Reverse Racism "I'm Sick & Tired Of Liberals Calling Conservatives Racist!" WHITE!


Well-Known Member
There are way to many feelings in this and half your facts are wrong. If you really believe that the issue with obama is anything butt ideology you are very missguided. You should focus more on his actions, rather then the tingling up your leg when he speaks.
What about my facts are wrong? Does Ryan's plan not destroy medicare as we know it? Yes, yes it does. You can the Ryan program "medicare" but that doesn't mean it's anything resembling medicare. Have the Republicans offered a form of universal healthcare? nope. Have they come up with any ways to create jobs outside the impotent method of tax cuts? Nope....

Where are the alternatives? Until the public sees them, the Republican "criticism" is just noise.


Well-Known Member
I didn't mention or refer to the color of his skin.

You did.
You're right. You did not EXPLICITLY mention it.

But suggestions, or outright accusations, of racism virtually every time a Conservative objects to Obama has everything to do with the color of his skin.

Thus furthering my point that Proggies just can't let it go because it conforms to their preconceived notions about Conservatives. Makes it easier to dismiss them out of hand.

Nice try, but...



Well-Known Member
Next the conservatives will be telling us that Reagans story about a single mother with 8 kids living the life (she had a caddy!) off the man wasn't subtle racism... :roll:

It would be easier to believe Conservatives on the race baiting issue if your party hadn't been using this tactic since the 60's at least... Oh and, maybe if your party actually came up with real alternatives (policy items not just rhetoric!)...


Well-Known Member
Maybe medicare needs to go, these programs congress kept expanding over the years (dems and reps} have broke us. The next few years will be a salvage mission to at least save social security in some form. The parasites are killing the host.
What about my facts are wrong? Does Ryan's plan not destroy medicare as we know it? Yes, yes it does. You can the Ryan program "medicare" but that doesn't mean it's anything resembling medicare. Have the Republicans offered a form of universal healthcare? nope. Have they come up with any ways to create jobs outside the impotent method of tax cuts? Nope....

Where are the alternatives? Until the public sees them, the Republican "criticism" is just noise.


Well-Known Member
Next the conservatives will be telling us that Reagans story about a single mother with 8 kids living the life (she had a caddy!) off the man wasn't subtle racism... :roll:

It would be easier to believe Conservatives on the race baiting issue if your party hadn't been using this tactic since the 60's at least... Oh and, maybe if your party actually came up with real alternatives (policy items not just rhetoric!)...
My party?

Conservative does not exclusively equal Republican.

I am not a Republican. Although I supported them with contributions and my vote in the last election cycle.

I personally know Conservative Democrats. Lots of them.

Based on the tone of your lecture you believe the Left NEVER employs the tactic of race-baiting.

LIMH! (laughing in my head)


Well-Known Member
I am not a Republican. Although I supported them with contributions and my vote in the last election cycle.
as i recall, you stated your opposition to the one senator who voted against the patriot act and voiced your assent with respect to hypothetically voting for christine o'donnell.

all your hard work has paid off, as the folks you supported are hard at work eroding a woman's right to choose.

be proud!


New Member
well if we didn't have these stupid 7 wars we wouldn't have to look at cutting things like medicare first, I wish they would place the american people above the stupid quazi legal rich mens wars.

Secondly, the race card, the weapon of cowards. What is wrong with pointing out cultural differences in a friendly conversation if it doesn't include stereotypes? without stereotypes how is it racism? People who say Obama grew up and Kenya and hes a Muslim is based on hate, perhaps racism, but you know its a half-truth, Obama did spend a few years in Kenya in his teens its fact, but this has been distorted to say he "grew up" in Kenya or whatever is a distortion of the truth and should be called out for what it is(not necessarily racism). Its the fact people don't like OBAMA for whatever reason that they spit half-truths and sometimes full on lies and your right it is sometimes racism, but to simplify it as MSNBC has and call every person a racist who even mentions a race issue or disagrees with Obama in any is beyond ridiculous.

In these examples supposedly Ron Paul and Col West are racist and they never uttered one stereotype, its stupid. I was even called a racist by some people in this thread for using the words 'white dude' and 'black dude' in my original post, so we can't say "white dude" and "black dude" now?


Well-Known Member
there is still such a thing as a conservative democrat?-
Sure, they are all over. They may be scarce in Manhattan or San Francisco.

But the South is lousy with them.

In my neck of the woods, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting one.

as i recall, you stated your opposition to the one senator who voted against the patriot act and voiced your assent with respect to hypothetically voting for christine o'donnell.
That's one way to put it I suppose.

Another way to put it is I opposed the Senator who would deny free political speech and supported the Connecticut candidate who was NOT a Democrat.

all your hard work has paid off, as the folks you supported are hard at work eroding a woman's right to choose.
Histrionics aside, do you REALLY think a woman's right to choose is endangered?

