What this really shows is how misinformed and ignorant (not stupid) the electorate really is. They are swayed by the propaganda/lies presented by the DNC showing grandma in her wheelchair being pushed off the cliff. The fact is, no one in the Republican Party is suggesting that any revision in Social Security or Medicare would affect anyone currently receiving those benefits. The proposals would only affect those under 55 years old.
Uhm, so because the current seniors wont be effected it should be okay to them that their children will only enjoy about half the benefits as them?
Social Security needs to be privatized and brought into a program that is similar to that which is enjoyed in Chile.
What part of the word "BROKE" don't the Democrats ... and for that matter, the general electorate, understand? Contrary to all of the opinions posted so far in this thread, this is NOT good news for the country. The entitlement programs are not only broken and rife with fraud, they no longer make any sense. Again, compare our Social Security system with Chile's. http://www.cato.org/pubs/journal/cj15n2-3-1.html
Uhm, you realize how shitty the Chilean system really is right? Nevermind that they had to add a medicare-esque public system for poor seniors in 2008 because so many people were left out of the system... The Chilean system is already showing to be more expensive than advertised - at 3 times more expensive than medicare for equal coverage. Also, the returns are actually less. The commonly cited "average returns" number is inflated due to a period of high inflation when the system was new, returns in the last several years are actually less in comparison to medicare, etc. You know how it was put in place in the first place? By a right-wing dictator - and he excluded the military from the private plan, giving them the more generous public benefits, to gain military support for it. Everyone else hates it...
Also, Medicare is solvent for what, 20 more years? 75% solvent till 2080? Most of our problems are stemming from healthcare costs, not so much with excessive benefits. Doesn't look like much of a crysis is looming to me... Seems like the Republicans are overstating the issue for political points(especially the part where they say it's all "runaway spending!" when in reality a good portion of our deficits is a direct result of tax cuts)..
oh oh oh, I almost forgot to bash you for linking the Cato institute... Haven't you noticed that they're the only idiots promoting this plan? Haven't you ever noticed that specifics are never discussed by Republican politicians? Man, you righties talk about government trying to cheat you (mostly laying blame on the "big government" left) but it's your own party pulling the rug out from under your feet. Pretty amazing.