That means all the politicians, lawyers, all of Wall Street and most LEO's will be left ready, so they say the faithful will be swept away to heaven and the sinners will be left here
im ready for party earth
I'm not ready yet. I don't have my light loafers on.i will still be waiting patiently for the appointed hour to roll around. wouldn't it be wonderful to actually witness the end of the world.
So true, the earth WILL perish someday. Astronomers put the date at about 4 billion years from now when the sun nearly runs out of fuel and expands to engulf the innermost planets. That's the real deal. And I'm ready for the sense that I won't be around to see it.Harold is crazy. The real deal is that the world will end someday. Let this be a reminder that someday this earth will perish. Are you ready for that?