Be honest.


I believe you do not.

But it makes an effective enough scare-tactic talking-point. :lol:

be proud!
We stopped the destructive Obama legislative agenda in its tracks.

I am proud. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Remember Southern democrats fighting against black rights to vote an desegregation? U of Miss an Alabama, George Wallace.

Republicans and Lincoln freed the slaves?

Dems support different treatment based on race. Affirmative Action an hate crime law?.

I love how dems hate stereotyping, but always call all Republicans racist...


Well-Known Member
Histrionics aside, do you REALLY think a woman's right to choose is endangered?

Be honest.


I believe you do not.

But it makes an effective enough scare-tactic talking-point. :lol: - texas - south dakota - kansas - indiana - florida

you would be wrong.

seems like i can't take a dump in the morning without hearing about progressive restrictions on abortion.

and the people you supported are getting us there.

feel proud!

the "destructive" legislative agenda...psssht.

how dare you take personal responsibility for your own health care. it is better that deadbeats who don't insure themselves despite being able to lump their costs onto everyone else's.

how dare a woman be granted a fairer chance at suing her employer for the ongoing pay discrimination women face in this country.

how dare he put money towards much needed infrastructure improvements and leverage private sector dollars for advances in renewable, sustainable energy.

how dare he tell a bank to curb their skeezy, unethical business practices.

just sickening. and DESTRUCTIVE :lol:


Well-Known Member
Remember Southern democrats fighting against black rights to vote an desegregation? U of Miss an Alabama, George Wallace.
funny you should mention that! i do recall how the republicans flipped the south from blue to red by appealing to racism, aka the southern strategy.

but how the fuck does that little factoid about how republicans (successfully) recruited more folks to their ranks using racism work in your favor?

oh, it doesn't. ha, FAIL!

Republicans and Lincoln freed the slaves?
although historically accurate, this is old news. ancient news. this is archaic news.

and despite that it is true, you have to weigh this against the new direction the republican party took by courting racists successfully.

Dems support different treatment based on race. Affirmative Action an hate crime law?.
no, those are examples of equal treatment based on race.

a white person can be a victim of a hate crime just as much as a black person can, genius.

a white person can gain equal treatment they deserve thanks to affirmative action just as much as a black person, einstein.

I love how dems hate stereotyping, but always call all Republicans racist...
i love that you totally punted that reply. nice!


Well-Known Member
here is still such a thing as a conservative democrat?-

Blue dogs, but that was mostly during the Clinton era. I'd actually consider most of the Democrats currently in power quite pragmatic and centrist in approach(the obvious exception would be the CPC). I could go so far as to argue that most Democrats today, Obama being a pretty good example, aren't even very liberal in the first place(especially those elected in southern and swing states). Why do people think every Democrat is a socialist? Propaganda! Amazing...

I couldn't say the same about the Republican party however(moderate Republicans are almost extinct completely); In the last half century movement conservatives within the Republican party have demonized comprimise and encouraged partisanship to the point the the entire party has moved significantly to the right. There is actually a pretty cool set of data some dudes at Princeton collect for every congress measuring partisanship(based on votes and what they're voting on in the first place, I believe this is the same data set that called Ron Paul the most "conservative" Republican in power)... The data shows that in the 50's and 60's American politics were very bipartisan with 5-10 representatives often crossing party lines to vote for shit... as time went on it became much less common - especially on the Republican side - until votes crossing party lines became rare. I can see if I can find this online, I know it from a book. Interesting stuff to say the least.


Well-Known Member
...moderate Republicans are almost extinct completely... the entire party has moved significantly to the right.
there is this one candidate who i think would do well on the democratic ticket in 2016. i say this because...

*union member
*favors amnesty
*wants a 50% top tax rate
*seeks to reduce nuclear weapon build up
*favors greater diversity on SCOTUS
*wife favors stem cell research

there is one minor obstacle, however. we would have to revive him from the dead, as this man is ronald reagan.


Well-Known Member
I suspect a lot of racism is at play in our country today. I read it every day. You see, while one may not call Obama the "N" word in these boards.... they certainly do around these parts. And the ones that won't use the N word, will publicly denounce the president and make absurd claims that the man is not eligible to run the country because he is Kenyan. Then after the SECOND birth certificate is released to appease the Trump clan, we now here people making claims Obama did not attend Harvard, even though there is sufficient evidence to prove that he did. Now why is there that much hate for this man that many of you that seem offended for being considered racist? Please explain it to me in facts and figures, not conspiracies and BS... something is driving your hate.......

You figure it out. I know for myself why many Obama haters are the way they are. I'm not calling all of them racist, but I sense a good many are.... Collin Powell as president would be just as upsetting to those people.... :wall:


Well-Known Member
I will not even address those links (from the SAME source, btw) because they apply to STATES and do not supersede Federal law. Irrelevant.

