The UK Growers Thread!

Serious case of man flu today too much work to little sleep n too much smoking ruined my throat n head. cant smoke anything today just end up in a dieing coughing fit. run outta weed now anyways so atleast its not here teasing me. Built a shelf for my fan today so gained space for another 2 plants , but i need to work out a vent of some kind cuz temps are 100-110c with doors closed and 91c with them open. not sure what todo tbh , just tried drilling some holes in the top and using a black sock to stop the light leak. im thinking one of those wall vents in the side might have todo.
think ya mean f not c m8 fucking el them plants would be seriously in trouble if it was 110c lol

ya need to vent all that hot air outa the room otb.
ok i got em in a room with no lights on or any direct light on them, its not pitch black is that fine?

u want it as dark as poss but if it aint pitch black dont worry to much m8, just dont put no bin liners on or over them cause it will make em sweat and ur get mold probs.
thanks 4 the diff advice people! off 2 amsterdam on the 3rd june, ne1 got any favoured coffee shops 4 me to go, ive been 2 all the main one's like barney's, popeye's, hunters, gray area etc?
try ricks cafe - small not too mainstream/commercial.. one of my fav's

awesome ganja and bar right next door - its by the river opposite greenhouse seeds (if i remember correctly - dont remember too much :P)

really great place

guy behind the bar is too funny.. ponytail/leather jacket biker looking mofo haha

thanks 4 the diff advice people! off 2 amsterdam on the 3rd june, ne1 got any favoured coffee shops 4 me to go, ive been 2 all the main one's like barney's, popeye's, hunters, gray area etc?
Years since i went but cafe bluebird was one of my faves, partly because it was around the corner to my hotel, but pretty decent menu, great toasties and a really nice casual and light place, i found a lot of the coffee shops just too dark.

I wasn't hugely impressed with the smoke (probably partly to do with me growing it while still learning) but it yielded nicely.