1BR Sealed Grow Operation (CGE)


Greetings farmers,

I've been a chronic toker for about 4 years now, I nearly know everything there is to know regarding hash/weed. I've recently decided to grow my own bud out of the love for the green, and out being self sufficient and growing what I know will get me stoned.

I've decided on using the whole bedroom for the setup. Im planting 6 plants to start with, three are fems and three are undecided. Im using 2 600W HPS lights for flowering, and was considering on getting CFL's to both start the seedling and go into VEG, what are your recommendations regarding the lights for VEG?

In regards to the setup, Im planning on dividing the room in two parts, with mylar or white plastic, veg/flowering. 2 fans will be hung for air circulation, an A/C on 24/7 to regulate temps. and I will not be using any exhaust or intake fans. Will this be a problem? I figured since its a large room, and im not starting a commercial grow here just 6 for now, I wouldn't really have to worry about intake/exhaust fans as long as I get CO2 for the plants (either carbon rocks or a generator) will this be doable with absolutely no ventilation to the outside world?

I might start a SOG method to have perpetual harvests, but Im gonna worry about that when I take my first clone. However, I just wanted to make sure that with this setup I will be able to grow 6 plants, with no problem. I would need some advice here as I am sure all of you guys have been in this same position before, just with no help.

Any suggestion/ideas will be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Hey there,

You are so on the right track. You're gonna do great.
For veg light, I would do a two foot 4-bulb t-5 fluorescent. You can veg 6 plants under it no problem AND no heat isues like if you used a 400 watter. Otherwise, I like to veg under a 400 or 600 or even 1000 watt MH or HPS (they both work, especially with hortilux bulbs).

You are fine sealing the room. CO2 should be added. CAP makes a CO2 controller that I love for like $199 the ppm-4. Otherwise, set up timers and try to do the math as far as how much CO2 to inject or burn.

I think you need 35000BTU of cooling per 1KW light... so that means you need at least a 7000btu A/C and you will be able to keep temps down.


Well-Known Member
I nearly know everything there is to know regarding hash/weed.
this is a bit of an arrogant thing to say, treat the plant humbly, its Lord Shiva's holy plant and must be respected. many people here have been cultivating for over a decade, so be mindful.


Thans tommyo3000,

Im thinking heat isn't a big problem with me as I have a central A/C and wouldn't mind the bills that are associated with keeping it down. The only thing is with Co2, would it be better if I just add carbon rocks around the plants? or a generator to controll ppm is a must?


I "nearly" know everything. thats what I said, meaning in terms of strains and smoking. I've been to the 'dam more than I can think of, and lived in L.A for a huge portion of my life. I just didnt have the patience then to grow and read about growing. I might be arrogant, but you are rude. You could've at least helped me with some advice, instead of blabbering about what you "think" I said. and it may be Lord Shiva's plant to you. but for me? It's everyones plant. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Ya, rock those HPS bulbs for veg, i'm running 4 - 600 watt (full spectrum) HPS lights. Maybe a CFL until they get a bit bigger (clone size). Since your going from seeds. I got clones, dropped 1 HPS on top of em. And they are kicking ass. In the pic there are 3 lights, just dropped the 4th 2 days ago. Blowing up!! You don't need MH, but as long as you have 600 watt full spectrum you can rock em through VEG. Just don't put them to high as they will cause your plants to stretch to fast.
Alot of people think you need like multiple dif types of lights, but thats really not the case, as u can see in the pic below. Just make sure if ur gonna do this that they are, full spectrum HPS bulbs


Ya, rock those HPS bulbs for veg, i'm running 4 - 600 watt (full spectrum) HPS lights. Maybe a CFL until they get a bit bigger (clone size). Since your going from seeds. I got clones, dropped 1 HPS on top of em. And they are kicking ass. In the pic there are 3 lights, just dropped the 4th 2 days ago. Blowing up!! You don't need MH, but as long as you have 600 watt full spectrum you can rock em through VEG. Just don't put them to high as they will cause your plants to stretch to fast.
Alot of people think you need like multiple dif types of lights, but thats really not the case, as u can see in the pic below. Just make sure if ur gonna do this that they are, full spectrum HPS bulbs

View attachment 1618094

Thanks for the input mate! you've got yourself a nice setup here. I kind of have the same size for the room, and planning to do kind of the same as you're doing except divide the room in two parts, so i can veg in one and flower in the other. How about 2 600W full spectrum HPS for the flower room. and to start the seedlings, all the way through veg, with CFLs ? but what type of CFL's tho..

Ive noticed you've got ducting on the left of the picture, is than an exhaust intake fan? If it is, how important is it in that type of setup? should I worry about it if I've got a central A/C and I have no issues with electricity? or is it a must? Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
I'm not to sure on CFLs, I've always done from clone. Takes way to much time and effort to go from seed to bud. Look into clone. The tube is a 6 inch duct with a fan and filter sealed to it on the other side of the plastic zip up wall behind the pic and have since put another duct above that one. Another 6 inch passive duct with filters to keep bugs n stuff out. Cuz of the big exhaust(1ft) you gotta have an intake to bring in fresh air and co2. U gotta have intake and exhaust.
I'm running 24 babies in there and so can you. Haha. If u have the same size room.


