How to create a basic small grow set p


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of posts on here on how to grow "Killer bud" or set up these huge grow rooms that house 50 plants. All of the posts that invovle small stealth set ups don't talk too indepth about making their set up. This is my situation:

I have two plants that are sitting in the windowsill in a can of dirt (by dirt I mean soil taken from a window flower box that was set up but never used). I started them in a paper towel then a few days after they cracked I put them in some dirt and sat them in the window sill and after sundown I stick them under a 150 watt equivilant CFL. That is the extent of my operation.

What should I do next? I want just a small basic stealth setup, and by small I mean the only reason I started a second plant was just incase the first one is male. I want to keep this small, simple, and cheap. What do I need and how do i set it up?


EDIT: My two plants are so far not even 2 weeks old. One is just breaking through the soil, the other stands at about 3 to 4 inches.


Well-Known Member
DO you have a fire place you dont use? He he check out the first part of my grow to see my set up in the fireplace lol lol


Well-Known Member
the search function is pretty helpful...your question is very ambiguous. You probably should read and look for answers before you start growing. Planning your grow out before hand makes it a lot easier. Plus no one here is going to help you that much unless you're a girl or you avatar is a picture of a girl. My question is why do you have the plants in a windowsill not just under that light. I've been growing with cfl's and I am almost done flowering now, my advice is to not even fuck around with them. They are awesome for seedlings and smaller stages of growth but they are more of a headache than anything. You can get a 150w HPS lamp for less than 100 bucks from htgsupply. Think of better questions to ask and you might get help. If you don't get help, you're going to have to stop being lazy and look the answers up yourself.

past times

Well-Known Member
easy bob. it is a open question but a little direction is helpful.

go to target or meijer and look in their furniture section. you should find some cabinets and stuff like that that come in a blue box i believe. there is one that should be perfect for is about 1x1x3. with this, you can get that 150hps in the top. put an outtake pc fan up there also. furthermore, make a plexi glass barrier just below the light. this should handle the heat. you can also have an intake fan at the bottom if you want or just holes for passive intake. i would have a second fan in the bottomfor air movement though. so get that built and just throw it in a closet...not ideal but more then suitable for beginning grower. once you kinda understand the concepts of growing better you can tweak and expand. cheers


Well-Known Member
I see alot of talk about meters in other threads. How important is it to have them? I'm basically looking at this from the standpoint of, it's a weed, how hard can it be to grow? So long as I don't have high hopes (no pun intended) that this should go well, and after this I can start tweaking and getting more and more involved in the growing process.

But I digress, let me restate my question. So long as my goal is just to go through the growing cycle with a living plant, how important is it that I get meters to tell me the humidity, the ph of the water, and hydration level of the soil, etc. etc.

pot doc

Active Member
ive just got a small 12' by 12' my self i dont use any meters ive been growing for about 7 years out side that is just started in doors so far all is well.

josh b

Well-Known Member
i have the same problem i dont kno how far away the lights should be away from the plant because im scared it might brun it and i dont really want that to happen if you have any information or pictures of clf bulbs weed growing then email me on

[email protected]


Active Member
For CFL's you can keep them about two inches from the top leaves but you should always keep an eye on them. When you're plants are in their vegative growth stage then you should use 6500K (color temp. or spectrum) and when you force flower them you need to switch to the 2700K spectrum bulbs. You can find the bulb info on the side of the bulb/box. And if you dont know what I'm talking about in this message I would put the plants down and pick up a Ed Rosenthal or Jorge Cervantes grow bible and do your homework first. Otherwise you will be sorely disappointed. I have built myself two grow cabinets and working on one more for tall flowering plants. Last grow I had one plant that took off to the ceiling and out grew my box. I eventually had to bend the stem over and let the main cola grow back towards the lights. But anyways I havent spent a dime on the cabinets themselves or most of the things I used to put it together with (light sockets, old pc fans,etc). If you want a very cheap grow box then read up on what the plants need so you can better judge if the box is right or needs tweaking. But basically you only need a cabinet, two computer fans, one circulation fan for the inside, proper type of light system. And you can grow and harvest decent buds under some 45 watt cfl's. This website has a DIY(do it yourself) section with some GREAT and useful information in it. Well I need another bowl but if you need any advice on DIY projects then just let me know. Peace and Happy Growing