This Terrifies Me


Well-Known Member
Register republican and vote for ron paul 2012 - end the police state
How do I do this? Is this how we get him the nomination to run against Obama? you have to be registered republican and not just a registered voter?


Well-Known Member
How do I do this? Is this how we get him the nomination to run against Obama? you have to be registered republican and not just a registered voter?
To become president you have to first get your party nomination. To vote for a person nominated you need to be registered with that party's convention.


Well-Known Member
To become president you have to first get your party nomination. To vote for a person nominated you need to be registered with that party's convention.
How do I do this? Can anyone do this? is it a regular voting date at a polling place? does it cost money? Sorry if its basic or redundant but I've never tried to vote for a parties nomination before.


Well-Known Member
To become president you have to first get your party nomination. To vote for a person nominated you need to be registered with that party's convention.
Unless you run independent. Too many people are stuck in their "Democrat or Republican" way of thinking though. Few people seem to be able to cognitively think beyond that. The other advantage to having a dem or rep party nom is because of the money.


Well-Known Member
How do I do this? Is this how we get him the nomination to run against Obama? you have to be registered republican and not just a registered voter?
How do I do this? Can anyone do this? is it a regular voting date at a polling place? does it cost money? Sorry if its basic or redundant but I've never tried to vote for a parties nomination before.
Any help here, I want to rock the vote.


Well-Known Member
You got me there lol. You have to give me some respect though I just ended up on the TSA no fly list for that post, you know that right. :) fuck it
just messing with you. i've seen several people make the same mistake lately and for some reason i picked on you.


Well-Known Member
Any help here, I want to rock the vote.
google "how to register to vote". then register to vote as a republican and you can try to nominate paul for the republican ticket.

as much as i would love to see this happen, as it would assure an obama landslide in 2012, it is a pipe dream and will never happen. herman cain has a better chance at this point.


Well-Known Member
google "how to register to vote". then register to vote as a republican and you can try to nominate paul for the republican ticket.

as much as i would love to see this happen, as it would assure an obama landslide in 2012, it is a pipe dream and will never happen. herman cain has a better chance at this point.
So I need to register to vote -Again? but this time put down that i'm republican? I registered at the post office before so I can do it their? Thanks...don't let the nay sayers get the best of us, if everyone wants to be free but everyone says it will never happen and you believe them and accept the choice they give you between a douche and a turd the best you will ever get is a douche or a turd and then they win, Vote for Paul.


Well-Known Member
THIS IS NO TIME To leave your fellow Americans, Friends, and mostly Family to fend off big brother alone.

start talking to your friends, family and community about the atrocitys being commited behind their backs by the people they elected.

while im all for protection for our troops, and proper justice for illegal activities carried out by military personal, i can not support a bill that attaches un regulated, and unadulterated military power such as this to a single entity, not here in the USA. again this is a step of NWO and Corporal American to put a near final nail in the caufin of Liberty and Freedom.


this is FUCKING AMERICA STILL, but the minute you give up on her, she CAN NOT HELP YOU in return.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry voting is useless, the system is set up so that you have a choice between guy who stabs in back. Or the guy who stabs in the front. I don't agree with Ron Paul on a good amount of issues, but it would nice to know when I voted for him I knew exactly what I am going to get. Exactly the candidate which the system turns away.

Edit: I forgot to add, people forget we have a congress. And those people are elected by the people. The problem is people are ill informed, reason has been lost. The only way to do that is educate the population.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
So I need to register to vote -Again? but this time put down that i'm republican? I registered at the post office before so I can do it their? Thanks...don't let the nay sayers get the best of us, if everyone wants to be free but everyone says it will never happen and you believe them and accept the choice they give you between a douche and a turd the best you will ever get is a douche or a turd and then they win, Vote for Paul.
It depends on the rules of the state you live in. In Texas, if you've already registered, all you have to do is show up at the polls during the primary and tell the people checking voters in which primary you want to vote in.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry voting is useless, the system is set up so that you have a choice between guy who stabs in back. Or the guy who stabs in the front. I don't agree with Ron Paul on a good amount of issues, but it would nice to know when I voted for him I knew exactly what I am going to get. Exactly the candidate which the system turns away.

Edit: I forgot to add, people forget we have a congress. And those people are elected by the people. The problem is people are ill informed, reason has been lost. The only way to do that is educate the population.

Exactly why our founding fathers wrote in our RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, so We the People, can put a Tyranical Government on its ass in the streets, return to our original Constitution and start anew. this can not happen if WE do not MAKE IT HAPPEN. if we roll over without a fight, then we deserve the ass fucking we get. MY ass is Virgin, and will stay as such. how about yours?

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i dont take what alex jones says seriously, he's a fucking idiot, and has proven so in the past. this is just more fear mongering, if America fails, oh well. ill help build something from its ashes. i find any discussion of nwo to be ridiculous. if thats the way it goes, then we can change it, not all of America are total brain dead twats you know.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Exactly why our founding fathers wrote in our RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, so We the People, can put a Tyranical Government on its ass in the streets, return to our original Constitution and start anew. this can not happen if WE do not MAKE IT HAPPEN. if we roll over without a fight, then we deserve the ass fucking we get. MY ass is Virgin, and will stay as such. how about yours?
not to sound like an asshole, but advocating the use of arms toward our government makes you sound like some redneck ignoramus, there are ways to get what you want without violence.


Well-Known Member
im not advocating anything but what our original constitution affords us. the right to freedom, liberty and the persuit of happiness. this also includes the right to REMOVE any Government that has become fat and tyranical to the peoples that give it power.


Well-Known Member
not to sound like an asshole, but advocating the use of arms toward our government makes you sound like some redneck ignoramus, there are ways to get what you want without violence.
Indica this isnt me being a douch just asking a question...what would you do if they (federal) came knocking on your door and said come with us and then attempted to arrest your family and your self.

My response includes gratuitous (<mispell? ) amounts of violence. :)

Edit: I ask this assuming that your not a "redneck ignoramus" lol


Well-Known Member
not to sound like an asshole, but advocating the use of arms toward our government makes you sound like some redneck ignoramus, there are ways to get what you want without violence.
Interesting how you call him a reneck ignoramus for his belief in a right to revolt against a tyrannical government, despite the fact that our original founding fathers and patriots of colonial America did exactly this to the British government. This is how America exists, don't you know?


Well-Known Member
This is kinda odd for America eh? I wouldn't know cause I have disconnected from typical society. I'm not terrified so much as flustered.