The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Afternoon ladys n gents , just got home ready for my night off , time to care of the plants do some updates and hook some smoke , might even iplayer the f1 love sundays :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
just back from a mates, got mcdonalds on the way :) we been looking up on getting a talking parrot for his house :D


Well-Known Member
what does 12-12 from seed with 3 weeks veg mean?
I was meaning, from the seed sprouted untill it showed sex. It got flipped at week 2 from sprouting to be exact. And took a week to show, so been counting from then not the flip over day. To be honest i dont know the exact day of flowering its at, but not really fussed about all that either. The Cheese coming through strong now and its going to be some tidy smoke so :)



Well-Known Member
so went an picked up them cuttings today, got iced grapefruit, california orange and a UK cheese(exo maybe?), need to get rid of a load of plants though as fed up of having 14 strains hanging around, just gonna stick with psychosis, cheese and the livers methinks

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Noooo, don't get into a routine of sticking with things! I've learnt that however good the strain you'll soon get a bit bored if you grow it out time after time after time, i just can't wait for my seeds to go into the flowering cab, a change at last, whooooo.


Well-Known Member
coz i thought i was just picking 1 cheese up, get home n open the boz an theres 3 clones in there all labelled up lol
Give whatever you don't want to somebody else to grow for you and go halves on the bud.

Also, because you're getting these clones from another place, you really need to check for mite. That's how most people get them.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
what are you lot doing with this canna N? Im using their nutes but haven't got this, how much are you adding & when in the schedule are you adding it? And what does it do?
pukka and ttt i love the stuff but u gotta be careful, not every single feed in veg just every other or something.

this is how i do it

0.5ml per 1L water in veg

1ml per 1L water 3-4 weeks 12.12 or before u start adding PK or whatever boosters, i guess that would depend from person to person but just a little boost of N for a couple of feeds mid flower.

back down a little on ur normal A+B feed if u havent got an ec pen :)

i've read that our lovely girls use quite a bit of nitrogen calcium and magnesium when growing so this just seems to fit in quite well.

go easy lads :)

NITROGEN plays the major part in the protein synthesis and in the energy metabolism, which is essential for the development of the plant. It can be used for nitrogen deficiency and as a supplementary nutrient to stimulate the growth. NITROGEN is also an essential nutritional element for improving the juice production. The liquid can be directly absorbed by the plant and improves the vegetative growth.
Nitrogen Directions of Use
This mineral fertiliser contains 27% N. (Contains: ammonium 6%,
amid nitrogen 11% and nitrate 10%. Contains also MgO 2.5% and
CaO 6.5%).

Nitrogen is an essential element for the plants; nitrogen plays a
leading role with the protein synthesis and with the energy metabolism
therefore, it is crucial for the development of the plant. In
addition, it has an influence on the chlorophyll, the DNA and the
secondary metabolites. Furthermore, it increases the resistance of
the plant.

Liquid nitrogen fertiliser can be immediately absorbed by the plant
and stimulates the vegetal growth.

With the exception of fertilisers containing concentrated sulphate,
liquid nitrogen fertiliser can be mixed with most fertilisers.


To be applied as a nitrogen fertiliser, amongst others, in the case of a nitrogen deficiency (also during the generative growth phase).
As a supplementary remedy to stimulate the growth.

With the nutrient solution or by means of spraying the leaves (1ml/l).


1-2 ml per 1 litre water.


A good fertiliser contains all essential elements in the correct proportions. Proceed with caution when determining the dose; an overdose could be harmful to the plant!


Well-Known Member
Hay guys, has any one grown thai x skunk, free from seedsman. Mine just poped out a few days ago and was looking for some advise on the strain.


Well-Known Member
Morning guys. Stag was mental. We were alll ddressed like coppers and the groom was a convict. The amount of birds that love the uniform is scarey


Well-Known Member
haha sounds like a good do that billy. take it you got through all your supplies?

I was waiting for you to chime in las lol, youre the canna N guru.