MN Outdoor Guerrilla Grow


Well-Known Member
Shitty about getting ill mate. But look on the bright side, you've got a very healthy and secure looking grow on the go right now. I'm doing my first guerrilla grow and just hope they come out looking as nice as these are.

Keep it up man.
nice avatar i like


Well-Known Member
nice avatar i like

weather is lookin better today in my area, about 2 hours west of the cities. ive got my girls out in the woods in 3gal nursery pots

is there any easier way to dig holes?

Ive got three dug and they each took me over two hours to dig they are about 3.5x.3
i gotta dig 5 more and it suuuuuuuuckkkksssssssss!!!!!!

Active Member
Shitty about getting ill mate. But look on the bright side, you've got a very healthy and secure looking grow on the go right now. I'm doing my first guerrilla grow and just hope they come out looking as nice as these are.

Keep it up man.

Well, I started to feel better and took a trip out into the bush. Work must happen sometimes. Anyways, if you think they look good now, just stay tuned until I can get my camera out there with me. The Kodiak Gold* Aloha White Widow's are looking amazing. One of them is already over 2 1/2 feet tall and the rest aren't far behind. I also picked up a handful of clones today, Northern Lights and White Widow. So I'll be busy but will be sure to update with pics.

Active Member

weather is lookin better today in my area, about 2 hours west of the cities. ive got my girls out in the woods in 3gal nursery pots

is there any easier way to dig holes?

Ive got three dug and they each took me over two hours to dig they are about 3.5x.3
i gotta dig 5 more and it suuuuuuuuckkkksssssssss!!!!!!
I started a thread on how I do mine, step by step with pictures. Check it out. Each hole takes me approximately 20 minutes.

Active Member
Excellent weather down my way boys, we're in the high 80's with sunny skies. The girls should be exploding with growth over the next month or so. Will update soon enough.


Well-Known Member
45mph wind today, rained more last night along with a thunderstorm

20mph winds yesterday, cloudy sky, also rained

yippy skippy!!

Active Member
Well, fellas, I will do my best to get back on track here. I spent the last few days very ill, but I think I have turned the corner. Ended up having to go to the emergency room. But, you can't keep a guerrilla down forever and I will be making a voyage into the wilds this morning. I will also take my camera and take some random pics. Will not be going out to the Marshlands this morning to take pics of the big girls, but this will be more planting in and around Fortress Buckthorn. See you soon.


Well-Known Member
Now THAT'S dedication. Seriously, though, take care of yourself, bro...wanna make sure you live to grow for many more seasons to come :blsmoke:

Active Member
Every Guerrilla Must have a bag like this. I picked this one up for $5 at a local thrift store. I had two boxes totaling ten plants and upon packing, said what the hell, and grabbed four more, totaling 14 in this bag. That and all of my ferts and fourteen flattened chicken wire cages.

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Active Member
All of these sites to behold on the way to my grow. Blessed to live in a beautiful and peaceful area. We live good out here and we live close to the earth my friends. Fresh air, fresh produce, fresh poultry and eggs, produce most of our own food, brew beer, and grow very fine herb.

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Active Member
After only a few holes taken care of this morning, disaster struck and my shovel broke. Not in the usual places either, the head snapped in half. Lesson learned, buy good shovels. I should have taken the Gerber Gorge with me. I still managed to get my holes dug and all fourteen planted. Disaster also struck in the sense that at this point in the day, my camera let me know that it has a lens error and will not work properly. This ended my pictures for the day, but the work went on. Will get out to the other grow tomorrow and update with some plant shots (other camera) and I plan to make some "smartpots" and give this a whirl for the hell of it. Stay tuned friends.

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Well-Known Member
Hey overgrow, good luck this year.
I got to thinking about your second site and just thought I would mention I think corn comes down before they will be ready.
A few years back I grew in my yard and surrounded the plants with corn, Hell that was dead long before I chopped the plants.


Well-Known Member
you are all that is man! bust the effing blade of a shovel?! absolutley diculous! (diculous is a version of ridiculous but is more severely ridiculous)

Active Member
xebeche- No worries about me my friend, I'm always GAme for the grow.

cruzer101- I must have described that site incorrectly. The second site is a 100 by 100 yard area that is surrounded by cornfield. It's barbwire fenced-in and aside from the pond, is mostly scrub. It will be surrounded by corn soon, but no corn inside it. But around this area, many people prefer to grow in the cornfields. Yeah, it browns out before the mj is finished though. Thanks for viewing and stay tuned.

catmando- Hahaha, I'm not so sure it was all me so much as the cheap manufacturing, lol.

Well, had plans to get out there and check on the marsh grow, but I have someone putting in granite tile in my shower and all over my house actually.... I gotta keep close to home on this one. Updates soon though.