Roe v. Wade addressed privacy and equal protection under the law. Abortion was simply the question.

seems like i can't take a dump in the morning without hearing about progressive restrictions on abortion.

and the people you supported are getting us there.
Scare tactics do not work on me. Try the brainless bimbos and idiots (i.e. Democrats) who know no better.

feel proud!

the "destructive" legislative agenda...psssht.

how dare you take personal responsibility for your own health care. it is better that deadbeats who don't insure themselves despite being able to lump their costs onto everyone else's.
Then riddle me this: Why are so many organizations, and STATES(!), getting waivers excusing them from MessiahCare?

how dare a woman be granted a fairer chance at suing her employer for the ongoing pay discrimination women face in this country.
Lilly Ledbbetter, again? Seriously?

More Women than men earn advanced degrees now, Buck.

Oh, the humanity!

how dare he put money towards much needed infrastructure improvements and leverage private sector dollars for advances in renewable, sustainable energy.
See the Tenth Amendment. See the fourth Amendment while you are at it.

how dare he tell a bank to curb their skeezy, unethical business practices.
Talk to your President. He does pretty good by those clowns.

just sickening. and DESTRUCTIVE
Yep. Sickening AND destructive. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I will not even address those links (from the SAME source, btw) because they apply to STATES and do not supersede Federal law. Irrelevant.

Roe v. Wade addressed privacy and equal protection under the law. Abortion was simply the question.
because they are all from the same source, they must all be irrelevant. way to commit a logical fallacy of dismissing information based on source rather than content.

just an illustration of the very real attack that women's rights are currently facing.

Scare tactics do not work on me. Try the brainless bimbos and idiots (i.e. Democrats) who know no better.
again, they are not scare tactics. they are very real examples of government intrusion and eroding rights for women.

Then riddle me this: Why are so many organizations, and STATES(!), getting waivers excusing them from MessiahCare?
it's called a transition. and it is a very limited number when compared to the population as a whole. YAWN.

ha, "messiahcare". someone does not care for an intellectually honest debate, and prefers fox news talking points that demean and belittle instead.

for the record, i know you do not watch fox news. but you sure do latch onto their tit with this whole "messiah" and "chosen one" bullshit.

Lilly Ledbbetter, again? Seriously?

More Women than men earn advanced degrees now, Buck.

Oh, the humanity!
and they still get paid less than men for the same job.

but i know, it is not murder so you are opposed in an way to affording them protections of any sort that secure their equal status and rights.

but how is allowing women greater tools to procure equal pay for the same job part of a "destructive legislative agenda"?

See the Tenth Amendment. See the fourth Amendment while you are at it.
not quite following you on this one. is it part of a "destructive legislative agenda" to add more lanes to a routinely clogged highway?

Talk to your President. He does pretty good by those clowns.
i don't see how making my credit card company put my billing date on the same day each month (something i bitched at them about for years) is part of a "destructive legislative agenda" as you claimed.


Well-Known Member
I think the fact that we had to go thru that BS with Obama from Kenya showed the true colors of some in this country.
Hey look over here, I Killed Osama, Made you forget all about the birther stuff and the shit going down in Libya didn't it?


Well-Known Member
because they are all from the same source, they must all be irrelevant. way to commit a logical fallacy of dismissing information based on source rather than content.

just an illustration of the very real attack that women's rights are currently facing.

again, they are not scare tactics. they are very real examples of government intrusion and eroding rights for women.
My remark about them all being from the same source was parenthetical and was more a jab at laziness on your part. You blithely ignored my point. Every one of those bills apply to states. Federal law supersedes state law.

it's called a transition. and it is a very limited number when compared to the population as a whole. YAWN.

ha, "messiahcare". someone does not care for an intellectually honest debate, and prefers fox news talking points that demean and belittle instead.

for the record, i know you do not watch fox news. but you sure do latch onto their tit with this whole "messiah" and "chosen one" bullshit.
But if MessiahCare is so great, why any exemptions AT ALL?

and they still get paid less than men for the same job.

but i know, it is not murder so you are opposed in an way to affording them protections of any sort that secure their equal status and rights.

but how is allowing women greater tools to procure equal pay for the same job part of a "destructive legislative agenda"?
They have equal status and equal rights now. But choose to take time off and the job suffers. The same goes for a man.

That's a hard, cold reality.

not quite following you on this one. is it part of a "destructive legislative agenda" to add more lanes to a routinely clogged highway?

i don't see how making my credit card company put my billing date on the same day each month (something i bitched at them about for years) is part of a "destructive legislative agenda" as you claimed.
You make an agreement with a credit card company.

Live with it, or stay out of debt.