Chris' New Perpetual Multi-Strain Grow With Weekly Updates & Ton of Pics

Which Strain That I Am Currently Growing Is Your Favorite?

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Well-Known Member
That purple on the floja is looking great! Nice job!
thanks man. =D i cant thank you enough. I LOVE this strain!! it seems like its gonna be a good yielder too. and smells bomb too!! the color is amazing! hopin my breeding project goes ok tho.. never done it before. lol. sooo if u have any tips... id love to hear them! also... u have any new grows under way?? any pics or anything? if soo deff post the link to it soo i can check it out.. or if u just have pics then u can post'em right up here. i dont mind. lol cant wait to be smokin these purple buds! now this strain finishes kinda early right? like 7-8 weeks? deff looks more indica.. adn looks pretty good for 4 weeks. =) thanks again man!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Nice update bro Spider Mites are the devil! But at least you can get rid of those little fuckers! Powdery mildew is the true anti Christ of growing! Anyway I was reading your update and you couldn't remember how long your NL had been flowering, and you said you need to keep better track of your stuff. Well here is a program that I use and you should really check it out.

It is totally free and really helpful. I track all my shit on there from feeding, watering, time from clone/seed, veg time, flower time, and also growing info on the different strains. Go to the end of the thread and download the latest version, trust me you wont be disappointed.

Plants still looking good brotha lots of bud in there!


Well-Known Member
Hey bro. Man that's some frosty/tasty lookn buds. I hate to c ur ak flippin on u like that tho, I was brainstorming and I wonder if the mg moisture control backfired or somethin and its overwatered or something?? Maybe that's why the mites like ur foliage also, if it holds moisture wouldn't that make ur humidity go through the roof and make ur plants prone to em. Do u monitor humidity? Of course I'm not criticizing, only trying to help a fellow grower


Active Member
Nice update! I'm drooling over your Floja! What a gem! I love the coloring, it's just amazing!

Watering with neem oil doesn't work as fast as spraying, but it's way less messy! And stinky for that matter. I'd also suggest squishing as many of the buggers as you can. They splat pretty easily, but it requires some man handling of the plants to do it. I've managed to kill off an entire infestation with squishing alone, but it was hard work!

Also don't forget that with the time it takes for the neem to leech out of the plant you might not have enough time to use that method with some of your ladies. You don't want to use neem if you've got less than 4 weeks left of flower. To be honest, it looks like you've got a pretty good infestation going at this point. Judging by the pics it looks like the little bastards are munching on the Sensi Star most. I'd suggest floramite over anything else, only because it's a sure thing. With the neem and the ladybugs, if one manages to still breed after neeming or the ladybugs miss a little grouping somewhere, you're right back where you started. Also with using the floramite, you should be able to use ladybugs as well. It's not an all around bug killer, mites only. I know someone who tried using it for Thrips and it didn't work. Ebay has the best prices if you're looking for cheap. $15 for a 1 oz bottle, which treats 24 gallons.

I was half joking about seeds, but if you're willing, I'm game! I love the color changers! Currently I have 2, an Matanuska Thunder which only turns purple under extreme cold (which is probably not going to happen this grow) and a purple #1, which 80% purple out. Purple is still in veg, so we'll see!

I'm subbed for sure! Your Floja has me hypnotized!


Active Member
it makes me sad to see a spider mite infestation, i encountered them on my first grow and never completely got rid of them. i bought a no pest strip and then didn't ever use it because i was already 7 weeks into flower, and because of what people said on here about the chemical vapor it uses and how its harmful to humans. i think they'd be fine to use during veg and the first half of flowering, wouldn't the plants eventually transpire(exhale) those chemical vapors though??


Well-Known Member
Nice update bro Spider Mites are the devil! But at least you can get rid of those little fuckers! Powdery mildew is the true anti Christ of growing! Anyway I was reading your update and you couldn't remember how long your NL had been flowering, and you said you need to keep better track of your stuff. Well here is a program that I use and you should really check it out.

It is totally free and really helpful. I track all my shit on there from feeding, watering, time from clone/seed, veg time, flower time, and also growing info on the different strains. Go to the end of the thread and download the latest version, trust me you wont be disappointed.

