The Ph of My Compost Tea is at 4.0? Any Help Appreciated

I would hope you are just a product of a wild imagination (though not necessarily mine), or else the human race is in a whole heap of trouble.

Who else posts a thread professing troubles and asking for advice, while continuing to pretend to know just what they are doing?
You dont make any sense. How can the human race be in trouble by just one person? Anyway you proably never grew more then 10lbs in your life... so STFU!!!
Well you've obviously never heard of Adolf Hitler.

Did I ever profess to have grown any amount of cannabis? Nooope. Do I even declare myself a 'professional' grower in any sense of the word. Noooope. You ask for advice, people give it, and you continue on as if either a thick-headed numbskull or a troll (plus a closeted homosexual). That's all I am saying; I can spell it out like this:

  • Person that utterly doesn't know what they are doing
You made this thread about tea brewing (other threads as well). Maybe you can grow in other ways- maybe, but you quite obviously have no clue what you are doing in regards to tea brewing. It doesn't even seem like you know why you're doing it in the first place.
What a nice guy...... just go ahead and keep pouring vinegar and soy sauce on your plants.... :roll: I don't know why anyone would want to give someone with your attitude any beneficial advice, whatsoever.

You dont make any sense. How can the human race be in trouble by just one person? Anyway you proably never grew more then 10lbs in your life... so STFU!!!
You dont make any sense. How can the human race be in trouble by just one person? Anyway you proably never grew more then 10lbs in your life... so STFU!!!

One name I can think of that could possibly be the cause of the end of the human race-Julius Robert Oppenheimer...
I say close the thread...its useless and contributes nothing to the forum...other then taking shots at one another. If you want advice on teas....learn to ask nicely and listen and learn. Dont do it by asking to lick someones nuts or offering yours for licking...this is not a homosexual forum and we dont talk like that here. Be respectful dude...thats all.

THIS MIGHT BE THE BEST THREAD I'VE EVER READ! AWESOME! With teas and organics in general, less is more! You CAN have TOO MUCH of a GOOD THING! You will piss off the micro-life! Good luck!
Dam, I was here to learn, didn't know I was in the Children's Department. I do like the term STFU, though. All the idiots, please go to the Chem Department, this is the Grown-up area.
One name I can think of that could possibly be the cause of the end of the human race-Julius Robert Oppenheimer...

Love your quote about the Government. Just the definition of Government doesn't set well with me. If you are not familar with Mark Levin, then I got some great news for you. Do the thing- in South Texas slang, He tells you how the cows eat the cabbage! What's scarry is, I understand that lingo. My question is, How do you (exactly) do your quote at the bottom of your post? Thanks Dude.
THIS MIGHT BE THE BEST THREAD I'VE EVER READ! AWESOME! With teas and organics in general, less is more! You CAN have TOO MUCH of a GOOD THING! You will piss off the micro-life! Good luck!

OMG, you CAN SO EASILY OVERDO TEA!!! Especially in hydro. Making compost tea is something that a lot of people do, but few really understand. Brewing Actively Aerated Microbially-Rich Solution should really only be done with really good source materials that are full of the right bacteria.

I have a book by Elain Ingham phD about adding biology to hydroponics. This is complex. I just jumped in in the middle of the thread, so I have to go back and see what is up... but a pH of 4.0 is not what you want for your tea..


ps- after reading this, the OP just made up what he thinks is a good tea recipe.. This is silly. If you want to brew your own tea, learn about teas from Elaine Ingham on her Soilfoodweb website... There's too much wrong with the OP's recipe to figure it out. I would keep that sludge away from my plants, however.
What did I tell you? TommyO knows his shit about PH. But be nice to the Guy, I think PH is code for Physically Handicapped. I'm an Organic Soil Grower, so I don't know about Star Trek lingo.

The OP was just a troll and I *think* he got banned, or at least hasn't been around, Thank God!
