My First Grow And Journal


Active Member
Alotaball - I use tiger bloom (actually I use big, bloom, grow big, and tiger bloom - gunna try the FF solubles out in my next grow) It's great stuff, but as with any nutes, start small. 1/4 - 1/2 doses and work your way up from there. Better to under feed than to over! Can always add more nutes next watering if they look hungry. Also with the Ocean Forest they should be good for around 2 weeks with no nutes. Looking forward to the next update!


Well-Known Member
Thanks peace.. glad ur following along... Not really sure how often I should update this.. is once a week the norm .. or more frequently. This grow has me so excited I could update every night .. but I would prob bore the hell out of everyone LOL


Active Member
Thanks peace.. glad ur following along... Not really sure how often I should update this.. is once a week the norm .. or more frequently. This grow has me so excited I could update every night .. but I would prob bore the hell out of everyone LOL
You update when ever you want! We like keeping these journals to look back and see what we were doing right and wrong. It is a great way to show off your hard work when you can't do other ways.


thanks for the info alotaball. its my first grow and my alaskan thunderfuck plant is doing great and blue dreams is growing slow. i juzt got another question?
Did your blue dream take awile to reach a reasonable height? (12"-24" preferably). @ alotaball

Metal n Weed

Active Member
Grow is looking good so far, you almost have the same setup as my flower tent. I like the choice in clones also, I have grown all of em. One thing I did notice though is your Blue Dream is the more Indica looking cut. The Blue cut I have has slender leaves, leans more toward the haze side of things. You still get that awesom blueberry jam hazeyness though and the stone is good, energetic at first but keep smoking and it's couch city.


Well-Known Member
Hey Metal.. thanks for stopping by... I noticed the blue looks pretty indica myself.. but then its growing really short ? lol .. I have a blueberry mother in there too.. im kinda excited to try .. never had a uncrossed blueberry smoke before. Looks like ur in the same area as me... hell we might even know eachother... Gotta love Cali.. I have been tempted to try this myself for years.. but now .. with the way things are around here.. i feel way more comfortable knowing im pretty much as legal as I can get. Ill be watching your grow too Metal!


Well-Known Member
Ok heres a quick update... on my first SOLO grow.. DAY 16 FLOWER. How em I looking guys?

Here we go..

I have 2 Hindu Kush .. both bout the same size..

Little look at the tops

Next we have my Blue Dream.. Shes looking good to me .. getting a little light green.. so I upped her feed a bit.


I have a Purple Kush Mother I'm flowering that was from a buddy in the collective:)

A BlueBerry :)

Chemdog... I have 2 of these but they are over 40 inches tall so I only took one out to photo.. but they are bout the exact same ...

I also have 2 querkle's in flower... they are my 2 worse looking plants.. they are still doing ok.. but one has alot of droopy clawed leaves.. but its bigger and greener? The other one is perky looking but my smallest slowest plant. SO I really dont know what to expect from these girls.. dont really understand why one would be so clawed.. when they are both fed and watered the same? any Ideas .. fill me in please

here they GO...

Look at the Droopy clawed leaves

Ok think I'm done.. Ignore the white spots on the lower growth... just some residue from suflur dust I sprayed right at the begining of flower for a preventive. How do they look??? Im so curious of what i'm gonna yield.. im just hoping its enough to cover the expenses


Active Member
Yeah man, no doubt things are looking good! I'm taking a particular liking to your blue dream. Bet she puts out some super nice colas. I usually frown on guessing yields, hate setting yourself up for failure, but I'd feel safe sayin those easily look like 2 oz+ plants. We shall see! Good update!


Well-Known Member
Hey Jazzy not sure whatcha mean... they are all stretching on the main branch .. I didnt top or train any of these so they are all getting one main cola forming it looks like.. Im a little concerned on the height of the chemdogs.. I only have room to put my light up about another foot on that side of the tent and they are still growing a inch a day .. hope it slows down soon ! All my other plants are on buckets to be raised so I have plenty of room for them to keep stretching. Im guessing all the stretching is normal.... Im pretty sure the're not stretching because of lack of light .. I have 9 plants under 2000 watts in a 8x4 area.. the lights are within a foot of the tops...


Well-Known Member
I know I am in no position to give advice... but if anyone is considering strains for their first grow.. this hindu kush is amazing .. it has been beautiful green the whole grow.. never got burnt from nutes.. never reacted to my bad ph when I was using a drop kit before I bought a meter.. Stays nice and compact... Just durable.. never stressed after transplants.. just kept growing ..

Ill share a little story.. When I changed the bulb on one of my hoods.. because I was running a 1000 watt MH for veg originally... I didnt move the plants.. the glass fell.. CUT a whole limb off one of my Hindu's.. I was pissed .. mostly at my self.. for not moving the plants first. Live n learn.. well anyhow.. I cussed .. picked up the limb.. dunked it in some cloning powder..which I never have great luck with the powder.. then I put some straight soil in a dixie cup.. and stuck the limb in there.. The damn thing rooted.. SO this strain is VERY easy to clone.. it stayed green and now has roots coming out the bottem of the cup. I hope this Hindu is good smoke .. because now I have a cutting from it .. I would like to keep it as a mother and run this strain for a long time.. Its just been SOOO easy compared to the others. OK enought rambling LOL


Active Member
LoL that is kinda sad in a way ,but you made it work for you. We always get a little nerves when we have to clean the light hood cause its so heavy if it fell.......well bye bye plant's and light!


look beautiful bro! especially that blue dream. question tho! i have had my blue dream for about 3 weeks and its only about 6-7 inches. why could it be growin so slow compared to yours? if you can answer that for me @ alottabal


Well-Known Member
My bluedream was kinda a slow vegger also Louie.. let me show you some pics of mine before and after

Ok here is my blue dream on 4/20 this and I switched it to flower on 5/3. So its been a month.. since this photo.

Now this is a month later .. with half of that time being veg and half flower.. This plant really took off in the 12 hour cycle. This thing also has sooo many budsites.. im impressed.

Do you have any pics of yours? or a link to them?