Plants still looking good brotha lots of bud in there!
never had powdery mildew.. dont wanna jynx myself... lol. but yeaa im hopin to be rid of them pretty soon... i know its hard to believe.... but theyre not as bad as they used to be! lol. i kno it doesnt look like that.

and u know wats funny... if u go bak like 5 or so pages in my thread... or even in my frostiest bud thread.. i rave about the HERB.IQ program. lol. i saw a pic of the program on sum1s thread. and looked it up... adn downloaded it and was AMAZED at how much stuff u can do with it! i LOVE this program. the best part is its free.. i love how on the 1st page.. it tells u how many days old all ur plants are... it just so happens that for some reason i didnt add the NL to the program... lol. but thanks for the tip. =) im sure sum1 else will see that post and try the program out!

Hey bro. Man that's some frosty/tasty lookn buds. I hate to c ur ak flippin on u like that tho, I was brainstorming and I wonder if the mg moisture control backfired or somethin and its overwatered or something?? Maybe that's why the mites like ur foliage also, if it holds moisture wouldn't that make ur humidity go through the roof and make ur plants prone to em. Do u monitor humidity? Of course I'm not criticizing, only trying to help a fellow grower
yeaa im pissed bout the AK... and you could possibly be right... it "could" be the MG soil and being over watered... but ive had that plant in the same pot for a while now.. soo i dont think thats the problem because all the nutes are probably used up by now. and i also have a humidity meter in my room and it reads normal... at about 35%.. and i kno ur not criricizing man. lol. i welcome all help/tips/criticism. =)


Well-Known Member
Nice update! I'm drooling over your Floja! What a gem! I love the coloring, it's just amazing!

Watering with neem oil doesn't work as fast as spraying, but it's way less messy! And stinky for that matter. I'd also suggest squishing as many of the buggers as you can. They splat pretty easily, but it requires some man handling of the plants to do it. I've managed to kill off an entire infestation with squishing alone, but it was hard work!

Also don't forget that with the time it takes for the neem to leech out of the plant you might not have enough time to use that method with some of your ladies. You don't want to use neem if you've got less than 4 weeks left of flower. To be honest, it looks like you've got a pretty good infestation going at this point. Judging by the pics it looks like the little bastards are munching on the Sensi Star most. I'd suggest floramite over anything else, only because it's a sure thing. With the neem and the ladybugs, if one manages to still breed after neeming or the ladybugs miss a little grouping somewhere, you're right back where you started. Also with using the floramite, you should be able to use ladybugs as well. It's not an all around bug killer, mites only. I know someone who tried using it for Thrips and it didn't work. Ebay has the best prices if you're looking for cheap. $15 for a 1 oz bottle, which treats 24 gallons.

I was half joking about seeds, but if you're willing, I'm game! I love the color changers! Currently I have 2, an Matanuska Thunder which only turns purple under extreme cold (which is probably not going to happen this grow) and a purple #1, which 80% purple out. Purple is still in veg, so we'll see!

I'm subbed for sure! Your Floja has me hypnotized!
yeaaa.. well ill look on ebay for that floramite and give that a try and see how that works b4 i try anything else.. dont wanna waste money buying more neem oil/lady bugs if theyre not gonna work 100% ya kno?

and yeaa man we'll see wat happens. ;) see how many seeds i actually end up with. hopin ur purple turns purple. lol

it makes me sad to see a spider mite infestation, i encountered them on my first grow and never completely got rid of them. i bought a no pest strip and then didn't ever use it because i was already 7 weeks into flower, and because of what people said on here about the chemical vapor it uses and how its harmful to humans. i think they'd be fine to use during veg and the first half of flowering, wouldn't the plants eventually transpire(exhale) those chemical vapors though??
yeaa i had plenty of good grows without any bug problems.... was hopin to keep it that way..... but guess not. =/ im a lil nervous to try the no pest strips as well... but its almsot worth a try to me just to be rid of them completely... gonna try the floramite stuff.. adn see wat happens. and yeaa i would think that the plants would at sum point exhale the vapors....? lots of peopl HAVE used them successfully and smoked the finished product.. and theyre still alive... may be short a few braincells.... but theyre alive? lol


Active Member
I think that would depend on the kinds of chemicals, environmental influences, etc. I'm no scientist, so I don't really have an answer to that. The way I look at it is if it's not safe for food, it's probably worse if you're going to burn and inhale it. I'd rather not risk my life by smoking pesticides. Either way you choose to look at it, it's your weed, your life and your choice. You won't catch me with that stuff in my garden though.



