Dan Kone
Well-Known Member
ok. but none of them are likely to be on the ballot. what then?Ill be voting for Ron Paul, Johnson, or nader dan - people that are the voice of the people
ok. but none of them are likely to be on the ballot. what then?Ill be voting for Ron Paul, Johnson, or nader dan - people that are the voice of the people
Because republicans would like to throw you in prison for growing it.Why the fuck does everyone think you have to be a liberal to like weed?
So you like the guys who want to throw you in jail better?This is a medicine that I use and alot of other combat vets use as a ptsd medicine and pain medicine alternative. But im far from Liberal.
Funny how much better off the country was when liberals had real power. The 40's-60's were the hight of American prosperity. They were also the most liberal period in history as well.Fuck you lazy liberals, we keep givin all this imaginary money away and people will never get out=the fucking hood. Im from that shit, hard work= your ass is gonna make it in the U.S.A.
too bad he won't be on the ballot.Ron Paul 2012 Legalize
actually in many ways it makes a lot more sense for a republican to be for marijuana legalization, a "liberal" should actually be the opposite give or take. The Drug war is a conservative issue. What we have right now is sometimes called "fake liberals" when you compare them to the liberals of the 60's and 70's - most of the pro-legalization guys are actually conservative.
Reagan said himself "Librataranism is at the heart of the republic party" Its ideas of freedom and liberty that are indeed the core of the republicans not as the social conservatives would say "values"(with a southern draw).
Your blind hatred of the left is misguided. Doesn't surprise me though, most Americans are jackasses.Why the fuck does everyone think you have to be a liberal to like weed? This is a medicine that I use and alot of other combat vets use as a ptsd medicine and pain medicine alternative. But im far from Liberal. And the president is the Commander and Chief, Not the creator, almost every decision he makes is influenced by an advisor or team of advisors. He doesnt just wake up and say "oh I think ill just change the immigration laws, or decriminalize marijuana today." I believe in working hard to achieve prosperity, thats what the fuck America is about, not socializing the entire fucking country so that a lazy piece of shit recieves the same amount of communist pay check as a business man that made it out the hood through college or started at mcdonalds flippin burgers and made it to corporate franchise owner. Fuck you lazy liberals, we keep givin all this imaginary money away and people will never get out=the fucking hood. Im from that shit, hard work= your ass is gonna make it in the U.S.A.
Those people make up a very tiny portion of tax dollar spending compared to the real welfare queens in corporate America. We give more free money to oil companies than we do to poor people. Why are you mae at lazy poor people instead of the lazy rich people who get way more free money and don't need it?I understand the fact that Police are Republicans and judges and alot of corrupt corporate figures. But thats like saying the liberal party does'nt hold 90% of my nations lazy fuckin shitheads who live off foodstamps their whole life and never put a dime of their money into the system, while everyone of us that does pay taxes pays their way. If you pay taxes, then its understandable to use assistance when you need the help, or if your 22 or under and just making it on your own or what not. But that lazy fuckin white guy or black guy that wakes up at 2:00 and swipes his ebt to pay for iced cream and watch cartoons all day while im getting blown up in the Helmand province or your at work paying taxes, that guy is what will fuck this country to shit. That guy wants to receive and never give, be paid and never work, bitch at the rich white man or black man who did work. I come from the block, multi racial inner city, I saw all walks, and I also saw the world. And when you fuckin retards bitch about how bad it is here, go to a 3rd world country and live without fucking water from the time your 7 or be stealing trash as food when your 12. Open your fuckin eyes, its not just Republicans who dont like weed either. Your talking to one who does right now.
Oh yeah, Im blind, nothing I posted made any sense Idk what im talking about. If your not American why in the fuck are you on here? I could give a fuck about the cute little country you stay in. And if you are, you should be shot for treason.Your blind hatred of the left is misguided. Doesn't surprise me though, most Americans are jackasses.
Those people make up a very tiny portion of tax dollar spending compared to the real welfare queens in corporate America. We give more free money to oil companies than we do to poor people. Why are you mae at lazy poor people instead of the lazy rich people who get way more free money and don't need it?