Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

you've got s looker there mystified. did you trim any fan leaves off? definitely a top contender there.

she's currently in a 5x5 tent with 9 other autos and 3 photos that are still vegging... so its kinda crowded
soon as some of these autos are done i can buy lights for a 4x8 tent set up right next to it, thats currently empty :(
it will be my flower tent if all goes to plan

anyway... my point was light penetration to the lower branches is minimal at best right now
thanks alot
as some of you know this was planted one week after i planted my first seeds ever... so its part of my first grow ever
its everyone on here that helped me or gave me the info i needed to get this far
So mystified NTD and WG are the only one's posting updates now? Who else is sticking around here?
I forgot how good your plants looked (sorry frenchy...)
This contest sure went downhill fast. It would be a lot cooler if there were actual prizes involved so people will want to show updates.
orum has a monthly Bud of the Month contest where if you're the winner, you get a free pack of seeds. This month at MNS you can win a 18pk of Neville's Skunk. Now THAT'S a contest! But unfortunately because of site rules, no one is allowed to give away seeds as a prize.

I'm thinking of starting some kind of contest where winner would get a nice glass piece like a Health Stone glass pipe (provided by me of course), second prize would be something cool like a pipe and third woul be some sort of accesory like, oh idk, a shash jar or a nice grinder or something. I have to think of something fun as a contest though. Preferably something that hasn't been done (no shot glass grow, no party cup...something different. If I think of something you all will be this first to know.
sounds good beansly i love compo's its all fun on the farm great learning plus a chance to win some freebies would be cool though if you could get some beans damn you riu,i got an idea for you how about an upsidedown grow i seen these tomato plants that grow upside down

i dont think no one has done an upside down grow so theres an idea
fdd tried an upside down grow and it just hooked itself around and pointed upwards lol. Don't know why that tomato plant wouldn't do the same.
i did not know that thanks wow yeah i seen the upside down planters an thought it would be good but i was thinking what you just said how would you stop it curling upwards ,would a 600w on the floor not be enough to keep the branches to grow towards the light
Yeh that would work actually, as long as you didnt have a brighter light source above it. You would need to dedicate your space to all upside down plants lol, I think they would stretch pretty bad as well because they would have gravity pushing them downwards as well. watering would be a pain because if it dripped onto your light. interesting thought though!
OMFG well i am out just gone out the back to have a smoke an some fucking knob head has run off with my plant the only day i put it outside an its gone no way i cannot belive it,i will find it as i know pretty much everyone in this area argggggggghhhhhhhh mother fucker i am so pissed
you serious man? that sucks so bad! you in a house or apartments or what? I don't see how someone could run off with it lol, not exactly subtle leggin it down the street with a pot plant in hand,
in a house wow i live in bad area i am so gutted first my bike now my lady also no one gives a shit round here 2 people oer the road got burgled in broad daylight
damnn, that sucks man. I suppose all you can do is learn from it and don't leave your shit outside and keep your doors locked! the scrotes who stole it will probably try smoke it as is lol.
OMFG well i am out just gone out the back to have a smoke an some fucking knob head has run off with my plant the only day i put it outside an its gone no way i cannot belive it,i will find it as i know pretty much everyone in this area argggggggghhhhhhhh mother fucker i am so pissed
so sorry to heat that man.... some people suck!
OMFG well i am out just gone out the back to have a smoke an some fucking knob head has run off with my plant the only day i put it outside an its gone no way i cannot belive it,i will find it as i know pretty much everyone in this area argggggggghhhhhhhh mother fucker i am so pissed

God amn I'm sorry man. I know the feeling too. I just had my plants stolen like a month ago. They broke into my house and stole them too. I was absolutely crushed. I like the way you put it "gutted". That pretty much sums it up. Empty inside and so angry that you wanna kill but you don't know 100% who did it... Check out the one I got stolen. They were a month away from finished and almost three ft tall. Beautiful too. First post ------------------------>
Luckily I had clones of everything so I'm only a moth behind. But I was pissed.
Here's my "redemption" grow if you will -------------------------->
All you can do is pick and start again, and do better next to on security.
Hope things shake out and you find the motherfucker.