Active Member
do the floramite like it says on the bottle i've heard nothing but great things about that stuff. i have never used it, my current grow i gave them a nice neem shower bout a week before flowering, so far so good and i have azamax in case anything turns up. you could try dunking your plant in water with dr. bronner's magic soap for about 15 seconds, like literally take the plant and put a bag around the pot to hold the soil it and turn it upside down in a big clean tub with room temp water. add like a tsp per gallon or so of dr. bronner's. it'll do some damage on those mites for sure and if you do it right when the lights go off you should be ok.


Well-Known Member
I think that would depend on the kinds of chemicals, environmental influences, etc. I'm no scientist, so I don't really have an answer to that. The way I look at it is if it's not safe for food, it's probably worse if you're going to burn and inhale it. I'd rather not risk my life by smoking pesticides. Either way you choose to look at it, it's your weed, your life and your choice. You won't catch me with that stuff in my garden though.

yeaaa i was at some store the other day and i saw some bug killer that said it killer spider mites... but saw that it said to keep away from food/pets/children.... and not to inhale it etc.... soo it kinda turned me away from it. stoneyluvs tryin it. think he already opened them up. wanna see how his turns out. not sure if i wanna risk it tho

do the floramite like it says on the bottle i've heard nothing but great things about that stuff. i have never used it, my current grow i gave them a nice neem shower bout a week before flowering, so far so good and i have azamax in case anything turns up. you could try dunking your plant in water with dr. bronner's magic soap for about 15 seconds, like literally take the plant and put a bag around the pot to hold the soil it and turn it upside down in a big clean tub with room temp water. add like a tsp per gallon or so of dr. bronner's. it'll do some damage on those mites for sure and if you do it right when the lights go off you should be ok.
wow. ive never heard of sum1 dunking their whole plant into a pool/tub of water? lol. thats an interest method.. but i could see why it would work... jsut couldnt do that with a plant in flowering i would think.. as it could possibly cause a mold problem within the buds. gonna look on ebay for that stuff now and see how much its goin for.. cuz these mites gotta fuckin go!:cuss:


Well-Known Member
ok guys. heres sum pics of my Northern Lights I harvested yesterday. =) not a big yielder... at all. but the buds are solid. soo thats good i guess... its hard to tell... bu tit almost looks like theres a hint of purple in the buds... mostly in the main cola. but i cant really tell.. ill see when its done drying. looks VERY frosty tho... thats cuz it is. lol. and the buds are a very very light green... this is probly the lightest green colored buds ive ever grown... reminds me of the "kind bud or KB" i used to get back in the day. enought talkin.. heres the pics

Northern Lights Harvest


hope u guys like the pics.. theres a few pics on there that came out AMAZING i think. =) i like this strain alot.. got an awesome smell... very sweet... almost like candy. and i LVOE the color of the bud..

** the floja smell is starting to come through alot more.... and its funny..... cuz u know what it smells like.....? bubblegum? took me a few to figure out what the smell was.... but i asked a few ppl in my house.... and they all agree.. it smells just like bubblegum!! lol. i'll see how the taste is once its dried and cured. but for right now.. it smells like bubblegum. =) and its starten to fatten up as well. looks like its gonna be a nice yielder... sooo im happy.. hopin the seeds will have sum of these traits... purple/bubblegum smell/tight node spacing/big yielder/early finisher... =) we'll seee.

gonna try to get the camera and take pics of the vegging plants. the BASTARD BUBBA's and the GORILLA GRAPES are doing GREAT! they all look very nice and healthy.

the blueberry's have deff rooted... and the mini-floja clone looks good. i can see the baby leaves at the top of the plant perking up. soo im lookin for any new growth to re-assure me that its rooted..

ive been messing around with the full moon as well.. bending the stem over (super cropping jsut the main branch) and over. and it seems to be helping with the lower branches. i also topped the bubblegum clone i have. and plan on doin the same with the northern lights clone. =)

i also plan on letting all these vegging plant veg longer than i have been... cuz im not happy with the yields ive been getting.... =/ i was used to getting 2-3+ ounces per plant.. the last couple plants have been UNDER an ounce!! wtf is that!!?? sooo theyre gonna be vegging a lil longer from now on. and i plan on keepin the floja clone in veg adn turning her into a mom.

ok. thats all i got for updates/info. enjoy the pics!!


