Hermi. Anyone Know about DM Reverse and Saturator?


Well-Known Member
Hi, one of my plants turned hermi 4 and a half weeks into flowering. I just bought some Dutch Master reverse and saturator. I mixed it @ 100(reverse):1(saturator) and sprayed my plant with a fine mist untill it was wet 5-10 minutes before lights out. Just curiouse as if anyone has had any success or failures with this... anyone know any tips for using this product? Am I supposed to spray leaves, buds, or both?


Well-Known Member
i'd rather waste money than time... and the money has already been wasted. I did pluck out all the pollen sacks... but that took me more than a half hour. I don't want to be doing that every few days for the next few weeks.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
i'd rather waste money than time... and the money has already been wasted. I did pluck out all the pollen sacks... but that took me more than a half hour. I don't want to be doing that every few days for the next few weeks.
ill do it for ya!!!


Well-Known Member
i already spend an hour and a half every other day watering and tending to my plants. I should have said that I don't want to spend an additional half hour per plant that hermies every other day. I've had plants hermie in the past and I got waaaaay too sick of plucking those damn bananas. I thought this would be a nice new experiment... call me lazy. whore. ;-) (I don't know that this winking emoticon fully captures my emotion while saying the word 'whore,' but I'm saying it jokingly).


Active Member
I worked at a grow store for a little while and we sold a lot of Reverse with a lot of positive reviews. Nobody ever mentioned it not working actually. Just found out it's the same hormone used to create seedless watermelon too.


Well-Known Member
yes... I read that too about the watermelons. I was just at my local hydro store in Minneapolis yesterday (and a tornado hit a couple blocks away... it was trippy) and inquired about the product. I was told that they sell a lot of the stuff and don't hear many complaints... but the guy had very little first hand knowledge of the product... which is why I'm online asking questions.


Active Member
Oh shit, you were near that tornado that hit Joplin, right? Glad you're safe. I lived in southwest Kansas when the tornado hit Greensburg. Tornadoes are no joke. Hope you didn't know anybody in Joplin.


Well-Known Member
not the joplin tornado... the one in joplin was much worse. There was a tornado that struck the west and north side of Minneapolis yesterday... 20 people in the hospital... 1 person dead. That's the tornado I saw. The thing touched down less than a mile from the hydro store while i was there.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
not the joplin tornado... the one in joplin was much worse. There was a tornado that struck the west and north side of Minneapolis yesterday... 20 people in the hospital... 1 person dead. That's the tornado I saw. The thing touched down less than a mile from the hydro store while i was there.
all i heard was the sirens lol didnt no one actually touched down... lol i just remember standin outside smokin a cig all of a sudden it stopped pouring outside and hailed a lil and i thought "here it comes" next thing i no the siren was goin off...i didnt get to see it tho :(


Well-Known Member
I always getting a few seeds, I grow from seed I had no males and I still get a few seeds? I look for sacks of balls I never see any . Its not a lot so I ain't worry about! :wall:


Well-Known Member
Reverse WILL work IF you first correct the source of stress that caused pollen production to begin with. If the source of stress is ongoing, or if you have a true hermie (you don't) then reverse will not work. If the stress is removed and you spray them once, and again 10 days later (or spray preventatively at the first sign of sex) you can effectively forget about the problem.

If your plants are producing bananas due to long/late flowering, reverse will correct them for about 10 days which is normally enough time to harvest, if not, hit em again and youll have another 10 days. Reverse will cause any male sex organs to shrink and fall off, and stop any seed production.

As for the people calling you lazy, they have not given the situation proper thought. You would be acting silly if you had access to a great innovation like reverse spray and yet still choose to just pick off bananas every night.


Well-Known Member
Amen heisenberg! So... update. I noticed that the reverse did initially work. I wrongly assumed I had no light leak. Within a week I had new bananas. having only a week left on blooming I decided to spray her (or really her/him) down with the reverse again and grow outdoors for 12 hours and then bring inside... to a different dark room... for another 12. I Had 4 other plants that weren't as far along in blooming yet and showing no signs of hermi-ing. I redesigned my light blocking scheme in my grow room and sprayed the other 4 down with reverse as well. That was 2 + weeks ago. They are now at the stage (or even a little further) where the first plant started sprouting bananas. However, these 4 plants are banana free. so problem solved. The problem was fixed by finding the source of the light leak. No further polination occurred because of the reverse and saturate. I cut my hermi plant a few days ago. I thought I was going to have some horrible weed from it. However, I've only noticed a few seeds... and the smoke is ok. so lesson I learned: Reverse and saturate won't itself stop hermi-ing... you have to find the light leak. Reverse and saturate will stop seeding. If pollen has found its way into your grow room, you can spray your plants down with reverse and saturate and reapply a 7-10 days later. pollen only lives in the air for a week or so. If I noticed Bananas on a plant again I would use this to stop polination and seed formation. However, you have to find the light leak to fix hermi-ing. I've probably just repeated myself 20 times, but I just smoked a bowl of my hermi plant and I'm more than good. thanks everyone.


Well-Known Member
"I always getting a few seeds, I grow from seed I had no males and I still get a few seeds? I look for sacks of balls I never see any . Its not a lot so I ain't worry about!

do you only look for balls and sacks (that sounds dirty)? Cause those usually only show up on true male plants. On stressed caused hermi plants, that start out with all hairs, towards the end of their life they'll start growing little banana looking things that don't look much different than the female hairs when they are fresh. These little bananas won't throw pollen all over the place like the balls/sacks of male plants. but they can easily pollinate their local area... or if their pollen gets caught in a fan it can pollinate other plants.


Well-Known Member
sorry to resurrect an old post, especially if nobody is interested. I've been using reverse on my grows ever since I encountered this problem. It does stop seed formation. AND... I've done an experiment: I have 5 aurora indicas 4 weeks into bloom right now. I sprayed 4 of the 5 plants with reverse and saturate 7 days into bloom... and again 10 days later. The 4 I sprayed are inches higher and have larger and more compact buds. I will be using this product in the future to stop seed formation and for overall health of the plant.


Maybe my plant is a freak. I used Reverse and Saturate and many leaves became blotchy and had spots after 6 days. It did seem work however the plant looks sickly and seems to have slightly stunted in its bud production compared to the sister plant. I had a light leak near this plant and the light issue is now resolved. I'm not sure I will treat it at day 10 because I don't wanna kill it.