Well-Known Member
Run 4 - 600 watt lamps and 1 seed buster in the middle if u really gotta go from seed. I just kept dropping lamps as they got bigger and bigger. All 4 are running full speed ahead. Blow that bitch up man! Haha


Unfortunately for me, there's now way to get clones around here so I would have to start from seed. Hopefully Ill find a nice mother to clone off in the next coming weeks. I think I could add more plants later and then ducting and exhaust/intake fans are going to be a must. For the time being tho, Im only intending six plant, so that will be covered I think by A/C, some fans for circulation, and dehumidifier just incase. Of course, Co2 will be included, Im still not sure whether to use carbon rocks, or a tank to check Ppm output.

The think with exhausting the air, theres no possible way of doing that. I live on the 1st floor, and theres not way to exhaust the air outside. even with carbon filter. its going to look obvious. Any input in this regard?

Cheers again!


Well-Known Member
make a water chiller, get a cold air exchange kit and the air exhausting will be in the 80s.. if you can remove all the heat from the light you have no worries


Well-Known Member
hmmm, well if you use your central air, you arent a sealed grow :(

But, you will at least always have at least 300ppm CO2 from your house flowing through there.

Odor is gonna be your stumbling block... Your AC will be shooting it all through your entire home, no?


Sealed as in no exhaust/intake of air to the outside world. The A/C is central and will most probably circulate the air from other rooms. Odor can be a big problem though, so other than carbon filters (as I have no where to place them) what can I do to minimize odor?

and in terms of carbon rocks, anyone tried them before? efficient or not? I wouldn't mind spending the extra buck just as long as I get everything right.


Well-Known Member
You don't wanna spray Lysol around ur buds, do you have a window in the room?? If so there is your exhaust as long as you get a carbon filter it's pretty easy to seal up a window and from the inside make it still look like a regular window from the outside.
Wait are you in an apartment??? Is so u gotta be careful man.
Do you have a floor or ceiling AC vent thing, if so there is your intake, you just have to seal it real good and put a couple floor vent filter on both ends to keep bug n' dust out.
I have a 1ft exhaust coming out of a regular room window, with a carbon filter the size of a hot water heater. And from outside you can't even tell make sure the blinds are down, go buy some cheap black-out curtains from a store, put the curtain on the backside of the blinds, then use a big square of cardboard and alot of duct tape, or even particle board nailed good to the wall,. But enough to completely seal the light out.
Hell i even have a hose coming in my window from the outside and you can't even tell. Just cut a hole the size of the duct, preferably around 10" wide duct, in whatever material you use to cover the window and seal the hell out of it with duct tape and a nail gun.


Active Member
I have never heard of carbon rocks generating Co2, that doesn't mean they don't exist. As far as I know you are talking about active carbon, and that is more for filtering than Co2 generating. If money isn't an issue and you are a ninja about it, get some compresses Co2 tanks and a regulator. Otherwise, you can make really cheap Co2 with baking soda and vinegar. You would have to change it everyday I believe but it is inconspicuous


Well-Known Member
I have never heard of carbon rocks generating Co2, that doesn't mean they don't exist. As far as I know you are talking about active carbon, and that is more for filtering than Co2 generating. If money isn't an issue and you are a ninja about it, get some compresses Co2 tanks and a regulator. Otherwise, you can make really cheap Co2 with baking soda and vinegar. You would have to change it everyday I believe but it is inconspicuous
or if cash is an issue and since your only doing 6 plants, co2 tanks might be overkill for his first grow room. Try these out, ive heard pretty good things and their not to pricey.


Well-Known Member
Sealed as in no exhaust/intake of air to the outside world. The A/C is central and will most probably circulate the air from other rooms.
No, sealed is no exhaust/intake out of you sealed growroom. Sorry but you will be exchanging air with the rest of your house. Any use of CO2 in your room will be sucked out and redistributed througout the entire house by your air handler.

remember, sealed is sealed. If you put in a window a/c in that room, you'd be sealed. No air would go in or out of your room.



Well-Known Member
and can Lysol be enough to cover the smell for the first weeks of flowering?
Lysol is a disinfectant spray for hard surfaces. They may make air fresheners, too, but lysol is a cleaner. Lysol Neutra Air is an air cleaning product. These are not good for weed rooms.

Try products made by ONA Odor Neutralizing Agent. An ONA block or two near your A/C would be fine for the first weeks of a grow.



Well-Known Member
Well, it also depends on the type of window A/C unit he has, some do pull air from outside , chill it, then blow it into the room. Others rely on freon that chills and just recirculates the same air.
You need some sort of intake and exhaust man, even at a easy basic level. If not the air will become super stagnant and funky, the biggest issue is not being able to replenish the CO2 that your plants need to breath and survive. A completely sealed room will suffocate your babies. They breath CO2 and exhale O2. Whats gonna happen if you give them no new CO2, they drown. Same principle as if you slowly removed O2 from a sealed room with a human in it, they would slowly drown.
Same principle, just backwards.
Are u in a house or apartment??


Well-Known Member
Go on Craigslist list and slowly piece together your grow, you can pretty much find anything you need on there, for like 1/2 the price. Thats how i scored my carbon filter and exhaust fan the size of a hot water heater. Just don't buy used ballasts or bulbs on Craigslist, cuz u never really know how old they are. Other than that u should be able to find most goodies.
Oh, and if u do find something on there to buy, don't have the guy deliver it to your house or apt. Hahaha
Meet them somewhere....