Well-Known Member
Tasty indeed. Looks very good bro, I think I see little hints of purple like u said on that main cola. If it smokes like it looks u gon be FUCKED UP lol


Well-Known Member
Not sure if someone said something yet, but it looks like you got spidermites.... and whats with all the burnt tips, definitely looks like you are overfeeding... someone already said that but you disagreed... so i will second what they said.

Edit: Looks like you know about the mites...

About your feeding, what kind of schedule are you on, and what kind of nutes do you have? Also do you have a PH meter.. looks like some deficiencies going on as well due to PH levels.

Not trying to be an ass, just trying to help


Well-Known Member
Not sure if someone said something yet, but it looks like you got spidermites.... and whats with all the burnt tips, definitely looks like you are overfeeding... someone already said that but you disagreed... so i will second what they said.
yeaa ive had spidermites for a while now. been talkin about it the last few pages. gonna try using floramite to get rid of them. and yea sum1 did say i was overfeeding... but lik ei said.. i havent fed the plants in a while now because i didnt want to over feed.. soo im not sure wat the burnt tips r from.? the floja seems to have no nute burn. same goes for the sensi star and the warlock. and the bubblicious and ak-48 randomly started wilting on me... but the bubblicious came back to life and is producing sum nice buds now. and it looks as if the AK-48 is comin bak to life now as well.

which plants are u referring to wen u say "watsup with all the burnt tips"?


Well-Known Member
which plants are u referring to wen u say "watsup with all the burnt tips"?

Pretty much every one in this pic has burnt tips... either from the mites sucking the life out of the leaves, or from overfeeding. Plus signs of deficiencies probably cal or mag, maybe both.

When you did feed them, what was your nute dosage. I know you said you havent fed in a while, but when you did feed, what were you using and how much?


Active Member
yeaaa i was at some store the other day and i saw some bug killer that said it killer spider mites... but saw that it said to keep away from food/pets/children.... and not to inhale it etc.... soo it kinda turned me away from it. stoneyluvs tryin it. think he already opened them up. wanna see how his turns out. not sure if i wanna risk it tho

wow. ive never heard of sum1 dunking their whole plant into a pool/tub of water? lol. thats an interest method.. but i could see why it would work... jsut couldnt do that with a plant in flowering i would think.. as it could possibly cause a mold problem within the buds. gonna look on ebay for that stuff now and see how much its goin for.. cuz these mites gotta fuckin go!:cuss:
i know man its really drastic but for a really bad mite infestation its not bad, i did it on a flowering plant, just did it right when the lights went off and had the oscillating fan on it and didn't let the humidity get above 50 and i had no mold. the buds and pistils dried out before the HID lights came on them


Well-Known Member

Pretty much every one in this pic has burnt tips... either from the mites sucking the life out of the leaves, or from overfeeding. Plus signs of deficiencies probably cal or mag, maybe both.

When you did feed them, what was your nute dosage. I know you said you havent fed in a while, but when you did feed, what were you using and how much?
the bubblicious probly has sum def. goin on.. and major mote damage.. that plant almsot didnt make it.. it always ended up covered in webs adn mites.. same with the NL.. mites deff got a hold of that plant as well. adn the AK-48...w ell idk wats wrong with that 1.. i wasnt feeding that one either.. it jsut randomly started wilting.. dont know why. looked at the roots and the roots didnt look great at all.. kinda dark yellowish.. not white and/or fuzzy.

the warlock's tips are fine. same wit the sensi star.. but the leaves are a lil ugly from the mites.

i was using SUper Bloom which is 12-55-6.. and i was dosing at 1/2 strength. i would water with nutes... then use plain water for 2 waterings... then use nutes again. soooo idk wats wrong with the plants.


Well-Known Member
i know man its really drastic but for a really bad mite infestation its not bad, i did it on a flowering plant, just did it right when the lights went off and had the oscillating fan on it and didn't let the humidity get above 50 and i had no mold. the buds and pistils dried out before the HID lights came on them
Hmmmm... might have to give it a try then.. i mean the only 2 plants that are far enough into flowering that i'd have to worry about rot would be the floja and the bubblicious 2..

i seem to have them under control in the veg box. i took all the plants out and sprayed the hell outta them with water... and literally watched the mites get washed off the bottom of the leaves. =D