The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Happy friday people, everyone loves the weekend. Tho I'm proper knackered tonight so having a trackie bottoms, slippers & smoke-a-thon in front of the tele type of friday night. Anyone doin anything cool this wkend?
HAppy friday to you too! I'm watching avatar already put 5 stella away and smoking up a storm, standard day off :D temped to get up tomorrow, load a tin full of weed, pick a destination drive and explore, i ent lived in quite a while. One fish two fish three fish four! i bought a lemon sole, fuck knows what i'll do with it, nuke it under the grill i guess


Well-Known Member
You gotta be shitting me sambo, you gotta give away some of your livers or psychosis??
lol m8 i been smoking bout 10g a day of the shit last 4-5days it may aswel be soap im smoking now buzzwise cause it aint doing shite really i never learn everytime its in abundunce i binge like a twat ive gave a fair amount to friends and family and will be leaving a good oz with me family 60miles from me so i carnt smoke it and can get me tolerance down lol fat chance im making ghee butter with half oz and all the trim when i get back lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
lol m8 i been smoking bout 10g a day of the shit last 4-5days it may aswel be soap im smoking now buzzwise cause it aint doing shite really i never learn everytime its in abundunce i binge like a twat ive gave a fair amount to friends and family and will be leaving a good oz with me family 60miles from me so i carnt smoke it and can get me tolerance down lol fat chance im making ghee butter with half oz and all the trim when i get back lol
i got 100g of butter in some cookies for this eve, see ya later weekend :)


Well-Known Member
i got 100g of butter in some cookies for this eve, see ya later weekend :)
lmao you no it with that butter buzz! my missus just calls me mongo constantly the bitch when im on the butter and im soooo stoned i carnt even defend meself lol this ghee-butter next week will have bout 14g of proper bud and i dunno aint weighed it yet but bout 150-200g of trim and with the ghee its 99.8 pure butter fat so all the thc is absorbed well thats the theory anyway should be intresting ya better book a few days off next week too m8 lol


Well-Known Member
damn ive really got to invest in a bigger tent, mines already overcrowded as it is and now im being given another 3 strains as well so that brings me up to bout 13strains/20 odd plants atm, pity you lot dont live closer then i could start giving some of these away lol

new strains 2moro, california orange, iced grapefruit, exodus cheese
current strains, heavy duty fruity, dark star, blue hash, tuthankamon, grapefruit, fast nevilles, psychosis, livers/blues, burmese kush
need to whittle it down a bit methinks lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Heh, that's a whole lot of strains, i'm just a few days away from being able to take a clone from my dreamtime and HDF, think i'll pop a few more beans this afternoon, still waiting on the darkstar to show, i let the soil dry a bit then cracked it, i can see roots, but still nowt on the surface. sounds like your tent is plenty big enough :D my flowering cab isn't even 55cm deep


Well-Known Member
Heh, that's a whole lot of strains, i'm just a few days away from being able to take a clone from my dreamtime and HDF, think i'll pop a few more beans this afternoon, still waiting on the darkstar to show, i let the soil dry a bit then cracked it, i can see roots, but still nowt on the surface. sounds like your tent is plenty big enough :D my flowering cab isn't even 55cm deep
my tent is crammed full with 9 plants in there a fortnight into flower, ive then got another 10 under 6", 4 still to come out the cloner and another 3 arriving 2moro lol, really need more space or someone to give some of these to lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Which exodus do you have? You say arriving so to me sounds like you know people with clones. I'm still waiting on dr greenthumb to get some exodus cheese i stock, he seems an incredibly incompetent breeder it has to be said, they've been out for a rather unrealistic amount of time.


Well-Known Member
Which exodus do you have? You say arriving so to me sounds like you know people with clones. I'm still waiting on dr greenthumb to get some exodus cheese i stock, he seems an incredibly incompetent breeder it has to be said, they've been out for a rather unrealistic amount of time.
wont know till it gets here tomorrow unfortunately but apparently its supposed to be an original exodus cut not a rip off but time will tell

kevin murphy

New Member
would you cut away foliage underneth the main plants are growing insanly quick its gunna be a forest in two wekks or so..any ideas anyone...need some pros help...all advice welcome the newest pics on page 67 68 69 on my grow all help welcome...respect to all growers out there.peace........

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Gah, 4pm and a second day of sitting with my back to the wall :D can't even be bothered to smoke. Might have a weekend treat and drive to mcdonalds.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
More like a further 40 minutes sitting no the floor :D and it's all about double cheeseburgers anyways :) can't really afford it though so it's all wishfull thinking. It's pasta and salt for me for the next week or so although i've still got my lemon sole in the fridge :p