "Nithe teeth. Can I thee her twot"? He lifts him up, shoves his head up the mares fanny and pulls it out a few seconds later. A bit flustered, the dwarf says "I'll reefaze that. Can I thee her wun awound?"
Day 52 and still looking good, i ment to say that the pics i uploaded yesterday were actually taken a few days ago when the plant was about 44 days old.
lookin well mate, is it all cfl's ur using?
yeah its all cfl's i got a 250w above and 3 100w as side lights and i also squeeze my fan into my small cupboard thats only 3ft high 2ft wide and 1.5ft deep. but it does the job its ment to once i get some cash im gonna invest in a bigger stealthier grow cabinet but right now i use what i got and its done me proud so far and i made the whole setup myself for under £50 lights and fan included.
its lookin great mate, ive always used 400 or 600 watt hid, sumtimes combined but the heat issues can get outta hand. think i mite invest in sum cfls for the sides myself......when i eventually get round to startin back up that is!!
My girl friend found my secret stash of sex toys today. Explaining the dildos, whips and chains was the easy part, explaining the dog biscuits... that was more difficult.
Yeah hope all goes well bam. Everyone enjoying their bank hols? I'm tucking into some quite nice bud & watching that film Paul with simon pegg in it. It's oright, not massively enjoying it - it's a pretty shit DL'd copy. Every time I skin up it seems to get a bit better so I'm gonna roll a fatty. Laterrrzzz
Yeah hope all goes well bam. Everyone enjoying their bank hols? I'm tucking into some quite nice bud & watching that film Paul with simon pegg in it. It's oright, not massively enjoying it - it's a pretty shit DL'd copy. Every time I skin up it seems to get a bit better so I'm gonna roll a fatty. Laterrrzzz

cheers dude! take it easys
two men in the pub talking, one says,

Man-1 : "i once saw an albino polar bear ya know"

Man-2 : "polar bears are already white?"

Man-1 : "Yeah well this one was black."
finally day off 2mrw whooop ! just got home from work got myself some lemz skunk and some bho hash of the lemz been mixing them together sorting me right out atlast :D

not much happing on plant front atm still flowering n veg is still young. My water clones are doing amazingly well now tho starting to show roots its been about a week.

Not quite sure how long they should be before i go to ground with them tho. Might go visit a hempstore 2mrw and get some proper nutes :)